Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 972: Ten consecutive victories

"Tang Ao vs. Li Han, Tang Aosheng, Tang Ao has three consecutive victories."

"Tang Ao vs. Ding Peng, Tang Aosheng, Tang Ao has four consecutive victories."

"Tang Ao...nine consecutive victories."

After Tang Ao defeated Li Han, several people came to the stage to challenge Tang Ao. After these people knew Tang Ao's shamelessness, they went to the stage and started talking nonsense with Tang Ao. As a result, Tang Ao still flickered all the way, avoiding fighting, and after killing his opponent to the point of using his moves, he was making his strange punch.

After playing nine games, Tang Ao's ability has been thoroughly seen through by everyone. Regardless of the opponent he faced, Tang Ao always used his exquisite footwork to constantly dodge his opponent's martial arts, and then waited for the opponent to get tired, and then suddenly used a strange punch to sneak attack. Relying on such moves, Tang Ao cleared all the way and won nine consecutive victories.

In the tenth battle, it was not someone else fighting Tang Ao, but Tang Ao choosing a challenger himself. Tang Ao glanced around with a punch and saw a martial artist on the sixth floor of Yuan Wu Realm. "This little brother, come up for a fight." This was a thin-eyed young man who suddenly trembled after seeing Tang Ao's invitation to fight.

"Yang Xiu, come on, take down this shameless person!"

"Little Yang Xiu, don't be afraid, his cultivation level will be suppressed by the Dou Jiantai just like you."

With everyone's encouragement, Yang Xiu walked out of the shadow of Tang Ao's shameless methods just now. Both feet suddenly stepped on the ground and came to the sword fighting platform.

"Tang Ao, me, me, I surrender!" Yang Xiu wanted to tell Tang Aotang to fight him upright, but thinking of Tang Ao's shameless performance on the sword fighting stage just now, Yang Xiu was weakened and gave up directly.

After Yang Xiu conceded, Tang Ao smiled, and then shouted to the attic on the second floor of Tianxiang Building: "Miss Wan'er, can you fulfill your promise?"

"This atlas is for Master Tang Ao, and I hope Master Tang Ao will not be disappointed." Shangguan Wan'er's melodious voice heard a waiter holding an atlas and came to Tang Ao. Tang Ao picked up the atlas and checked it. This atlas recorded a place with special spiritual materials, and there was also an image recorded at that time.

Just because the distance is too far, this image is a little fuzzy. However, Tang Ao could still vaguely recognize that this should be a sixth-rank top spiritual material called Yan Xuan Tie. Good thing, Tang Ao secretly praised in his heart, and put away the album. "Thank you Miss Wan'er for the gift." Tang Ao was still very grateful to Shangguan Wan'er. Shangguan Wan'er said that she would give her a photo album after winning ten games in a row. After winning ten games in a row, Shangguan Wan'er kept the promise and gave the photo album to herself.

"I don't know if Young Master Tang Ao is going upstairs and talking to Wan'er now, or should he continue to challenge?"

As soon as Shangguan Wan'er said this, everyone instantly cast their murderous eyes on Tang Ao. If the eyes could kill, Tang Ao would have died thousands of times at this moment.

"How can Tang Ao count ten consecutive victories with such a despicable method? He can't see Miss Wan'er."

"Yes, yes, this kind of despicable villain, if you use the means, you can't win at all!"

"Tang Ao, if you have the ability, you will continue to accept the challenge. I am sure to break a few ribs."


Tang Ao looked at the enthusiastic crowd under the fighting sword with a black line, and smiled bitterly in his heart. By doing this, he didn't have to worry that no one would challenge him, but it was too hateful. Thinking of this, Tang Ao immediately said: “Today and tomorrow, I will fight 33 games every day, the day after tomorrow’s truce, and the last day I will fight forty-four games. If Tang Ao can’t win a hundred games in a row, he will never intrude on Miss Shangguan Wan’er.” Tang Ao After thinking about it, I decided not to irritate everyone in the audience too much.

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