Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 857: Bloody King


On the spacious square of the Temple of Martial Arts, powerful figures continued to descend, attracting attention from all quarters.

For example, the gods of Yuanyang, Cangjitian, Ye Gucheng, and other real kings, Tianjiao, also have superpowers from the ancient gods who have been invited to hide in ancient temples, and some even specialize in Dao Changershu. The old guys who had only been out of the customs in ten to a hundred years were all shocked.

For the latter, the brand of the Heavenly King has never been challenged for hundreds of thousands of years, and they really want to know which super power is going to take the shot.

They quickly entered the martial arts space and rushed into the heavenly king-level martial arts brand that Ye Chen touched, only to see that the strong men of other ancient temples were already there waiting.

The martial arts brand of the Heavenly Kings is unique. Challengers can be allowed to watch the battle when they are confronted by the battle brand. The original intention is to allow the people in the ancient temple to watch the battle of the kings and realize their feelings.

"Look, the portal of teleportation has appeared, go in!"

I don't know who screamed, and only saw an ancient gate of heaven and earth appeared in the martial arts sacred stone space, engraved with the mysterious avenue pattern, and opened.

Many powerful men rushed into that mysterious ancient door and sank into it one after another.

The immortal true kings such as Yuanyang God King and Sun God rushed into the ancient gate one after another.


After Ye Chen touched the martial arts brand, the whole person was suddenly absorbed into a strange space.

Perhaps it is more accurate to say that this is a land of stars, with many stars rotating, as well as tens of hundreds of miles of thick gravel belts that traverse the sky, which is not known for many miles, and there are patches of meteor showers. Empty, very spectacular.

"Welcome to the starry sky battlefield!"

Just after Ye Chen appeared, a sudden voice suddenly sounded.

Ye Chen looked over suddenly, only to see a blood-colored figure suddenly appeared on a huge meteorite with a diameter of hundreds of miles not far ahead.

The whole body was covered with blood and **** swords, and even the eyes were blood red. The whole body was exuding a peaceful breath, it seemed to be just an ordinary person, even the hero could not feel the slightest crisis here. .

But Ye Chen is like an enemy!

"It hasn't been a long time since a challenger came. I finally waited for one today. It seems to be a little interesting. He is a young man." The man in blood on the meteor smiled slightly. He was a handsome middle-aged man with a handsome smile. , But it gives people a very strange feeling.

"By the way, I forgot to introduce myself. You can call me the king in blood."

At the same time, on the other side of the starry sky battlefield, there is a divided void space, which is a place to watch the battle, and all the people who watch the battle are in this place.

"The blood-clothed king, it turned out to be him!"

When they saw the handsome man with blood and blood, almost everyone exclaimed in amazement, even the eyes of those old and undead shone.

He was actually the blood-clothed king, a powerful king who had shaken the world in the past, and the most fierce and powerful king in history.

All this is only because the blood-clothed king is too famous, too fierce, looks like a strange and handsome, but in the past he was an extremely violent and **** man, who slaughtered hundreds of millions of creatures from an ancient country overnight. A generation of **** heavenly kings who have been tainted with the blood of thousands of creatures, mad and enlightened!

Even though it has been hundreds of thousands of years away, the **** reputation of the blood-clothed king is still vivid.

"It's you!"

Ye Chen also condensed his eyebrows. Naturally, he had also learned about a heavenly king from ancient times to the present.

Heavenly kings are rare in the ages, and are naturally recorded in the history of the ancient gods. Among them, the blood-clothed heavenly kings in front of them are the most famous.

The blood-clothed king may not be the best in the world, but when it comes to killing blood, it is truly the first.

The **** slaughter of tens of thousands of people is generally not done by the heavenly kings, nor dare to do it, because the more creatures killed, the greater the karma fire of the heavens.

It is rumored that this blood-clothed heavenly king enlightened Dao-Zhi Hua in the past, which was related to that **** massacre, which caused an overly powerful causal fire to fall, and thus Zi Hua.

Ye Chen just randomly clicked on a Heavenly King-class Avenue brand, but he didn't expect that the first one to click on was the Blood-clothed King.

This is a character worthy of everyone's awe.

The blood-clothed king suddenly sighed faintly: "Unfortunately, I am no longer me. I am afraid that this deity will be lost long ago. I am just a trace of the imprint left by the deity, but my unique knowledge is not something ordinary people can do. Achieved. Junior, I see that your vitality and blood are astonishing, and your treasures are very powerful. You may be able to compare with my generation of heavenly kings. You are an amazing junior, but if you want to gain my unique knowledge, you still have to pass my level. "


The heavens and the earth trembled, and the galaxy burst, this was the terrifying power of the existence of the Uranus-level.

The blood-clothed heavenly king hasn't made a complete move yet, but the heavenly king-level avenue is to suppress the heavens. The nine heavens and the ten earth are shaking, and the six and eight wastes are cracking, which is extremely terrible.

This is a powerful manifestation of the existence of the Heavenly King level. It is horrifying to such a level that it has not really taken a shot. If it is really taken, I don't know how strong it should be.

Worthy of being the blood-clothed king, really powerful, extremely powerful!

Just wanting to make Ye Chen retreat in the face of difficulty, impossible!


The moment the words fell, the Blood-Clothed Heavenly King made a move, just lightly pointed a finger, and the blood burst into the sky.

There is an unparalleled principle of the Great Dao unfolding, spreading in all directions, covering hundreds of miles in a radius, and the fragments of broken star belts are completely annihilated. Not far away there is a huge meteorite with a diameter of hundreds of miles. Up.

Everyone who watched the game was shocked from the bottom of their hearts.

Is this the shot of a powerful heavenly king? The power between raising his hands is boundless, far surpassing the holy Tibetan realm.

These people don't say that they are this mysterious lunatic, even if a few holy Tibetans are together, they are bound to die, unstoppable.

The lunatic is not a challenge, even resistance is a problem.

When they looked at Ye Chen, they were stunned. Ye Chen didn't stop him at all. When they raised their hands, they tore open a huge gap in space, drawing dozens of miles, and the darkness was better than the abyss. The blood and light attack swallowed and absorbed them all, and the annihilation disappeared.

Only those Immortal True Kings blinked one by one, staring at the Fighting Saint King, always feeling that his strength was stronger than that.

"Blood-clothed King, do you only have this means?"

Ye Chen's faint words resounded through the sky, "If this is really the only thing, then it's my turn to take action!"


At this moment, Ye Chen had a shocking air in his body that was unleashing, exploding the heaven and the earth and flooding the starry sky.

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