Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 814: Deceive too much

? Lin Ke'er, when the Xu Emperor Dynasty was called one of the top ten beauties by the good people today, she was fascinating, she also appeared today, for the family.

Standing on the edge of the square, Ye Chen smiled slightly when he saw someone he was familiar with. After a while, this Lin Keer became more and more agile, and there was a few charming charms invisible, which made people's heart appealing. Many men's eyes.

The other middle-aged man who confronted Lin Tian was even bigger and taller, wearing a thick battle armor, and also an ancient sage-level powerhouse. He looked at Lin Tian coldly: "Lin Tian, ​​the gate of space is Those who can get it does not mean that you are yours."

Lin Tian snorted coldly, and there was a decree in his hand, with the unique atmosphere of the Tianxu imperial family, surging and looming, and coldly said: "Meng Ao, this is the decree given to me by your Majesty the Lin family. This year is my Lin family's take over. Isn't it possible that your Meng family wants to disobey your majesty's decree?

The Lin Family didn't worry, because the edict was issued by His Majesty himself, and it had almost the greatest effect in this imperial dynasty. No one would dare to defy the whole Tianxu imperial dynasty.

"You have a decree, don't I have it?"

However, Meng Ao's expression remained unchanged. With a broad palm, another decree appeared in his hand. The same golden brilliance was actually the emperor's decree, and everyone in the Lin family changed their expressions. What's the matter.

But no one suspected that the Meng family was cheating, because this was the imperial capital, and no one dared to defy the Tianxu imperial family.

Lin Tian yelled: "Impossible, your Majesty has clearly given me the Lin family, how can I give you the Meng family."

"Lin Tian, ​​I will convince you to die today." Meng Ao smiled coldly, and sent it to the royal grand elder presided over on the stone platform, and said with a respectful expression: "Too elder, please Look over."

An old man in Chinese clothes stretched out his thin palm and took it over, opened the decree, and there was a surging golden light immediately, which made the eyes of the elder too squint.

That breath is no different from the decree in Lin Tian's hands.

After a while, the elder nodded indifferently, and the old voice resounded throughout the central square: "Yes, this is the decree of my Tianxu imperial family, and there is nothing wrong."

The words of the elder Taishang would directly plunge the entire Lin family into the abyss, and I couldn't believe it.

"How can this be?"

Just like the call of the abyss, Lin Tian and even the entire Lin family were struck by lightning.

Rao is Lin Tian, ​​who holds the empire's tens of thousands of military power, and his heart sinks on his resolute face that has not changed color after numerous battles.

The fist even squeezed, and the whole person exuded a gloomy breath.

Because this time the gate of space is too important for the entire Lin family, let alone the huge income of Lin Run from the gate of space, in the past few years, the Lin family has passed away because of the ancestor of the former generals. , Began to decline and went downhill.

Over the years, the Lin family's influence in the military has been weakened, and the entire family has begun to decline.

This time, Lin Tian was about to use this decree issued by his majesty to take over the gate of space and restore the reputation of the Lin family, but he did not expect to be hit on the day he took over. It was a huge blow.

For the entire Lin family, this blow was extremely serious.

The family members behind Lin Tian's heart sink to the bottom. Is the Lin Family really going to decline?

"Father--" Lin Keer's face paled for a while, looking at the stalwart figure in front of him that used to be as majestic as Mount Tai. At this moment, she looked a little rickety, giving her the urge to cry.

Lin Tian suddenly raised his face, looked directly at Meng Ao, and shouted: "Meng Ao, I don't believe that your majesty will make such a decree. It is clearly my Lin family this time, how can I allow it to you."

Not only Lin Tian, ​​but everyone else was curious, the contemporary emperor repeatedly issued two identical decrees to the two families, which was too confused and affected his majesty.

"Lin Tian, ​​it is true that this decree was not issued by your majesty, but it was issued by the supreme emperor, and it is not much different from your majesty." Meng Ao coldly told a surprising fact.

Although the supreme emperor has abdicated, as an emperor, he is not like a secular dynasty. The strong is respected. The supreme emperor is a sacred figure of the undead level. Generally, he does not show up, but once he shows up, the contemporary emperor must give He is three-faceted.

"By the way, the family ancestor and His Majesty the Supreme Emperor used to be comrades in arms who fought side by side and had a life and death friendship, so..."

He chuckled, the meaning was self-evident.

The hearts of the Lin Family and others have completely sunk, and even the Supreme Emperor has come forward. Isn't the Lin Family unsaved?

"Lin Tian, ​​it is better to persuade you to step back obediently. Now my Meng family is not comparable to your declining Lin family." Meng Ao's words have a lofty arrogance, and he doesn't pay attention to the Lin family at all. in.

