Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 866: Dizi

An hour later, that martial arts brand was cracked, and a heroic and slender figure strode out, with flowing black hair and extraordinary arrogance, it was Ye Chen.

He is out!

Standing in the martial arts sacred stone space, it is so glorious.

At this moment, all eyes were cast in an instant, with awe, shock, horror, dignity, fear, disbelief... all kinds of looks, very complicated!

Much attention!

Especially those Immortal True Kings, all of them had eyes flickering, and the expressions on their faces didn't know how complicated they were.

Ye Chen stood alone, glanced at Zhu Qiang, and also at the Seven Immortal True King Tianjiao, nodding slightly, very peaceful.

Even his body is peaceful, neither strong nor weak, but it also makes people feel that he is unfathomable, and it is difficult to detect the depth. Search for the latest chapters on Baidu-"Net"

How strong is he? Do you really have the supreme combat power of the Heavenly King Realm?

No one asked, maybe he didn't dare to ask, because Ye Chen just stood there, his aura was calm, but invisibly released a kind of coercion over the world, it was awesome and looked up, and I didn't dare to ask.

At this time, after all, there was someone who stepped forward. It was the God King Yuanyang. This transcendent figure like a child of light spoke with a little bit of complexity, and said, "Brother Qianyue, have you become the king of heaven?"

When the words fell, not only the Yuanyang God King, but also the sun god, angel prince Nosius, Feng Wu, Cangjitian, and even a powerful person in the ancient temple, all looked at Ye Chen at this moment. , Obviously also want to know the answer.

Is he really a king of heaven?

"Never." Ye Chen shook his head truthfully.

This answer made many people breathe a sigh of relief. Finally, they never went against the sky, never reached the kingdom of heaven, otherwise they would have become a king at this age, and how many people would strangle themselves.

Because he is too young, he has become a heavenly king in less than a hundred years of cultivation, not to mention that it is the ancient gods continent. Even in the heavens and domains, no one seems to have reached this step through the ages. It seems that only the god-defying evildoers in the age of mythology can Make it happen.

But the next moment, each of them took a breath of cold, and looked at Ye Chen in horror.

They only remembered now that although Ye Chen had never become a heavenly king, it was even more shocking, because he had fought with the blood-clothed heavenly king to this point without achieving the heavenly king level. The battle was so fierce that it was simply shocking.

And now someone suddenly remembered that Ye Chen's leaving the martial arts brand was not to reorganize his body in the martial arts divine stone space, but to appear from the martial arts brand.

Then there is only one explanation, that is, Ye Chen defeated the blood-clothed king and won the martial arts brand.


Like a thunderbolt in the blue sky blasted into everyone's hearts.

It is precisely because of this that it is the most shocking, because the fighting sage king created the myth of ancient and modern, retrogradely cutting down the immortals in the holy Tibetan realm, and beheading the ancient heavenly kings. What a shocking thing, only now It was just remembered.

Once spread out, it will definitely cause the most terrible uproar.

The immortal kings of Yuanyang and other immortal kings changed their expressions drastically. They looked at Ye Chen in amazement. Did he really reach that point? That is the supreme forbidden realm, even among the mythical emperor and emperor. A handful of people did it in their youth.

This is a godless posture, and the mythical emperor and the strongest period of the emperor's youth are just like this.

In a trance, they seemed to see a supreme emperor rising up, standing on the top of the sky, looking down at the heavens, disregarding the six harmony and eight wilderness, and all spirits were respected, making people look up.

Fighting the saint king, with a godless posture, is destined to become a supreme one in the future.

Born in the same era as this young supreme with imperial posture, in the same emperor's battle for supremacy, it is the Yuanyang God King, the Sun God, and the Wild Ancient Demon God who are the most powerful blockers of the eternal Tianjiao who are aspiring to be emperor. Can be crossed?

The sun **** sighed sincerely: "Fighting Saint King, you have really created a myth of ancient and modern times, and I will be ashamed of it."

It is conceivable how desperate Ye Chen is now to make an immortal true king speak like this.

The God King Yuanyang suddenly asked, "Dare to ask Brother Qianyue, how much power of faith did the Heavenly King use in the battle?"

This question is startling, and it has made many people come to realize that, I am afraid that the fighting saint king can defeat the blood-clothed king. In all likelihood, it is related to the power of faith. It also makes many people breathe a sigh of relief. This kind of evildoer would really be crazy to stay together.

However, this has made the ancient shrines tremble, and they can have the power of faith comparable to the heavenly king. The power behind this fighting sage must be a huge ancient country, not weaker than the eternal emperor.

More and more I feel the unfathomable depth of the Fighting Saint King.

Ye Chen's expression remained unchanged, but he just smiled: "Brother Yuanyang, what do you think?"

Neither admit nor deny, the attitude is very vague, but it is becoming more and more fearful.

The expressions of the other true immortal kings changed slightly. They all felt that the matter was not simple, and they always had a bad feeling.

They always felt that it was not that Ye Chen used the power of faith, but that there were other powers that allowed him to reach this point. How did he achieve this?

In the end, Ye Chen floated away, straddling the sky, and heading to the next Heavenly King-level martial arts brand.

The few true kings did not follow up. At this point, they all knew that the fighting king would do everything possible to conceal it, the viewing space would no longer be open, and force shots would only be futile.

And there is no need to challenge the blood-clothed heavenly king, they can imagine that the blood-clothed heavenly king will definitely not say it, and disdain to say it.

Regarding the strength of the fighting king, it has become a mystery!

"Perhaps, we will soon be able to know the strength of the Fighting Saint King." After the **** king Yuan Yang said such a sentence inexplicably, he disappeared from the martial arts **** stone space.

At the same time is located in the seven towering Tianwang Mountains in the central area of ​​the ancient temple, one of which is the Tianwang Mountain where the old Tianmei Xuan lived.

On it stands a majestic ancient hall, magnificent and magnificent, with carved beams and painted towers, with aura, like a dream and fantasy, like a fairyland ancient hall.

On weekdays, no one here dared to disturb the practice of the seven heavenly kings, even some veterans of the ancient temples need to report to be eligible to visit.

At this moment, Li Xuan came to this hall after leaving the customs, and finally got the qualification to meet him.

In the ancient temple, the old Tianmeixuan sitting on the throne looked at the visiting Li Xuan, raised his slender eyebrows slightly, nodded and smiled: "I didn't expect you to retreat for two years, and your cultivation level has increased again. It's not bad, really good. "

Li Xuan humbly clasped his fists: "Old Xuan has overwhelmed the prize, and Li just broke through by chance."

"Let's talk about it, why are you coming in so anxiously this time?"

"It's about the Fighting Saint King!"

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