Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 792: People don’t offend me, I don’t offend people

Ye Chen stood tall on the sky, thousands of miles away from the ancient Chinese Emperor's capital, and was watching silently.

In the eyes of God, everything is under your eyes.

Behind him, a blue dragon sneered. Fortunately, the Lord had been prepared for a long time, and what went there was just a Taoist body, not the deity at all, and had been watching coldly.

Because the lord was wise, he knew that the ancient Chinese empire was mostly designed to frame, and because Ye Chen killed a holy lord of the dynasty, this kind of enmity was mostly difficult to resolve.

It is ridiculous that the ancient Chinese Empire thought that Ye Chen was about to be killed.

Ye Chen remained motionless, watching silently all the time.

He wanted to see how many other forces were involved outside of the ancient Chinese Empire. Because he didn't think that the ancient Chinese empire would immediately let go of its hatred, he felt that there were several imperial dynasties in it, and they were playing a corresponding role.

If it is really confirmed, he doesn't mind launching a killing that is terrible enough to let the world understand the terrible thing about Ye Chen.

People don’t offend me, I don’t offend people.

If anyone offends me, they will be refunded ten times!


Killing into light in the killing array completely annihilated the void in that area, everything will be wiped out, and the holy soldiers will be immediately annihilated when placed in it, let alone people.

In the end, the area returned to calm, but the original magnificent main hall turned into ashes.

"Haha, what do you say about the fighting holy king, the world is invincible, and you can kill the holy lord. Humph, in the end, it is not going to be completely wiped out by the royal family of our ancient Chinese empire."

In the palace, the high-level powerhouses of the ancient royal family, including the emperor, all laughed, full of joy.

They checked carefully, and there were only a few strands of robbery ashes left in the void, and that area had already been sealed off, it was impossible to escape from it.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the prestigious fighting sage king was killed. This is an established fact that cannot be rejected.

"You guys, it's not just your credit. If we didn't have the mentality of the Changhua Empire and the Liuxia Empire to paralyze him, how could he easily enter that piece of Jedi killing array."

In the void, two other powerful forces appeared, both of whom were great figures of the eternal dynasty, and both appeared at this moment.

Obviously, there are their shadows behind and they have been admitted.

At this moment, the world's talent finally realized that in order to kill the fighting king, not only the ancient Chinese royal family, but also the royal families of the other two empires finally appeared, to fight the invincible fighting king.

It's a pity that although I don't have a lot of good feelings for the fighting king, after all, he is also a generation of invincible young supreme. It is a pity that he was killed in this way.

"It's a pity that everything is extinct and clean, otherwise if he has some treasures left behind, it must be extraordinary."

"It's impossible to stay all, then there is no doubt that when the Killing Array Saint Tsang goes up to the top, they will die. What treasures can be left."

Everyone was talking, a little regretful, but they were in a good mood, after all, they killed an important enemy.

"Unexpectedly, in order to deal with me, there are still three major imperial dynasties. It really made me a little flattered by Ye."

At this moment, a sound suddenly resounded from the horizon, and all of them changed color in an instant.

Because everyone heard it, this voice was not from anyone, it was the invincible fighting king.

Looking at the horizon, who is the Saint King?

In an instant, everyone from the three dynasties seemed to have eaten a child to death, and their faces were as ugly as they were.

Unexpectedly, he did not succeed in killing the fighting sage king.

"Impossible. Obviously, I saw you entered, and the destruction became ashes. It was also blocked by the ancient soldiers on the Heavenly King-level Avenue of our dynasty. How could I escape." The royal family of the ancient Huadi Dynasty is the most ugly. It's so full, how can you escape on Saint King's Day?

Ye Chen sneered coldly: "You did kill me, but I was just going there. How did you kill me?"

Finally, I can only say that Ye Chen's Dao body is too realistic, and it is equally powerful, it is difficult to tell whether it is true or not.

Immediately, Ye Chen looked at the powerhouses of the Changhua Empire and the Liuxia Empire, and said: "I didn't expect you to also make a move. Originally I knew that there was another imperial dynasty hidden in it. Now it's fine, hiding the head and the tail. All the rats have finally come out, and they can kill them all."

"Fighting Saint King, what do you want? Do you want to contend with our three emperors?"

The strong men of the ancient Hua royal family shouted, and the strong men of the other two imperial dynasties were not afraid at all, but threatened Ye Chen.

"Fighting Saint King, no matter how strong you are. If you obediently get caught, we can still spare you death. If you are stubborn, let's not blame me for waiting for your men to be ruthless."

"Catch it with your hands?" Ye Chen glanced at Zhu Qiang lightly, showing contempt and disdain, and said: "Only you guys? I plan to push it horizontally."


Although they knew Ye Chen's strength was beyond imagination, such arrogant remarks made them quite angry. What does it mean, don't you put them in your eyes?

Ye Chen exploded completely, surpassing the holy master, unparalleled in power in the past and present, and under that power, everyone will be discolored.

"People don't offend me, and I don't offend people. Since you've all taken action long ago, I'm here to teach you a lesson you will never forget."

Shutian pointed out directly.


An extremely thick finger descended from the firmament, squeezing the entire firmament, and with the will of the supreme avenue that cut off the firmament, it directly pointed at the ancient Chinese capital and pressed against the powers of the palace.

One finger cut the world!

"court death!"

Although I felt the terrifyingness of this finger, all the powerful teamed up and showed the strongest magical powers and directly fought against them.


That thick giant finger shattered directly, no matter how powerful it was, it couldn't compete with the powerful.

But at this moment, Ye Chen had already arrived in the imperial capital, incredibly fast, unbelievably fast, and Hajime stepped forward with terrible supernatural powers——

Thirty-six thousand swords of the eighteenth style of Tianpeng!

Wan Jianzheng crowed, flickering and striving for glory, and even thicker sword beams shone across the sky, slashing the powers straight.

Unprepared, the three saints were directly killed.

That's right, he was killed. Facing Ye Chen's absolute strength, even the scattered sword light was far beyond the resistance of ordinary saints, and he was killed directly.

Too strong, too invincible, this is the invincible fighting saint king, strong and invincible, rushing to the past alone. ()

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