Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 902: The gods who fell in 9 days

? This is an ancient and wild land, extremely vast, and it can easily be dozens of hundreds of miles away, so big that ordinary people can't cross it in a lifetime.

There are millions of mountains, endless ancient forests, and huge lakes on each side. There are countless monsters, ancient beasts, and fierce beasts living in them, full of ancient prehistoric atmosphere.


A huge dinosaur running like a hill, with wings on its back, tearing the mountains apart, is one of the overlords of the millions of mountains.

There are also Dapeng birds hovering in the sky, their wings spread out enough to cover the sky and the sun, grabbing an ancient elephant no smaller than a hill, tearing it in the air to eat, and sprinkling blood.

There was a demon flower waiting for an opportunity to swallow a huge demon python, and there was also a demon dragon who was always hovering in the mountains, swallowing the essence of the sun and the moon, and began to transform the dragon...

Everything proves that the Million Mountain is a dangerous place.

The human race has amazing performance no matter where it is. It is among the strongest races in the heavens and ten thousand domains, or in the ancient **** continent, or the mysterious ancient emperor continent.

On the edge of the million mountains, a group of people in crude coats of animal skins are rampant.

All of them were born tall and sturdy, with strong muscles that made them look powerful. Some of them were even as tall as ten feet tall. They were like little giants, holding mace, bone gun, sledgehammer, large bow, etc. All kinds of weapons, running through the mountains, shaped like ordinary days, stepping on the mountains rumbling.

This is a team of barbarian tribes, very powerful, entering the million mountains to hunt down ancient beasts.


There are huge tigers roaring in the distant mountains and forests, as well as black eagles flying into the sky. All kinds of monsters, beasts, and ancient beasts are concealed, full of crisis.

But with the strength of their team, ordinary monsters are not in the eyes, and they will not hunt them. The target is on the more powerful ancient beasts.

Soon, they discovered that there was a huge bear in the distance. There could be a huge hill, and it gave birth to five python giant tails. It was terrifying and belonged to the lord of this area.

"Elder, do you want to take action?" Some people thought that the person in the front whispered. It was an old man with gray hair but still looking burly and tall, with majesty. He was a respected elder in the tribe, and he was naturally one of the tribes. One of the masters.

The elder of the tribe glanced at a distance, made a gesture, and shouted: "Take a shot, deal with that giant bear!"


The barbarian warriors of hundreds of people did not shout in unison, because they were afraid that the bear lord would be alarmed.

At the same time, the elder had already taken a shot, and there was a sturdy giant bow in his hand, which was one foot long, made of the bones of an unknown giant beast.

The old man bent his bow to set up an arrow, and a thick bone arrow was set up, and the thick giant bow was directly pulled up like a full attack, and the force was too great.


The bone arrow turned into a blazing white light and shot past.

The power of Bone Arrow is unparalleled, it brings up a howling wind, and it is so fast. The lord of the giant bear was also powerful and had a keen response, but after reacting, the thick bone arrow directly pierced one of its arms and exploded. The flesh and blood flew, blood splashed, and it was shocking.

The bear lord roared with pain, and the mountains and valleys were shaking.

"Quickly, shoot, kill it, don't let it call its companions." The elder shouted with majesty, and the barbarian warriors behind him had already attacked when the elder was shooting arrows, and they were flexibly crisscrossing the mountains, like mountains. The ape in between rushed to the giant bear.


Although the bear lord was injured, he was the lord of the animal domain after all. He was still strong, and the wound muscles were tightened and no longer bleeds.

The five large pythons behind it opened their blood basins and slammed them to the barbarian warriors, one bite can easily bite off a giant tree that hugs two people.

But the barbarian warriors are all very powerful, whether they are great axes, or broadswords, or maces, etc., all of them rushed up, and each of them was born with supernatural power, slashing out with force, tearing the mountains, not embarrassing. Event, and there were so many people, a fierce battle was launched with the wounded Lord Bear.

Satisfying the elder stood far away, concentrated, bending the bow and shooting arrows again and again, and every bone arrow shot out was like a long rainbow hitting the sky, and one after another shot off the five giant bear lord's python tails.

This is a group of barbarian warriors living in the wild. They are very powerful. They are all born with supernatural powers. They can tear tigers and elephants with their bare hands. They are terrifying. The giant bears are not their opponents at all. No matter how powerful they are, they cannot stand alone. So many people were quickly killed.

The elder stepped forward and looked at the giant bear lord's corpse, which was as huge as a hill, and smiled: "Barbarian, you are responsible for raising this five snake bear and hunting some wild beasts. You will also go back when the world is dead."


A young barbarian warrior with a height of one foot stepped forward and easily lifted the demon body of Lord Bear Lord.


Suddenly, the clear sky plunged into a pitch-black darkness, countless thunders were shining, and the thunder light was overwhelming.

It was like countless demons and ghosts crying and howling, sending out a panic scene.

It also caused all the barbarians present to change their colors.

Because it was still a breezy and sunny scene before, how suddenly it turned into such a scene in front of me, it was frightening.


A thick thunder and lightning smashed down, directly blasting a huge mountain in front of it in half, and blasting countless broken stones into flight.

Then there were countless thick sky thunders on the sky, tearing open layers of void, the mountains and the valleys would tremble violently, and the smoke and dust would soar into the sky.

"Is the barbarian **** angry? Or the roar of the gods in the millions of to punish us for killing the five snake bears." Several barbarian warriors trembled, full of horror and awe, thinking that they had offended a hundred The gods of Wanda Mountain.

The elder scolded: "Don't talk nonsense, Lord Barbarian God will not punish us. Even the gods of the millions of mountains cannot punish, Lord Barbarian God will protect us."


The fierce wind roared, and what was more serious was that there were patches of thunder in the sky. The thunder light flooded the sky, and the roar of thunder was endless, and all spirits were trembling and trembling.

Even the most powerful beast king in the depths of the millions of mountains is full of panic and dare not roar to the sky.

"Elder, look, there is someone there."

A barbarian warrior was shouting, and at this moment, a large spatial crack was torn open in the sky.

A body fell down, shuttled through tens of thousands of thunders, was struck by lightning, and was swept by the storm, but it was not broken and its body was not damaged. It crashed into a big mountain and collapsed half of the mountain.

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