Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 836: Full force



Shocked beyond words!

At this point in the war, the fighting king hasn't tried his best to fight!

What an astonishing sentence, one can hardly believe all this.

Because the battle has reached this point, the fighting power of the Saint King has already shown a level comparable to that of the Saint Lord.

Looking at the past and the present, looking at the Ancient God Continent, how many people have been able to achieve this step at this age throughout the ages.

It can be said to be unique, and only Gu Changsheng in front of him can achieve it, but the Emperor Tianxu is actually saying that the Fighting Saint King has not yet made a full fight.

How can this be! ?

Looking at the countless people gathered in the entire ancient **** city, there are not many believers. After all, they have never really seen the fighting power of the fighting king.

She gave up on the people who participated in the battle of the three major dynasties in the past, and some people who had come to watch, and the rest had never really seen it.

The rest of the world only thought that the war was nothing more than a rumor that it was too fictitious, or that the Saint King of Fighting used some mysterious trump cards in the heavens and ten thousand domains to finally achieve that effect.

Only the Nine Great Dynasties and a small number of people would truly understand how powerful the Saint King was in that battle.

But for some reason, at this time, the fighting king didn't seem to show the invincible posture at the time.


The small heaven and earth transformed by the battle platform of heaven and earth are all disintegrated, destroyed by terror, and the battle platform itself is not damaged.

The two strongest men passed by, and the confrontation ended here.

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Gu Changsheng's mouth, and he encountered a certain amount of trauma, and there was a clear fist mark on the black and crystal-clear armor, which was left by the fighting king, and he actually reached this step.

On the other hand, the King of Fighting and Wars, the body is still shining with bright golden clouds, the golden glory is immortal, and he has never suffered any trauma.

Obviously he had the upper hand in the previous confrontation.

The people all over the city were amazed that the fighting sage king actually overwhelmed the descendants of the ancient temple and gained a certain upper hand.

However, Gu Changsheng was extraordinary after all. He did not suffer serious trauma at all. It was just a slight bleeding from the corners of his mouth, but his eyes still looked so hot and strong, shining like the sky, saying: "The fighting king, you really are a very A strong opponent did not disappoint me. It is extraordinary, but if I tell you that you have only used half of your combat power to deal with it all the time, I am afraid you really think you can be above me."

He said faintly, with the moment his voice fell, he seemed to have a kind of **** untied, his aura suddenly became stronger and stronger than before, and the whole seat was truly turbulent. The ancient **** city destroys all enemies and shocks people's hearts.

Shocked the world!

"What, Gu Changsheng has never used all his strength, and has hidden half of his power, which is even stronger than the Holy Lord."

"It really is a descendant of the ancient temple, it is terrifying, it seems that the most powerful King of Fighting will be suppressed."

The world is amazed and regretful.

And the looks of many of the strongest Tianjiao changed and changed, and finally gave birth to a sense of despair, only half of the power has suppressed them so that they have no resistance. It is really impossible to make a full shot, and how terrifying it should be.

"Battle Saint King, you are really strong. In order to give you the respect you deserve, I will show you how strong my true strength is."

Gu Changsheng's faint voice seemed to be coming from Nine Heavens. He strode up, sweeping over the sky with great power, bursting into the sky, and boiling blood.


He roared, swallowing the heavens and the earth, covering the heavens and the earth, nine heavens and ten earths will tremble with him, he is shooting, terrible to the extreme, like a magic star struck across, the void collapsed completely, hitting the world Outside the battlefield, it spread to the ancient city of God, causing a huge panic.

But the ancient **** city was extraordinary, with divine light flashing quickly, resisting Gu Changsheng's attack, otherwise he would suffer heavy casualties.

Ye Chen stared at him, raised his hand and showed a brilliant divine light, turned into a golden ocean and rushed over, collided with it, and exploded one after another, Xiaoguang went straight for nine days and was about to sink into the outside world.

But he had not completely resisted Gu Changsheng's attack. After he had completely recovered his strength, Gu Changsheng did indeed have the capital to be proud of, and the light of destruction spread, but Ye Chen calmly and calmly repeatedly resisted.

And he ran the Heaven Summoning technique, and a vast cloud of phantom appeared between the heaven and the earth, and the bombardment passed.

Zheng Zheng Zheng -

The black crystal armor that Gu Changsheng wore was completely screaming, with brilliant sparks splashing, as if it were hit by 36,000 swords, he encountered an unparalleled attack.

The body was blown into pieces by the void, and the void was annihilated into the void, but in the face of such a terrible attack, Gu Changsheng was unharmed, standing there, motionless, and could not hurt him at all.

The discoloration of the world was shocked by Gu Changsheng's invincible defensive power, and the Fighting Saint King could not hurt him.

Even Ye Chen's discoloration changed slightly. He didn't expect that this ancient longevity was really so powerful that he was indeed a descendant of the ancient temple.

"Although you are strong, you can't hurt me if you only have this means." Gu Changsheng was not furious, his expression was very arrogant, and he did not put Ye Chen's attack in his eyes.

Ye Chen was slightly amazed, being able to act as the heir of this golden age to the ancient temple, this ancient longevity indeed has the capital to overlook the same generation.

But who said he only had this means?

He showed a cold smile: "Gu Changsheng, you are indeed amazing, but it also made me interested."

"Interest? It's ridiculous." Gu Changsheng shook his head, his black hair was scattered, and the light from his eyes was terrifying, overlooking the heavens.

"I'm only interested in are not my opponent at all."

This is a kind of domineering, a kind of arrogance, and also a kind of conceit, and only he is qualified to say it, because he does have the capital of conceit.

At the same time, he moved!


The divine might was overwhelming, and a **** battle aura rushed into his body, tumbling over the sky, bursting into the world, turning into a **** war spear, and only wanted Ye Chen to attack and kill.


Gu Changsheng roared, shaking the earth, behind him flapping the fairy phoenix divine wings, he was clearly just one person, but like a million army rushing away, shattering ten directions of clouds, invincible, unmatched!


Ye Chen spit out only one word, the words were stunned, and his eyes were shocking, and he shot through the sky, swinging the holy fist and rushing directly.

That holy fist can shatter everything, entraining the vast golden clouds, like a golden ocean rushing past, turned into a golden spear to fight!

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