Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 875: Secrets (1)

For a long time, Ye Chen wanted to know many secrets hidden in the ancient gods continent, such as the sealed land, such as the ancient emperor continent, such as the battle of the early days and so on.

These secrets, no accurate answer can be obtained in the eternal dynasty, only the eternal and immortal force like the ancient temple can get the real answer.

"Well, since you are the elder Xuan of my ancient temple, you are naturally qualified to know some real secrets of the ancient **** continent, please here."

The battle of the heavenly kings outside had ended long ago, because of Ye Chen's sake, both sides put down their battles.

However, the secrets are the secrets of the ancient shrines and cannot be spread.

In the Ancient Immortal Palace, apart from the elders of the heavenly kings, Ye Chen was the only one who was invited to enter, and the other heavenly kings and even the immortal true kings had not been invited in, so they had to wait outside.

In a sense, there are also some secrets about the ancient shrine, which should not be spread.

On the Ancient Immortal Hall, the Lord of the Ancient God Palace said: "Battle Saint King, I wonder what secrets you want to know?"

The Human Emperor Pagoda emerged between Ye Chen's palms, ups and downs, and a cloud of ancient chaos emerged, saying: "I want to know about this tower."

The Lord of the Ancient God Palace gave him a weird look, and said: "Battle Saint King, you should know better than us about this tower. It is the supreme soldier of the Supreme Human Emperor of the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms, the Emperor of Calling. tower."

"No, I know about the deeds of the Human Emperor Tower in the ancient emperor world. Or, to be more precise, I want to know about the First Battle."

"You know the first battle!" The Lord of the Ancient God Palace glowed with light.

"Know some, it is said that it was the battle to destroy the realm, the most terrifying battle that almost wiped out the entire ancient emperor realm."

The Lord of the Ancient God Palace said with a stern face: "You are right. The first battle indeed almost wiped out the ancient world. The consequences are serious. It is related to the four supreme figures of the early era. The battle is too fierce."

"I would like to hear the details!" Ye Chen listened carefully.

"During that battle, four supreme beings participated." The master of the ancient temple pointed to the imperial pagoda, "the master of this Taoist pagoda participated, the founder of the ancient temple participated, and the demon gods The participation of the Lord also involves the participation of the supreme power on the other side of the sea of ​​chaos."

"As you know, the owner of this tower is the supreme human emperor of your heavens and tens of thousands of domains. In the early days, I once took this human emperor tower into our ancient emperor world, and later encountered the first battle."

"You should also know that what some people on the Ancient God Continent knew about the First Battle was nothing more than two rumors."

"One means that the ancient emperor world was almost destroyed because the four supreme beings went to war, and the other was that the four supreme beings were fighting against the same enemy. The fierce battle almost destroyed the ancient emperor world, and it also generally refers to protecting it. Not to be destroyed."

"Battle Saint King, which one do you think is more?" The ancient **** palace master suddenly asked Ye Chen.

Ye Chen said, "About this, I personally prefer the latter. If the Emperor of Humanity makes a move, I am afraid that he is invincible in the universe. Unless the real mythical emperor and the emperor recover, there are not many people in the world who are his opponents. But the Emperor of Humanity He does not do anything casually. He dominates the ups and downs of the ten thousand realms. It is impossible to do anything that is not necessary, nor will he casually destroy a large world, especially the ancient emperor realm. So I think it is the foreign enemy that makes the ancient emperor realm four The Great Existence takes action, and only then is there a battle in the beginning and a battle to destroy the realm!"

Under normal circumstances, he would not think that the emperor needed to join forces with the three supreme beings of the ancient emperor world to take action against foreign enemies.

But he knows the alien race, this terrifying alien race from another universe, and also knows that their horror is the root of the era of mythology, and it is stronger than irresistible.

I have also met real alien emperors and emperors, looking down on the past and present from the long river of years, and strangling the heavens and ten thousand domains.

Therefore, he understands that in the early days of the war, the emperor's action was mostly due to these alien invasions.

The lord of the ancient temple nodded: "You are right. In the past, there were indeed unmatched foreign enemies, but it should not be said that it was an invasion, but the supreme alien being sealed in this world was born out of trouble!"

"Zhenfeng's foreign race is supreme!" Ye Chen's expression finally changed slightly, and he realized some unusual meanings.

"Yes, this is the supreme existence of the emperor and the imperial town of the last era sealed in the ancient emperor realm. It broke away from the former emperor and the emperor’s town seal, was born, disrupted the ancient emperor realm, and absorbed hundreds of millions of living creatures. He’s blood soul regained his stubborn body, and he wanted to refine the origin of the ancient emperor world."

The Lord of the Ancient God Palace said that during the Primordial Era, the supreme being of the alien race was born. It was a terrible disaster. It harmed the entire ancient emperor world. There is a magnificent continent called the Ancient Immortal Continent, which is larger and huge than the Ancient God Continent, and it is home to hundreds of millions of creatures.

But after the supreme being of the alien race was born, he forcibly refined the hundreds of millions of creatures in the ancient immortal continent, absorbed the essence of life and a ray of blood soul in their bodies, and repaired the remains. The entire continent became a dead continent .

Ye Chen could fully imagine the tragedy and **** days, the living creatures living on that piece of ancient immortal continent were hundreds of millions, at least billions.

Every living being has the essence of life, the weaker ones are smaller, and the stronger ones have the essence of life stronger.

The Ancient Immortal Continent was so powerful that it was even many times stronger than the current Ancient God Continent. It had the existence of ancient power, but the entire continent was completely silent overnight, and the essence of life was absorbed. There is a precious thing for recovery.

Naturally is precisely because of this, which alarmed the three supreme beings of the ancient emperor world at that time, and also alarmed the ancient emperor of the heavens and tens of thousands of domains at all costs and entered the ancient emperor world. .

That battle was really too fierce, and almost destroyed the original emperor realm of the emperor Fang, so it also has the title of World Destruction Battle.

"That battle was too fierce. The four supreme beings gave up the Ten Thousand Realms Supreme Human Emperor and retreated. The other three supreme beings were dead and wounded."

"For example, the first generation of the palace lord of my ancient temple was the founder, also known as the ancient **** of the primordial beginning. After the war, he was severely injured, and because of the supreme alien existence, he issued the most terrible curse when he was dying. The entire Ancient God Continent will destroy hundreds of millions of living creatures on the continent. At the critical moment, the ancient **** ancestors in the early days blocked more than ninety-nine percent of the curse, and finally fell." The ancient **** palace master mentioned this, whether it was He is still the other heavenly king, Xuan Lao, and he is full of sorrow and admiration.

It can be said that if the ancient gods did not take action, it would block ninety percent of the power of the supreme curse, otherwise the ancient gods at that time would be overwhelmed, and the racial creatures would be immortal, and it would even be completely annihilated.

Ye Chen also sighed lightly, this is a real outstanding person, and now I know that the curse of the ancient **** continent originated from this.

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