Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 847: Black hole mystery

? Ye Chen's scalp is about to explode!

A mysterious huge black hole opened in the highest sky, and between the black holes, there was a mysterious ancient bronze coffin lying in it.

What kind of scene is this?

So weird, so terrifying!

Now, he finally knows that the source of the special aura that can make people feel refreshed is in that black hole. It is in that black hole that he does not know where to lead, nor why it appears. There is such a mysterious aura constantly. Emerge.

The auspicious aura makes people feel refreshed, as if immortal energy is boiling, but the whole black hole looks like it is about to swallow the special world where the entire ancient temple is located.

And the mysterious ancient bronze coffin lies across it, preventing the black hole from being swallowed. Nine rusty bronze chains are wrapped around the ancient coffin, extending in nine different directions, becoming the one of the nine. The number of poles, the position of the nine palaces, was submerged in the hazy sky. Search for the latest chapters on Baidu-"Net"

This is a weird scene.

If it hadn't been for the sudden appearance of the sky thunder, it would have cleaved out layers of haziness, it would be impossible for Ye Chen to see it.

Ye Chen had seen the scene before and imprinted it in his mind. He had an intuition that the black hole inhabited by the ancient bronze coffin must have a surprisingly large origin, because when he saw the black hole, Ye Chen again I felt another different kind of Qi.

That kind of qi gave him the feeling that his scalp would explode completely, because he had felt it once before.

That place was not other places, it was the last passage that appeared in the Starry Sky Land in the Sky Pass, with the same Qi mechanism being released.

Could it be that what kind of connection is there between the two?

He was skeptical that the way to the two was the same.

Is the other side of the black hole leading to...

Suddenly, an amazing idea came to him in his mind, and even some he couldn't believe it, some changed color, but it was difficult to confirm.

What an ancient shrine is becoming more and more mysterious, it is difficult for him to see what kind of shocking secrets it hides.

Ye Chen wanted to see it again, but he did not act, but looked deeply at the direction of the Ancient Immortal Palace.

Because the one who shot just now is definitely a heavenly king, and a mighty heavenly king, far stronger than ordinary heavenly kings.

It is him that makes him feel jealous and difficult to shoot.

Could it be that ancient palace master?


Everything returned to calm, the ancient immortal hall was still silent, the energy flowed, everything was as usual, but no one rushed to appear.

For the sudden appearance of Tianlei, it seems that there is no slightest accountability.

Only the seven immortal true kings, including the Sun God and Yuanyang God King, looked at Ye Chen, because each of them had mysterious means and could perceive part of the vague scene. Needless to say, Ye Chen touched the taboo.

It's just that they also have a trace of doubt between their expressions, and they seem to have seen the black hole in the sky.

At this moment, the saint-level guard who was going to report at this time appeared from the gate of the ancient immortal hall, quickly came to Li Xuan's ear, and transmitted the voice in a low-key voice.

Although I don't know what was said, the visible expression of Li Xuan suddenly became weird, even a little gloating, so I don't need to look at it to know that it is not a good thing.

He coughed, and he came to Ye Chen and said with a serious face: "Fighting Saint King, the true king and distinguished guest from the heavens and ten thousand realms, I'm sorry, you can't see the palace owner for the time being."

Ye Chen's heart sank suddenly!


"The palace lord is in a deep retreat, no one is allowed to disturb, too high elders are not allowed. Therefore, regarding the identity of the descendant, I have to temporarily put it aside, please forgive me."

Li Xuan explained: "If you are not in a hurry, you can temporarily stay in the ancient shrine for a while. My ancient shrine has excellent training treasures and various magical powers, which can provide guests with practice and viewing."

Ye Chen, Sun God and others suddenly looked slightly sinking.

It's normal for the ancient temple master to retreat, but why didn't they remind them when they were down the mountain, and didn't tell them until they spent two days walking up the mountain step by step. What does this mean, is it teasing them?

And who is the mysterious ancient palace lord who just shot the vast hand?

Whether it is Ye Chen or Zhuzhen Kings, who is not the arrogant generation, and now being teased, who can tolerate.

But now it’s just the first time to come to the ancient temple, and I don’t know many things about this mysterious power. The look became even more gloomy.

"Everyone, please go down the mountain, my ancient temple will definitely entertain you." Li Xuan smiled.

"Let's go." Ye Chen said, a little cold, which also surprised the other true kings.

It must be known that the Fighting Saint King has always been famous for being strong and domineering, and when he was actually subdued, it is surprising.

But how did they know that although Ye Chen was a little angry, he also knew the severity of the matter, and the ancient temple was too weird, and he needed to explore it.

In the end, the Zhuzhen Kings were a little helpless, but they had to go down the mountain temporarily with the Fighting Saint King. If it is the same next time, even if they fight the price of offending the ancient temple, they will disrupt the ancient temple to the ground.

"All go quickly, don't disturb the cleanliness of the ancient immortal hall, and don't disturb the palace lord's retreat, otherwise even the distinguished guests!"

The two saint-level guards are very impatient. Although these people are all distinguished guests, they never show off.

Even if you see a saint master-level figure, you don't need to be courteous, and you won't pay attention to it, because they are the guards of the ancient temple, the guards of the palace master of the ancient temple, this alone is enough.

However, it is a pity that the Zhuzhen Kings present are not from the Ancient God Continent, they are also people with extraordinary cultivation bases and terrifying backgrounds.

The lord of the ancient temple is nothing more than that, the strongest Taoist master ~ must also be the king of heaven, making them feel jealous, but when can the two saints be so mocking and disdain them.

The expressions of both Ye Chen and Zhuzhen Kings sank completely. Li Xuan felt bad at first sight, and was about to stop hurriedly saying, "You guys, don't be angry--"

But before a word was finished, a figure had already rushed out, almost to the extreme, carrying a terrifying background of the corpse mountain and blood sea before the two saint guards, the magic light was overwhelming, and extremely frightening.

That is the strongest ancient demon god!

He is the most devilish and violent, without saying a word, he will immediately shoot.

The two saint guards were taken aback and hurriedly said, "What do you want to do, we are the guards of the Ancient Immortal Palace——"


Huanggu Demon God shot directly, the magic light was overwhelming, and he swept over with a slap.

Puff puff, the two door guards were directly slapped, and the whole person exploded half of his body and hit the front door, blood stained and dying.

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