Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 882: A passionate declaration

?Who can accept?

The many heroes who came to the ancient **** city shook their heads secretly. They were all heroes of one party, or even the lord of the great sect, to dominate a region, and all spirits bowed their heads.

Now they want them to become subordinates and obey others' orders. Who is willing?

The male lord who spoke first, said the inner words of all male lords.

Behind Ye Chen, Elder Tianmei Xuan watched this scene with a sneer. He and Ye Chen had a grudge, even if the other party became the same old Xuan as him, he couldn't change it.

It's just that Ye Chen's expression remained the same and said, "What do you or you want?"

Is this a compromise?

Many people looked at Ye Chen in surprise, not like his style. "

"I think we should act separately, and no one will interfere with each other. This is the best." The man said.

"Okay, yes." Ye Chen agreed very happily, which made people surprised, but the male lord was a little dumbfounded, obviously he couldn't believe Ye Chen's joy.

Then Ye Chen said again: "From now on, you are no longer one of us. You can cross the chaotic sea alone, and I will not give you any restrictions. In addition, other people who don’t want can also withdraw. , I will not stop you."


The whole city was dumbfounded, and the male lord changed color even more: "Battle Saint King, what do you mean by this?"

"What do you mean?" Ye Chen glanced at him, "As you said, without any restrictions, the best way is to let yourself cross the sea of ​​chaos, isn't it good?"

"You--" The hero blushed, almost vomiting blood.

He bothered to fight for freedom, to provoke the King of Fighting, and not reconciled to others, but he didn't expect the King of Fighting to expel him directly, which really fell short.

He hurriedly explained: "Battle Saint King, you have misunderstood what I mean. I want everyone to cross the chaotic sea together, but in the meantime you can't interfere with our freedom, that's it."

"Idiot." Ye Chen directly spit out a word that made the other party vomit blood, leaving the whole city dumbfounded. He didn't expect the Fighting Saint King to curse.

"You--" the hero was about to roar with anger, but in an instant, a terrifying might spread, originating from the fighting king, condescending, looking down on the mortal ants like a god, let him Both body and mind trembled.

"You, are you worthy of bargaining with me?"

Ye Chen said coldly, dismissively. Then his eyes turned into the most flaming brilliance and swept towards the ancient **** city, his voice was even more deafening than the thunder of nine days——

"I know you heroes are very dissatisfied with my leadership, very reconciled, and very unwilling to accept my rules and restrictions. But-your choices are only two."

"Either follow me on the boat and cross the chaotic sea together. I can guarantee your safe crossing as far as possible."

"Either you cross by yourself, of course you can also organize some people to cross by yourself. I will not object to this, nor will I target it."

"But don't you and don't think you are who you are. Lord? Holy Lord? Do you want to threaten me?"

"I have killed more than the number of holy masters by one hand, and the heavenly kings are not afraid. The ancient gods and palace masters have faced collisions and threatened to get the identity of the ancient gods. Do you want to threaten me? I won't Accept the threat, and I don’t mind suffocating any source that threatens me in the cradle. You can try."

After a word fell, the whole city fell into silence, and the needle fell.

Although I don't want to admit it, I have to admit that the Fighting Saint King is too strong and has strong qualifications to ignore all threats.

The heroes and holy masters in the world, he doesn't care about them, and can't threaten him.

He is an invincible fighting sage, a guest of the nine eternal dynasties, and the most transcendent and powerful ancient temple xuan elder. In the true sense of power, he can overlook the world.

The hero who had never even known his name by Ye Chen suddenly felt extremely humiliated, but after seeing the fighting saint king without even looking at him, he turned and left with anger.

In the end, Ye Chen still didn't take a serious look at him, looked at the other heroes, and said, "Is anyone still leaving?"


The heroes laughed bitterly. Although from the bottom of their hearts, they are unwilling to follow other people's commands and leadership, but if they want to cross the chaotic sea, what else can be done besides following the fighting king?

Do you really want to cross by yourself? So throughout the ages, there have been no known how many heroes have become crosses. Will they still gather in ancient gods like this?

The scene was silent, silent.

Seeing no one left from the gathered heroes, Ye Chen stood above the ancient **** city, bathed in bright golden clouds, and accompanied by ghost ghosts such as the blue dragon, white tiger, vermilion bird, and Xuanwu, there were also many gods in the void. Blooming, if the king of God overlooks it, it makes people awe and look up.

His voice resounded over the ancient **** city, echoing for thousands of miles: "I, the sage king of fighting, will gather heroes from all over the world today in the ancient **** city. Clouds gather here and cross the chaotic sea with me to the most mysterious and mysterious The most fascinating ancient emperor continent."

"The legend says that there are immortal medicines that will live forever, the gods left by the ancient gods, the fruits of climbing the peak of the avenue, the immortal beings that are out of the dust, the immortal existence that overlooks the world and the future of the past and the present, and the immortality. The secret is inherited from the emperor..."

"That's the Ancient Emperor Continent, an ancient land filled with endless secrets throughout the ages. It is a mysterious land that the ancestors of the past generations have been pursuing for countless years.

"It is the place of Mingdao seeking and it is also the place of immortality!"

Ye Chen is not an orator, but the scenes of illusory scenes depicted in the words are fascinating and exciting.

"Today, I, the King of Fighting and Wars, is here to lead you to set out on the ancient emperor continent. On the way, I will cross the terrible chaotic sea, full of difficulties, countless dangers, and even life and death. But I also hope you Able to persevere, because please believe that crossing the past is the beginning of everything."

"Longevity? Climbing the peak of the avenue? Finding immortals in the Mingdao? Explore the ruins of the ancient emperor? Everything is possible!"

"Masters, I would dare to ask the last sentence, would you like to join me in exploring the new world, going to the new world, and pursuing all beautiful things?"

His voice fell suddenly, his eyes swept to everyone, arousing people's heart, and received the call of countless people in God City.


The boiling blood exploded, countless blood bursts, shocking the sky and the earth, and it was extremely shocking.

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