Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 942: Banish the strong

? This is a very critical time, the Peacock King unexpectedly displayed such an unparalleled means of exile from the void.


  Recall that when Ye Chen was in the Tiandu Continent to test the heaven and earth against the ancients, he used the void exile to exile several ancients.


Now, the exile method displayed by the Peacock King is more powerful than Ye Chen back then. No matter whether it is power or profound meaning, Ye Chen can’t be compared. Even today Ye Chen can’t compare to the void. Go to the Peacock King.


  Because of the specialization in the art industry, the Peacock King was born for space. These methods are extremely skillful.


   The two strongest players changed their colors at the same time, and at the same time they broke out with their strongest combat power, constantly struggling, constantly roaring and roaring.


Even if it is a strong person like the Peacock King, it is difficult to exile two reincarnation-level Xeons at once. Although he is very strong, he is always young, and the two big Xeons to be exiled are veteran Xeons. , Constantly struggling, still a little worse.


   Moreover, King Tong Xuan was unscathed, bursting with divine light, spreading across the sky and the earth, all traces of the law were appearing, and he played a series of heaven-shaking magical powers to fight against.




   Suddenly, a bleak blood spilled from the corner of the King Peacock's mouth, and the light of the soul was depressed for a while, and even the exile of the space that was unfolded almost collapsed, which was a shocking surprise.




   The two great powerhouses fought together, and the space black hole collapsed even more severely, and it was about to collapse completely.


   Only the next moment, a more terrifying character descended.


That was Ye Chen, a **** energy submerged into the Human Emperor Tower, instead of divine power to urge the ancient tower, immediately there were strands of chaotic ancient energy shot out, blessed on the black hole of space, stabilized, and even more strands pressed against it. On the two strongest people.


   And Ye Chen appeared in front of the exiled spatial black hole, bursting with bright golden lights on his body.


   It was transformed by the strong blood. He was bathed in endless golden glory, striding forward, his black hair was dancing and fluttering, and he looked like a golden **** of war, with unparalleled fighting spirit.




   The two big Xeons changed their colors at the same time, and both had a bad premonition about to appear.




   Without saying a word, Ye Chen slammed his fist directly, and a full 108 divine light dragon appeared, all of which were transformed by pure blood, and rushed to the two veteran strongest players.


"Do not!"


The two veteran Xeons were roaring, and they all exploded the most brilliant and majestic divine light, sweeping across the sky, about to explode that area, the terrifying divine power even condensed into a bright beam and rushed to the nine layers. On the sky.


   But none of this works, because Ye Chen is too strong, unparalleled in the world, and his fist power is even more smashing all obstacles, smashing past, trying to smash the 33rd heaven.


After a loud bang, the figures of the two veteran Xeons who were about to struggle to fly out were shocked, and they were all driven into the black hole of exile by Ye Chen, turned into two lights and shadows and disappeared. He let out a sorrowful scream echoing in the world: "I'm not willing!"


   "Thousand, I will definitely come back for revenge!"




  The black hole in space disappeared, and nothing ceased to exist, as if nothing had really appeared before.


   Everyone was stunned, watching this scene blankly, and it took a long time to recover.


   The two strongest beings were exiled in this way. They were the two great reincarnation strongest beings. They were super beings standing on the top of the pyramids of the ancient emperor continent, only under the god-level heavenly kings.


   When the Nine Heavens Gods were not in the realm, they were recognized as invincible in the world, and countless creatures of the three tribes, whether they were Human, Demon, and Orcs, had to listen to their orders. The same was true of the Empire and the Divine Empire, and they could not resist.


   However, it was such a level of the strongest, who was actually exiled, and there were still two people, and I don't know where the exile went.


   But it doesn't feel like an ordinary area, and it must be very far away, which makes everyone startled.


Ye Chen stood on the void, standing on top of it with the Xeon's physical body. The void was torn apart, and his eyes were extremely deep. Through the void, he could see the two powerful exiles, saying: "This time exile , Enough for them to return for three hundred years."




   Everyone couldn't help taking a breath of cold.


   Three hundred years of exile, that is equivalent to the years that ordinary people can live for three or four lifetimes, and it is enough to change the dynasty of the world.


   It is really sad when the Xeon has fallen to this level.


   But it's a pity, whether it is King Tongxuan or Wanshan Beast Venerable, they have offended people who shouldn't be offended-Qian!


A person who could not kill even the nameless emperor, a deceased friend of the strongest demon king, the Peacock King, and even got shocking news in just a few words. He was besieged by more than a dozen heavenly kings and survived, and his hands were infected with a heavenly king. The mysterious powerhouse of life.


   Such a super ruthless person, even the strongest should not be offended, otherwise King Tongxuan and Wanshan Beast Venerable are the best examples. They were banished to an unknown land for three hundred years.


   To a certain extent, they even doubt that if Qian is willing, can he kill the two strongest?


   When thinking of Wanshan Beast Venerable's face-to-face confrontation and defeat, after the blood-colored giant hammers shattered, it can be inferred that most of the two strongest can be killed.


   Even among the strongest of Samsara, they are not completely equal, and there are gaps.


   It’s not that Wanshan Beast Venerable and King Tongxuan are not strong enough to become the strongest person in reincarnation who is not the real master of the clan, but Qianshi is too abnormal and invincible in the same realm.


   And the consequences of that kind of thing would be scary if you just think about it, because the consequences are too amazing, it is likely to involve a war between races, and it is the life and death of millions of creatures at every turn.


   The Peacock King wiped off the blood on the corner of his His face was a little pale, and he said, "Why don't you kill them? You can kill these two guys."


   This is not a skeptical tone, it is affirmative or extremely affirmative. Because he deeply believed in Ye Chen's invincibility, this was an almost blind trust in the strength of his brothers.


Ye Chen smiled, but looked a little ruthless and stern: "Kill, it would be too cheap for them. Exiled them for three hundred years, let them bear the suffering of space exile, like the worldly exile, unable to return, long Wouldn’t it be better if time is trapped in the turbulence of space and must always avoid exile in a more dangerous world?”


   The Peacock King chuckled slightly. This torture mentality was very good, and he liked it very much.


   "Thousands, there will be a period later!"


   The emperor Wu Ming held a fist towards Ye Chen from a distance, smiled, and did not touch the world's fireworks like a fairy, and then took the four old undead servants to drive a luxurious chariot made of blue sky and jasper.


   The four-headed bitian tiger roared, carrying the emperor namelessly into the sky, and left the Baizhan Mountain Range.


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