Eternal Life: My Millennia in the Jiaofang Division

Chapter 104: Spiritual Roots and Sprouts

Three months later, the empress ascended the throne, and her reign title was given by Heaven.

Find the Taoist Palace.

Zhao Mu was sitting on a lounge chair by the pond, and the Sravaka Gu spread out and enveloped the entire palace.

At this time, the number of patrolling imperial troops in the palace increased by at least three times to ensure that there would be no problems in the palace during the enthronement ceremony.

In the square in front of the main hall of political affairs, civil and military officials were lined up on the left and right, with serious expressions.

Zhou Yuniang put on a dragon robe, hung a sword on her waist and held the hilt of the sword in her hands. She walked steadily through the civil and military officials step by step, and finally stepped onto the dragon chair.

"See your majesty, long live your majesty!"

When Zhou Yuniang sat on the dragon chair, all the ministers knelt down and worshiped her, shouting long live the mountain.

The magnificent momentum shook the world, as if announcing to heaven and earth that the first female emperor of the Jin Dynasty was finally born.

And just as Zhou Yuniang was sitting on the dragon chair, Zhao Mu in the Seeking Palace suddenly stood up and sat up.

"what happened?"

His face was solemn, and as soon as his heart moved, countless Sravaka Gu concentrated on Zhou Yuniang.

The moment Zhou Yuniang completed her enthronement, he suddenly felt a huge change in Zhou Yuniang's aura.

At that moment, it was as if some mysterious force between heaven and earth was connected to Zhou Yuniang.

That kind of power was so mysterious that Zhao Mu had never felt it before, let alone what it was?

So he wanted to use Shravaka Gu to check Zhou Yuniang's physical condition at this time.

The enthronement ceremony was still going on, and no one noticed that countless shravakas had attached themselves to Zhou Yuniang.

Zhao Muping calmed down, closed his eyes and controlled the power of the sword to slowly enter Zhou Yuniang's body along with the shravaka Gu.

Suddenly, he saw a familiar scene.

Seeing that Zhou Yuniang's flesh and blood actually sprouted countless buds, which were the original state of acquired spiritual roots.

However, compared to Zhao Mu himself, the growth rate of Zhou Yuniang's spiritual roots was too slow.

Zhao Mu estimated that it would take decades for Zhou Yuniang's spiritual roots to fully grow.

But speed is not the key, the key is Zhou Yuniang. Why does this happen?

Zhao Mu suddenly thought of Sima Hongyi.

When he diagnosed his pulse, he discovered that there were spiritual root shoots in Sima Hongyi's body that had stopped growing long ago.

"Based on the growth level of Sima Hongyi's spiritual roots at that time, it seems that the buds of spiritual roots really began to appear in his body around the time he ascended the throne as emperor."

"Could it be that Zhou Yuniang and Sima Hongyi both started growing their spiritual roots because they became emperor?"

"No, becoming emperor may be one of the triggers, but it is by no means the cause of all changes."

Zhao Mu was convinced.

The emperors before Sima Hongyi, such as Sima Tongsheng, Emperor Su De, Emperor Ming Yuan and Emperor Xin Chu, etc., had no spiritual root sprouts in their bodies.

In other words, in addition to ascending the throne as emperors, there must be other reasons why Zhou Yuniang and Sima Hongyi grew spiritual roots.

"What else?"

Zhao Mu thought carefully and recalled what other major events had happened before and after Sima Hongyi ascended the throne?

"By the way, not long before Sima Hongyi ascended the throne, Jian Chi and I had a battle at Fengyu Mountain, and both of us broke through the realm of heaven and man. Is it because of this?"

The immortal cultivator in the East China Sea once said that he would only come back to accept disciples when ten heavenly beings appeared in the Jin Dynasty at the same time.

Does that mean that the coexistence of the ten heavenly beings and humans will bring about any huge changes in the Jin Dynasty?

At that time, Zhao Mu and Jian Chi broke through to the realm of heaven and man. Although they were not as good as the coexistence of the ten heavens and humans, they still allowed that kind of change to begin?

It was also because of this change, coupled with the addition of God's status, that Zhou Yuniang and Sima Hongyi began to grow spiritual roots in their bodies?

"But what exactly is that change?"

Zhao Mu once again felt how weak his strength was.

If he had the strength of an immortal cultivator now, he would definitely be able to detect what changes had occurred in the Great Jin Dynasty?

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious. One day, I will have that kind of strength."

Zhao Mu shook his head, continued to control the Sravaka Gu, and carefully checked Zhou Yuniang's situation.

After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, Zhou Yuniang has the cultivation of a martial saint, and her strength far exceeds that of Sima Hongyi.

Therefore, despite the growth of the spiritual roots, it has begun to continuously absorb the "nutrients" such as qi, blood, vitality and so on in Zhou Yuniang's body.

But she was not like Sima Hongyi, who had physical problems due to the growth of her spiritual roots and died in the end.

"I hope the growth rate of Zhou Yuniang's spiritual roots will always be so slow. If it speeds up, she will still have problems unless she breaks through the realm of heaven and human beings."

Zhao Mu felt relieved for the time being.

At this time, he did not notice that on the water surface of the lotus pond, two small heads suddenly stuck out. They were the little turtle and the black snake.

The two little guys looked at the sky and seemed to see something in the clear sky that ordinary people could not see.

Black Snake's eyes rolled slightly, and a mental wave suddenly came out: "The hidden dragon goes to the sea, the national fortune ascends to the sky, it seems that my opportunity is finally coming."

The little turtle also said: "Black Jiao, I would like to advise you, it is best not to have that cruel thought, otherwise you will definitely be punished by God."

"Hmph, you bastard turtle, you don't need to worry about it. You should take care of yourself first."

Black Snake sneered: "You have been seriously injured. Without your hindrance, no one in this mortal kingdom can stop my king's plan."

"Hehe, just wait and see. It won't be long before I can transcend the mundane world and become an even more incredible existence."

"You won't succeed. I will definitely stop you."

"No, you can't stop me."

The black snake looked at Zhao Mu on the shore: "This mortal is your only hope for a comeback. I advise you not to tell him any information before I leave, so as not to disrupt my plan."

"Otherwise... even if I risk getting hurt again, I must kill him and completely destroy your hope. Remember?"

The black snake threatened in a cold tone.

The little turtle was so angry that he rolled over on all fours, but he could do nothing.

Because he knew that the black snake would definitely do what he said.

This is a cruel madman who does things without any scruples.

The little turtle glared at the black snake fiercely and dived into the water again silently.

The black snake stuck out his tongue when he saw this, with a cruel sneer in his eyes.

At this time, Zhao Mu on the shore didn't seem to find anything unusual.

He stopped paying attention to the coronation ceremony and continued to study the "Martial Classic". He wanted to complete this martial arts secret book as soon as possible.

Time continued to pass day by day.

About half a year later, Zhao Mu's "Martial Classic" was finally completed.

Next, he would start to promote this martial arts method throughout the Great Jin Dynasty.

So he left the Mi Dao Palace and found Zhou Yu Niang.

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