Eternal Life: My Millennia in the Jiaofang Division

Chapter 1277 Everything is upside down

"That's not right!"

Cangmingzi suddenly became confused: "In the memory that the old Taoist has recovered, doesn't it say that this pair of eyes can't leave the endless wasteland on their own, nor can it attack creatures outside the wasteland?"

"How come it can project its clone here today?"

"Is it because I took one of the eyes out back then, and now the two eyes are responding to each other, so it can attack outside the wasteland?"

"Oh my, I was careless!"

"If I had known that it could attack, I would have fled immediately after destroying the eyes just now. Who would be so stupid as to stay here and wait to be caught!"

Cangmingzi was full of regret, feeling that he had violated his usual principles in the world of martial arts - to be a good person first, and to escape first!

Look, it's okay now, right?

I just broke someone's body, and I didn't even have time to pull up my pants, and the master came to my door!

Bad luck!

Cangmingzi regretted that he didn't run away earlier.

The phantom eye over there has not stopped emitting blood-red light to repair the right eye that has just reunited.

The giant eye's body, which was riddled with holes, has been repaired in a short time, but the breath it exudes is very weak.

Obviously, it has "died" once after all, and the huge loss cannot be restored immediately.

But it finally "came back to life" and floated in the air side by side with the phantom eye.

The two eyes are connected by breath, exuding a strange Taoist charm.

They stared at Cangmingzi together, making the latter feel alarmed, as if he would die at any time.

"Old man, not only are you less courageous now, but it seems that even your strength is far inferior to that of the past?"

The two giant eyes blinked and spoke again coldly.

"What do you want to do?"

Cangmingzi hid behind Zhao Mu in a flash: "Master Wanyu, you said you would protect me."

As he said that, he stretched his head out from Zhao Mu's shoulder and stole a glance at the giant eye.

This cowardly and wretched appearance made Giant Eyes stunned, so that the vicious aura it exuded was unconsciously weakened by three points.

At this moment, Giant Eyes felt as if it had eaten a fly, and felt extremely uncomfortable.

It didn't understand why the mortal enemy who had fought with it in the endless wasteland for countless years but was always fearless became so cowardly today.

So... shameless?

Is this old thing really the same person as before?

Will it be possessed by something unclean?

It was thinking that since it bumped into him today, it would simply swallow and refine this old Taoist to improve its own strength.

But now it suddenly hesitated, doubting that this old Taoist was so shameless, would it have indigestion if it swallowed him?

Well... at least it would be nauseating, right?

Forget it, this old Taoist has something that attracts this seat, and I can't let him go even if I have indigestion.

And the same goes for this Wanyu Taoist.

This person also has something that scares this seat, but is full of temptation, and it can't let him go either.

Thinking of this, it was too lazy to talk nonsense.


The two giant eyes blinked at the same time, and a frightening and strange breath surged out like a flood that broke through the dam, instantly filling the world.

This strange breath seemed to resonate with a terrifying existence in the distance.

"What is that?"

Among the monsters in the distance, someone suddenly pointed at the distant sky and exclaimed.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that above the horizon there, a huge eye appeared out of thin air, as if the sky had opened its eyes.

The eye gave people a very strange feeling.

It seemed to exist in this world, but not in this world.

It seemed to be real, but it seemed to be fake!

The weird and strange feeling made everyone feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Is that its body?"

Cangmingzi's old face was almost wrinkled into a chrysanthemum.

Now he really wanted to escape quickly, but unfortunately, the power of the giant eye had blocked the entire world, and he had no chance of escaping at all.

"It should be its body."

Zhao Mu nodded.

Unlike the monsters in the distance, he knew very well that the huge eye in the distant sky was real.

The reason why the monsters felt that the eye seemed to be in another world was because the other party was in the Endless Wasteland.

There was a natural barrier between the Endless Wasteland and the four major domains where living beings lived, which gave people the illusion of two worlds.

"It revealed its true body. What exactly did it want to do? Did it want to take back the clone and the other eye here?"

Cangmingzi asked in fear.

"No, I feel that he wants more than that." Zhao Mu's face was serious.

"Then what else does he want? Could it be that he wants to take us to the Endless Wasteland as well?"

Cangmingzi was even more terrified.

What is the Endless Wasteland?

That is a restricted area for living beings in this world. If he is really caught in it, wouldn't he be dead?

Zhao Mu did not answer, nor was he panicked. Instead, there was excitement in the depths of his eyes.

Because he could feel that the stone statue of the demon hidden in his body had become hot.

The rhythm of life actually made his mind more and more pure.

The stone statue of the demon god was purifying his mind?


Suddenly, the heaven and earth shook.

Everyone was shocked to find that the huge eye in the distance seemed to be getting closer and closer.


It was not the eye that was approaching, but the space of the entire world that was folding.

The folding of space made the distance that was originally billions of miles away quickly close, which created the illusion that the eye was approaching.

Even after a few breaths, everyone was shocked to find that the huge eye had actually come in front of them.

Young Master Lingshi subconsciously raised his hand, wanting to touch the eye that was so close, but found that his palm went directly through the eye.

This means that a part of the endless wasteland space where the eye's phantom was located has overlapped with the space where everyone is.

The two sides seemed to be close, but in fact they were still across the sky.

The next moment, everything was upside down, and everything seemed to be reversed.

Everyone was surprised to find that the sky appeared under their feet, and the earth appeared above their heads;

The person who was originally standing in front of them appeared behind them at some point;

And the two eyes that were originally in the Huangshuiquan pit, the phantom eye had disappeared, and the remaining right eye that had just been "resurrected" suddenly appeared next to the giant eye in the folded space.

The two physical eyes truly converged, and the power it burst out was even more terrifying.

Of course, Zhao Mu, who was in this space, was also affected by the reversal of all things.

Zhao Mu looked at Cangmingzi and Beiyu Mingzun who were close at hand, and stretched out his left hand to Cangmingzi and directly grabbed his shoulder.

But when his right hand stretched out to Beiyu Mingzun, it went straight through him.

This means that he is no longer in the same space as Beiyu Mingzun.

Or to be more precise, he and Cangmingzi have been moved to the space where the endless wasteland is located by the giant eye.

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