Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 884: Death of the King


These humanoid chaotic sea hideous creatures living on the island did not stagger the ancient ship with fear like the original humanoid hideous creature. Instead, the creatures on the entire island rushed over and attacked the ancient ship. .

The eyes of all creatures bloomed with bloodthirsty luster, which made people frightened.

After a long time of adaptation and evolution, they have long since reached the point where they are immune to various disasters in the sea of ​​chaos, and they have rushed over like crazy.

Zhu Xiong on the ancient ship of the great energy level experienced the initial little consternation, and then all smiled, there was no panic at all.

Because to them, these humanoid and ferocious creatures are not very strong, except for a few dozen powerful creatures comparable to the holy master and the hero, the others are too weak.

Although they knew that these creatures could not destroy the light curtain defense of the great power-class ancient ship, all the heroes on the ship took action, or they were provoked by these creatures.

In an instant, countless avenues of brilliance bloomed, overwhelming the sky, dispelling the chaotic storm of hundreds of miles in a radius, and drowning these creatures, and directly swept through it forcefully.

Countless humanoid creatures exploded directly before they got within ten miles of the ancient ship. The blood fog turned into ashes, and nothing was there anymore.

Those saint master-level and male master-level creatures finally realized the terribleness of the heroes on the ancient ship, and they were all traumatized. The blood was spilled and they were all screaming, their voices shivering with the harshness of the primordial spirit, calling for all race creatures. Leave quickly.

It's a pity that it was too late, because Ye Chen had all shot.

Standing on the bow of the ancient ship, he stuck out a big hand, and the strong laws of the Great Dao were circulating. It was the power of the reincarnation class, which directly covered the world and made two of them comparable to the powerful creatures of the Holy Master class. Caught.

It's so easy, just like catching a chicken, it's not to be resisted, and it's even more trembling about the peerless power of the fighting holy king.


The two powerful holy master-level humanoid creatures had not really resisted, they were crushed like this in Ye Chen's hands, the flesh and blood and bones were crushed into a ball, the primordial spirit exploded, and there were two brilliant gods the size of human heads. Fall out.

This is where the essence of the Saint-Master-level creatures lie. It contains powerful power, which makes many strong people on the court envy, but not jealous.

Almost at the same moment, several immortal true kings, such as the Sun God, Yuanyang God King, Wild Ancient Demon God, and Feng Wu, all chose to take action, either focusing on the holy master level creature or the hero level creature.

Although they can't match Ye Chen with their strength, they can also kill and obtain the God Crystal.

The heavenly kings were not embarrassed to compete with these holy realm powerhouses, but just watched with interest.

In the end everything was done without any surprises.

The island creatures that made Ye Chen so jealous two years ago are now almost wiped out, leaving only some weaker ones rushing back to the island in horror.

And Zhu Xiong stopped making shots, and didn't bother to make shots.


Suddenly, under everyone's gaze, Ye Chen left the great power-class ancient ship, straddling the sky, and landed on the huge island where humanoid creatures lived.

Since this can survive the countless disasters in the chaotic sea, and can become a habitat for humanoid creatures, I am afraid there is something extraordinary.

Ye Chen guessed in his heart. Looking around, this island surprisingly maintains a dense ancient forest. The aura of heaven and earth can be said to be relatively rich and peaceful, forming a strong contrast with the fury outside the island.

But he didn't find any spiritual veins of heaven and earth, it could only be regarded as a small island that was more Zhongxiu.

And his appearance also caused the attacks of dozens of humanoid creatures who had only survived the injury. Even if they knew the power of Ye Chen, they all rushed to Ye Chen frantically and screamed at this moment.

In this regard, Ye Chen just took a blow to his sleeves, and an invisible ripple of the avenue spread instantly, and he was about to kill the last remaining humanoid creatures.

But at this time, the island suddenly bloomed with majestic Xiaoxia, with regular patterns appearing quickly in the void, blocking the ripples of Ye Chen's avenue, and accompanied by the terrible killing air, one after another. The light of killing condensed directly, slashing towards Ye Chen.

"It is the regular pattern of the heavenly king, the light of killing intertwined with the Dao Mark Law, but it is incomplete and obliterated."

Ye Chen gave a stunned sound, and quickly saw what was going on. In the face of the light of killing, he directly urged the moving imperial pagoda to appear, and descended on the chaotic ancient aura to protect himself.

The rays of killing light shining with colorful lights clattered on the ancient chaos, sparks splashing.

If it weren't, the Holy Lord would be killed instantly, and Ye Chen would have to deal with it with a headache.

His Eye of God was scanning the island, and driving the Human Emperor Tower, forcibly deep into the center of the island along the way.

There is a huge mountain there, towering into the clouds, but it is full of numerous caves, large and small. These humanoid creatures have made honeycomb-shaped nests, which look terrifying and hideous.

When we arrived at this honeycomb mountain, all the light of killing that was densely spreading on the island disappeared, as if this place was a forbidden place, and you could not step on it.

However, Ye Chen's eyes fell in front of the mountain lair, where there was a smooth jade platform, on which a human skeleton remained cross-legged to death, the bones flowed in faint brilliance, and faintly flowed between them. With the weak power of the heavenly king class, and shocking, he was a human heavenly king before his death.

But this human king is not naturally sitting It can be seen with naked eyes that his right arm, right chest, right leg, and even the entire right half of his body are cracked and shattered. Obviously, he has suffered a terrible experience in his lifetime. Injury.

It's just that none of these injuries are fatal. The most deadly aura is that a finger-sized hole appeared on his frontal bone, piercing the back of his head.

Obviously, just before his death, the human king had encountered the most dangerous attack, not only shattered his half of the king's body, but also had the most terrifying blow. It harmed the Meixin Yuanshen and caused him to fall into a deadlock. Incentives.

The regular patterns all over the island are the same as the fluctuations that appeared on the bones of the heavenly king. Obviously, they were arranged by the human heavenly king during his lifetime. I am afraid that they were arranged to block the enemy, but unfortunately, they could not be stopped. The enemy was killed.

Ye Chen sighed slightly, imagining what happened to this human heavenly king during his lifetime.

At the same time, other powerhouses also came over with the powerful ancient ships.

Under the light curtain, the killing light on the island couldn't hurt them. They all fell in front of the mountain lair, and they all exclaimed when they saw the remains of the king.

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