Eternal Life: My Millennia in the Jiaofang Division

Chapter 1268: The method of using a substitute

"What happened next?" Zhao Mu asked.

"Later, when the old man woke up, he found himself lying in a river, going down the river."

Cangmingzi said dreamily: "I don't know when I left Huang Shuiquan, and I don't know how I escaped from the giant eye?"

"I just saw Miss Ruan's flashing image, and I realized that I had escaped from the shackles of the giant eye at the cost of my own cultivation."

"In order to escape at that time, at the cost of overdrafting my own cultivation, I exploded with magic power that exceeded my own strength, forming that shell."

"Actually, the role of that shell is not only to help the old man break away from the shackles of the giant eye. You saw that after I left, the shell was crushed by the giant eye."

"But you don't know that after the shell was shattered, it actually spread to every corner of this cave, forming a solid layer of restriction."

"This giant eye has actually been trying to find a way to return to the endless wasteland for many years to join the other eye."

"But because of the restrictions left by the old Tao, it has never been able to break free and leave Huangshuiquan. But now these hundreds of thousands of demon troops have given him a chance."

Hearing this, Ruan Bikong couldn't help but interrupt: "Taoist Priest, what exactly does the giant eye want to do? How can hundreds of thousands of demon troops help it escape from Huangshui Spring?"

Zhao Mu also stared to explore.

In fact, he had already made some vague guesses in his mind, but the definite answer had to be answered by Cang Mingzi.

"It's very simple. Juyan wants to use Li Daitao's method to escape from Huangshuiquan."

Cang Mingzi explained: "The prohibitions left by the old Tao are not ordinary spells, but forbidden spells that can communicate with the way of heaven."

"That is to say, for so many years, Heavenly Dao has been guided by the restriction, always watching Huang Shuiquan and watching the giant eye."

"If the giant eye escapes by force, it will attract the power of heaven and beat him to ashes."

"The only way for the giant eye to escape from Huangshuiquan alive is to find someone else to take its place in this world, and to divert the attention of heaven to the other party."

"Only in this way can it avoid the gaze of heaven, quietly leave the Yellow Water Spring, and return to the endless wasteland."

Ruan Bikong was confused: "There have been many people in the Yellow Water Swamp over the years. With the strength of that giant eye, it should be easy to catch someone to replace him. Why is it still trapped in the Yellow Water Spring?"

"Come to think of it, not everyone is qualified to attract the attention of Heavenly Dao on its behalf, right?" Zhao Mu said.

"Yes, the person who can replace the giant eye to attract the attention of heaven is best to be a powerful person at the level of human gods. But in the past tens of thousands of years, no one has proven the Tao in the world. Where can he find human gods?"

Cang Mingzi sneered and said, "What's more, even if there really is a god on earth, why should it capture someone and attract the attention of Heaven for him?"

"So Juyan can only settle for the next best thing, looking for immortal cultivators in the Dominion Realm to take his place in this world."

"But it is a pity that masters of the master realm are also rare in this world, not to mention that it requires the master to come to the Yellow Water Swamp to be able to capture it."

"But in the tens of thousands of years in the Northern Territory, no demon clan has become a master, and the masters of other great regions rarely come to the Northern Territory."

"Even if it comes, it won't happen to pass through the Yellow Water Swamp and be captured by the giant eye."

"So even though he found a way to escape, the giant eye is still trapped in the yellow swamp and cannot be free."

"But today he barely found a chance."

"Each of these hundreds of thousands of demon armies is not weak in strength. If they are gathered together in such numbers, as long as appropriate means are used, they can play a role that is no less than that of a master."

"Now the giant eye is using its own destiny to assimilate the cause and effect of these hundreds of thousands of demon troops. As long as the assimilation is completed, it will allow hundreds of thousands of demon troops to be trapped in the Yellow Water Spring instead of him."

Ruan Bikong frowned: "If the giant eye just leaves, it doesn't seem to matter, and there is no need for us to stop it."

"After it leaves Huangshui Spring, Taoist Master, you only need to lift the restriction so that Heaven will no longer look at this place, and hundreds of thousands of demon troops will be free again."

"When the time comes, we will gather the masters of the Demon Alliance and rearrange the formation to seal Huang Shuiquan. Everything will remain the same as before."

Obviously, Ruan Bikong did not want to conflict with Juyan.

This is also easy to understand. After all, the power displayed by the giant eye is so terrifying that no one would be stupid enough to fight with it unless necessary.

But Cang Mingzi shook his head: "It's not that simple. Although the restriction on Huang Shuiquan was left by the old Taoist, now the old Taoist is unable to lift it."

"Because Lao Dao's current strength is far less than what it was back then, and more importantly, once the giant eye escapes from trouble, the consequences will not be as simple as simply leaving."

"The old Taoist said just now that if the giant eye wants to divert the attention of heaven, it is best to find a human god to replace his position in heaven and earth."

"Because only human gods have enough strength to bear the gaze of heaven, and never let heaven see through the disguise."

"And the Overlord is so far behind the human gods. What's more, the Overlord who used hundreds of thousands of demon troops to gather cause and effect is even worse."

"Once the giant eye escapes from Huangshuiquan, these hundreds of thousands of demon troops will not be able to hold on for long, and the disguise will be seen through by Heaven."

"The consequence of deceiving Heaven is to arouse Heaven's wrath. When the power of Heaven comes, it will increase the toxicity of Huangshui Spring thousands of times."

"The current Yellow Water Spring is so poisonous that even the Demon Lord is afraid of it. Who in the Northern Territory Demon Clan can stop the enhanced poison?"

"Miss Ruan, you want to summon the Demon Alliance masters to reseal the Yellow Water Spring."

"But I can tell you with certainty that by then, let alone summoning the Demon Alliance masters, even if you can find all the masters in the world today, it will be impossible to reseal the Yellow Water Spring."

"At that time, the highly toxic spring water will continue to spread to the entire Northern Territory, and the poisonous gas it emits will cover the sky and the sun, causing all the demons to be poisoned to death, and the Northern Territory will completely turn into a dead land."

"Is that the result you want to see?"

Ruan Bikong gasped. When she thought of the tragedy of heaven and earth described by Cangmingzi, she broke out in a cold sweat.

"So now it's not a question of whether you want to fight the giant eye or not, but you must fight it. There is no second choice."

Cangmingzi said indifferently.


Ruan Bikong pursed his lips: "But Taoist priest, your strength is not as good as before. How can we fight against the giant eye? It is too strong?"

"It is indeed very strong."

Zhao Mu also nodded and said: "Now this giant eye may only be regarded as a half-crippled human god."

"But a half-crippled human god is still a human god, far from what we can contend with."

"So if we want to deal with it, it is not as easy as it sounds. What can Fellow Daoist Cangmingzi do?"

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