Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 950: Resolve

Ye Chen’s eyes were like a magic lamp, penetrated through the body of the Peacock King, and saw his soul, and looked very wilting. Although it was very flaming, it was more like a sunset that gave off the last light of the western mountains, and could be felt vaguely. The soul was slowly disintegrating.


   is very slow, but it really starts to fall apart, irreversible!


  His expression changed drastically, as the Peacock King said. If this continues, the spirit of the Peacock King will completely disintegrate in less than a hundred years.


   At that time, the Peacock King can only die and disappear. Even if the mythical emperor and the emperor make a move, it is impossible to get the Peacock King.


   Ye Chen's face was ugly, and he almost roared: "You know that the soul has been eroded and collapsed. You still dare to make a move. Are you crazy?"


The Peacock King said helplessly: "Do you think I want to die? But I heard that there is Chaos Supreme in the Fallen Peak. I just want to use the power of Chaos Supreme to see if I can try to expel the power of the death rule on the soul to prevent the spread speed. ."


   Ye Chen was silent, the Peacock King just wanted to give it a try.


   If it can be suppressed and stopped, he will have at least two thousand years of life. If you don't work hard, there will be at most two hundred years left. Even if the struggle fails, it is only a hundred years in advance.


   For a proud figure like the Peacock King, if he waits stubbornly for sitting and turning, it is better to end in glory and fight for a ray of life.


   Ye Chen sighed lightly: "I knew it was not unreasonable for God to let our brothers meet again. Others may not work, but for me, there is a chance to try it."


   Peacock King was surprised: "Qianyue, you mean you can stop the spread?"


   "I have a chance, but I don't dare to be too sure. I have to try and be sure." Ye Chen's face was solemn.


He took out a Wannian Medicine Treasure from his internal space, circulated the fragrant fragrance, and handed it over, but the King Peacock shook his head: "The Wannian Medicine Treasure is not working anymore. I have used two in the Demon Realm. Taking it will greatly reduce the potency of the medicine, and it is of little use."


Ye Chen turned to send a few precious pill, which he refined in his leisure time, said: "This bottle is the pill I refined. It should be used for the soul. To a certain extent, delay the damage of your soul."


The Peacock King naturally believed that Ye Chen would not harm him. He directly took the pill, and immediately had surging life force emerging into his body, and rushed to the soul, which shocked the soul, and the light was bright. The disintegration speed has been delayed a lot.


   Sure enough, it can delay the disintegration speed of the soul to a certain extent.


   But treating the symptoms but not the root cause, the law of death is the real murderer of the disintegration of the Peacock King's soul. If you don't stop it, it will never work.


   And Ye Chen even cut his finger, with a series of brilliant golden holy blood flowing out, saying: "This is my pure holy blood, which can suppress your death rules."


   "No, this is the essence of your body, and it will consume your vitality." Peacock King insisted.


As he said, if it is a ten thousand year medicine treasure or a precious pill, he will naturally not see it, but this string of golden holy blood is where the real essence and blood are, and it is more refined than the essence and blood of ordinary heavenly kings. Because this is the essence of Invincible Fighting Saint Physique, it is impossible to have too much.


   To some extent, this string of Eucharist essence and blood will even cost Ye Chen's lifespan. Because it is essence and blood, every drop is the real essence and contains the most powerful vitality.


   "Don't worry, I can recover."


   Ye Chen took out a ten thousand years medicine treasure, directly bite it roughly, and found it in the corner of his mouth that the colorful juice flowing with sweet fragrance was very rough and wasteful.


   If you are seen by the immortal elders who are close to the limit, you will definitely be cursing, because such a move is too wasteful and makes people hate it.


   Seeing this, the Peacock King no longer refused, and drank the golden holy blood the size of a baby's fist.




The whole body of the Peacock King shook, and the vitality in his body increased dramatically in an instant. Even he immediately felt that the rules of death in his soul seemed to have met the nemesis, and he suddenly withered and was rapidly Dissipated.


It can be clearly felt that this group of eucharistic blood has turned into a group of brilliant brilliance, and it also contains a peerless chain of order, it is a chain of blood order, and the awe-inspiring righteousness is released, without a trace of strength or domineering .


Ye Chen has long since resolved the strong traits of the fighting saints, he will not be too overbearing, leaving pure holy blood, and there is a strand of chaotic blood in his saint body essence and blood, which envelops the primordial spirit of the Peacock King , Turned into thousands of strands of golden light, soaking every inch of the corner, tracking any place, searching for every strand of the power of the rules of death.


This is surprising, because the strands of the power of the rules of death are so insignificant in front of the golden light of the holy blood, they are directly suppressed, and quickly melt and dissolve, just like encountering a natural enemy. It's incredible.


   In the end, all the power of the rules of death was completely dissipated, and nothing ceased to exist, which was shocking.


   The Peacock King was extremely surprised, and he felt more and more unpredictable for Ye Chen's current methods.


In addition, Ye Chen taught the King’s resurrection technique to the King Peacock. After a loud bang, the King Peacock’s body was glowing, and every inch of his body was shining with a majestic light, shining on the heavens, extremely eye-catching, extremely bright, The dark diseases were quickly repaired.


   This is the supreme supernatural power created by the ancient kings of the past, and it is only a little different from the Eucharist rebirth, because there is only a little difference in the ultimate secret, which is enough to surprise everything.


   During this Ye Chen handed over with a few cultivating natural treasures and medicinal pills to help the Peacock King quickly repair the wounds on the soul.


   Soon, the Peacock King fell into a retreat. His aura surged, and there was a majestic turbulence in this area, which attracted the attention of many monsters in the Demon Temple.


Finally, three days later, King Peacock left the barrier, and his aura became stronger and stronger. Before, because of the erosion of the soul, although he was also in the ranks of the strongest, he was not strong enough and looked sluggish, but now the hidden dangers are completely eliminated. , Restored the true Xeon posture.


   In Baoque, the Peacock King laughed, with a high spirit, very young, but extremely powerful, overwhelmingly powerful, who will fight for the battle.


   "Chiyuki, thank you!"


   Ye Chen smashed him with a punch, shook his whole body back several steps, laughed and said: "They are all good brothers, why do you need to be so dismissive."


   The Peacock King was not hypocritical, and directly asked Ye Chen to go to the central treasure gate with him, and began to discuss some important things.


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