Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 926: Fighting Saints

? A mysterious figure appeared. On the summit of the fall of independence, she was full of beauty and independence, her black hair was scattered, and she had an unshakable look.


   But when everyone saw this person clearly, they were all stunned.


  Because this is a handsome young man, he is very young, he seems to be in his early twenties, and many people know him.


  Because he is the ordinary young man who sits on the top of the mountain and has turned out to be natural, he has been despised by many people.


   However, he suddenly appeared silently, causing the mysterious chariot to move horizontally by lightning, which surprised people.


Although he didn't have any fluctuations in the laws of the Great Dao, he avoided everyone's perception and appeared abruptly, and he could even enter the Hundred Wars Mountain Range, which made many people change color, knowing that this young man must not look on the surface. Going up is so ordinary, it is more likely to be a superb person, otherwise how could it be like this.


   "It's him!" The glamorous princess Xia Bing'er exclaimed, because this was the man who gave the blood beads to save her life.


   Xia Miao'er also flashed her eyes sharply, and she naturally recognized that it was the mysterious man who looked down on her like a god, and treated another person as gentle as her big brother.


  'S sudden appearance like this also proved his strength from another aspect.


"Who is he?"


   The prince of Xiang, the prince of Hua and other young leaders all focused their attention on the past. They were very concerned about this mysterious youth who was also a young generation, but they faintly felt that the strength of the other party was better than himself.


   can't perceive, but has such a mysterious and mysterious intuition.


   "Everyone, do you feel that this man looks like a person." Someone asked in doubt, and quickly got a response from others.


   "Yes, very similar, deja vu, as if I have seen it somewhere."


   "This is really similar. It seems to be the mysterious man who suddenly appeared just now." Someone realized it suddenly and exclaimed.


  In an instant, all the saints of the three tribes came to realize one by one, isn't the young man in front of him the heroic man who blasted a majestic beast king with one punch?


   Although it is impossible to distinguish whether the faces are the same, the figures are the same, and the aura is similar, which suddenly changed the look of all the saints of the three races.


   Because this is definitely an extraordinary character, even stronger than the Holy Lord.


Ye Chen appeared. He stood on the top of the fallen, looking at the car that he avoided far away, and could also feel the extraordinary existence of the mysterious existence in the car. He was a strong generation, and he also recognized the people of the Emperor Tower. exist.


"who are you?"


   There was such a sound from the car, very calm.


   "I am me." Ye Chen said, "Who are you again?"


   "I am me too!" The other party also replied.


   The answers of two people left many people wondering what it was.


   Ye Chen said nothing, but just looked at each other like this, and said after a long time: "I really want to see who you are. If you don't want to, I don't mind trying to force you out."


   The words are calm, but quite strong, they actually want to force the opponent out.


"you dare!"


   The four old undead yelled, irritated by this disrespectful young man, and wanted to take action for the young ancestor, but the holy masters of the three tribes all blocked them all by appointment, and they wanted to know exactly what sacred the chariot was.


   A voice came from the car, calm but also strong: "You can give it a try, I don't mind killing you."


   "Kill me? Can you kill it?"


   Ye Chen smiled, very brilliant, full of this extreme confidence, and he moved!




   The void trembled, and the whole world shuddered. All of this was because Ye Chen moved, like a young emperor Hengkong. This world seemed to be trembling as if it could not bear it, and it would shatter the real body at any time.


   I didn't feel any fluctuations in the law, I could see Ye Chen passing by, rushing to the front of the blue sky and jade chariot.


   punched out, there was still no law fluctuations, but the whole world was rumbling, and a series of large spatial cracks spread, shocking people's attention.


   All the saints were shocked, what a powerful physical force this could be, beyond imagination.


  There was also a surprise in the car. Facing the punch, a slender and white palm in the car seemed to stretch out slowly and quickly, flowing with the inexplicable charm of the avenue, and struck straight into the sky.




   That piece of void was directly exploded, everything became emptied, nothing ceased to exist, the annihilation was overwhelming, and a black hole appeared, and only one figure remained alone there.


   That was Ye Chen. Even though he had never possessed the power of law, the Xeon's physical body allowed him to stand firmly in the void without any harm.


   That chariot never moved, and even the five azure tigers that should have been killed were shrouded in dim divine brilliance. Otherwise, let alone the five ancient sages, even the five heroes would die.


   The two faced each other in the shattered void. Ye Chen raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise, and said, "It's not bad."


"You are not bad too. I didn't expect your physical power to be so powerful. It's beyond my imagination. I am afraid that your physical power is the first in the world. I feel a special fluctuation. You are the legendary fighting saint, right? ."


   Ye Chen was slightly startled, but he didn't expect the other party to know the existence of the fighting saint.


   A soft sigh was heard from the chariot: "I also met the fighting saint back then, and there was a battle. But that fighting saint is not as powerful as your fighting saint."


Ye Chen understood that the character in the chariot was definitely an ancient figure. He had fought against the ancient fighting saints, and Ye Chen also indirectly felt the power of this power It is also unparalleled in the world.


   can feel the unparalleled potential of the great avenue, that kind of bloodline power is the most powerful and invincible, so that he has a kind of incarnation of the heaven facing the tenth heaven.


   Generally speaking, this is a much more terrifying character than he imagined, and he has even faintly guessed who the other person is.


   But Ye Chen's expression remained unchanged, only his eyes became much deeper, and he calmly said, "Do you still want to stay inside?"


   "Naturally not. It's rare to meet a good opponent. To show respect, I will come out."


   With a squeak, Lan Lan Jieyu's car door opened, and a figure walked out of it, a young man.


   This man has a majestic appearance, sword eyebrows and star eyes, face like a crown jade, black hair tied in a crown, and he was born extremely handsome, with a brilliant crown.


   Dressed in a purple attire, there are real dragons, phoenixes, Kunpeng, Qiongqi and other mythical creatures imprinted on it, vividly and vividly, as if they would fly out at any time and resurrect in the world.


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