Lin Tian's fists were clenched, and the Meng family was really deceiving people too much. This made Lin Tian's resolute face faintly angered, and even faintly revealed a powerful ancient sage power.

But Meng Ao is not much weaker, and more importantly, behind him, there is an old man walking out, the aura on his body is much more terrifying, only when Hajime appeared, it was the power of the hero. , Completely pressed on Lin Tian, ​​let him retreat step by step, if he was struck by lightning, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.


Seeing this, Lin Kerr hurried forward with an exclamation and supported Lin Tian.

"Father, are you okay." Lin Kerr was weeping.

Lin Tian shook his head, but his face was very pale, but also sad and disappointed.

The Meng family had such powerful characters, and the family ancestor had a close relationship with the Supreme Emperor, and the Lin family was completely defeated.

He showed a bitter smile, shook his head towards Lin Keer, and touched her head fondly: "Keer, let's go."

Lin Keer Lihua nodded with rain.


Suddenly a voice sounded, and suddenly from Meng Ao walked out a handsome and somewhat wicked handsome man, who looked twenty-five or sixteen years old, and was somewhat similar to Meng Ao, apparently the son of Meng Ao, named Meng Hua.

When he saw Lin Ke'er, his eyes lighted up, and he exclaimed: "Tsk, what a beautiful little lady, I didn't expect to see you in a few years, but the longer my sister, the more beautiful."

Lin Kerr glanced at the opponent in disgust, and left without looking back.

Meng Hua didn't just retreat. Instead, he strode forward and yelled, "Sister Ke'er, for my brother, I have been with you since childhood. You don't have to go so fast. Now my brother can give you the Lin family a chance. Opportunity to rise again."

Although she knew that Meng Hua's words had no good intentions, Lin Keer couldn't help but pause slightly, and then hesitated and asked: "What opportunity?"

Meng Hua smiled: “Of course it’s a good opportunity. If Sister Ke’er is willing to marry my brother, I can guarantee that from now on, the Lin family will be protected by the Meng family, and the two will be married and united. Isn’t it better?"

"Meng Hua, don't think about it!" Lin Keer ugly refused. How could she want to be with him, and really want to marry? Isn't the entire Lin family just doing wedding dresses and becoming an affiliate of the Meng family.

Lin Tian naturally saw the stakes and couldn't agree to it.

But at this time, Meng Hua directly rushed forward, stretched out a big furry hand, and ran into Lin Ke'er's well-developed chest from the crowd, his actions were not ordinary shameless and indecent.


Lin Ke'er exclaimed, how could Lin Tian allow others to blaspheme her baby **** the spot like this, snorted coldly, and directly raised her hand and swept it over.

But Meng Ao also gave a cold snort, grabbed Meng Hua back, and slapped it out, colliding with it, and suddenly there was a terrible big fluctuation.

Both of them retreated a few steps. Although they suppressed each other's strength as much as possible, how could the two emperors, the ancient sage-level strong, be weak? The hard stone slabs underneath them accompanied their retreat. With one step out, there was a terrible scene of cracking every inch.

In the end, under both of them, there was a piece of earth that was shaken into stone dust, drifting away in the wind, one after another.

"Lin Tian, ​​really toast and not drink fine wine, dare to shoot my son." Meng Ao coldly snorted.

Lin Tiansi refused: "Meng Ao, your son dared to attack my daughter, but he was looking for death. If he dared to attack my daughter again, he would let him corpse on the spot, believe it or not!"

Hearing Lin Tian's ruthless words, Meng Ao's son shuddered, even Meng Ao seemed quite surprised, because even though he had been tit-for-tat with Lin Tian over the years, he didn't want to see Lin Tian let out ruthless words like this.

Obviously This Lin Keer is indeed Lin Tian's bottom line, and should not be touched.

He was also a great general of the imperial dynasty. Although the Lin family was declining, the camel was bigger than a horse, and the royal family strictly prohibited cannibalism.

Otherwise, once they are discovered, they will be severely punished by the emperor.

But if you don’t teach the Lin family a lesson today, Meng Ao really can’t breathe out that breath, and immediately said gloomily: "What a Lin Tian. You are good, I won’t do it, but if you don’t teach you the Lin family today, I really thought I was still the former Lin family. Clan elder, please take action and teach him a lesson."

"It should be."

The clan elder behind him nodded indifferently, stepped forward and swept over with a slap, and the power of the male master class smashed through the sky, and the mighty, it made everyone in the Lin family change their colors.

Lin Tian looked pale, even though he knew it was difficult to move forward, he still took the initiative to step forward with the crisis of serious injury.

At this moment, the mighty momentum suddenly stopped, and a faint voice resounded throughout the central square: "The Meng Family, it's too much."

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