Eternal Life: My Millennia in the Jiaofang Division

Chapter 1288 Looking back to the past

"Bikong, are you okay?"

Qingye Demon Lord asked anxiously.

Ruan Bikong's abnormality made him wonder if the Northern Territory Mingzun had done something to his disciple?

Fortunately, Ruan Bikong seemed to have come to his senses at this time.

She shook her head gently: "Master, don't worry, the disciple is fine. It's just that Master Mingzun's treatment just now made the disciple feel a little confused, but he is much better now."

"Is that so?"

Qingye Yaojun looked suspicious.

But there was no time for him to think too much now, so he could only put aside his doubts and said: "It's okay. If you're still not feeling well, just go back and rest. You don't have to worry about things here."

"It's okay, master. I also want to see how Taoist Wan Yu and the others are doing."

Ruan Bikong's tone was soft but firm.

"Okay, then if you feel uncomfortable, just tell the master."

"Yes, master."

The master and apprentice stopped talking and turned to look at the sky again.

At this time, under the folding of space, Taoist Wanyu and Cangmingzi had returned to the sky above the swamp pit.

Everyone couldn't help but look into the depths of the folded space, wanting to see what the place they went to before looked like?

But the folded space seemed to be shrouded in fog, making it impossible for them to see clearly.


The next moment, as if there was an invisible strong wind whistling by, the folded space quickly returned to its original state, and only Taoist Wan Yu and Cang Mingzi were left in the sky.

Everyone wanted to greet him.

But before they could make any move, they saw Taoist Wan Yu nodded towards the Northern Territory Mingzun, and then suddenly transformed into a stream of light, quickly shooting towards the distant sky.

After Cangmingzi saluted Beiyu Mingzun, he also flew in another direction.

"Leaving now?"

Everyone was stunned.

They also wanted to make friends with Taoist Wan Yu and inquire about the giant eyes, but the other party actually ignored them and left?

Some people are unhappy, and this simply doesn't take them seriously at all.

But no matter how unhappy they were, they didn't dare to say anything.

Those were master-level experts, and crushing them would be as easy as crushing ants.

"Okay, let's all disperse."

Suddenly the voice of Beiyu Mingzun came.

Everyone looked at the indifferent Mingzun of the North Territory. Although they were as curious as a cat about the giant eye, they could only bow and salute one by one: "Yes, Lord Mingzun!"

When they raised their heads, Beiyu Mingzun had also transformed into a stream of light and flew towards Lingyun Lake.

Everyone smiled bitterly.

Sure enough, the top leaders of the Demon Alliance and the Five Demon Lords may seem to have a noble status, but in front of a powerful person like the Lord, they don't even bother to look at you.

The same is true for Taoist Wan Yu, and the same is true for Beiyu Mingzun...

Everyone reluctantly dispersed.

Lord Mingxin also asked Ying Poyun to leave with hundreds of thousands of demon troops.

It didn't take long for the world to become quiet. Only the yellow swamp that had turned into a pothole showed what had happened here before.

Two days later.

The scorching sun in the sky slowly hid into the mountains to the west, and the day turned into night.

The stars in the night are mesmerizing to watch.

The occasional chirping of insects in the jungle makes the place seem even more peaceful.

Suddenly, a figure appeared on the edge of the pit, staring at the bottom of the pit and wondering what he was thinking?

This man has a graceful figure, and his appearance is as beautiful as if he had stepped out of a painting. He is none other than Ruan Bikong, who should have left long ago.

"There should be no one here anymore, right?"

Ruan Bikong's spiritual thoughts rippled out in circles like ripples, passing through the jungle, through the mountains and rivers, across the sky, and also penetrated deep into the earth.

Finally, she was satisfied that there was indeed no one here.

"In that case, let's get started."

Ruan Bikong looked calm and turned around to find a place to sit down cross-legged.

When everyone in the Demon Alliance left two days ago, she did leave with Demon Lord Qingye, preparing to return to Wanshui Daze.

However, the doubts in her heart made it impossible for her to calm down.

So she simply told Demon Lord Qingye that she had something to do and didn't want to go back to Wanshui Daze for the time being, and then secretly hurried back to Huangshui Swamp.

"What did I forget?"

Ruan Bikong was thinking in his mind while using his own innate magical power to return the light to the shadow.

Two days ago, she had a physical problem due to the power of cause and effect, so Qingye Yaojun invited the Northern Territory Mingzun to treat her.

At that time, she was unconscious during the entire treatment process, so she didn't know what exactly happened during the process?

But since the treatment ended, she always felt like she had forgotten something?

For two days, this doubt had been lingering in her mind, making her upset and uncomfortable.

So she just ran back today to find out if she really forgot something here?

The mana flowed, and streams of light converged in mid-air and turned into a ball of light and shadow.

An image appeared in the light and shadow, which was exactly the scene when Taoist Wan Yu and Cang Mingzi were taken away.

Ruan Bikong stared closely at the changes in the light and shadow.

The folded space was quickly restored, and Taoist Wan Yu and Cang Ming Zi had disappeared.

"Where did those eyes take Taoist Wan Yu and the others?"

"Who knows, it seems that Taoist Master Wan Yu is in less danger this time. After all, those eyes are obviously much stronger than Taoist Wan Yu."

"That may not be the case. I have heard some legends in the Southern Region. It is said that this Wanyu Taoist has always been mysterious. No one has ever really seen through his depth. How could such a person die so easily?"

The people in the Demon Alliance were talking about it.

Some people wanted to leave, but most people did not intend to leave.

So everyone set up camp again under the arrangement of Mingxin Jun, hoping to wait for Wanyu Taoist and Cangmingzi to come back.

Ruan Bikong and his master Qingye Demon Jun, naturally built their own tents.

But not long after the master and apprentice entered the tent, Ruan Bikong's body had problems.

In the tent.

The master and apprentice were talking, and suddenly Ruan Bikong's body was rippling with a faint causal power, and then his eyes gradually fell into confusion.

"Bikong, what's wrong with you?"

Qingye Demon Jun's face changed drastically, and he immediately waved his hand, and his magic power rolled up Ruan Bikong and put him on the bed. Then he checked with his divine mind, but gradually frowned.

"Strange, how can there be such a strong causal force in Bikong's body? Could it be that she was affected when Wanyu Daoist took action earlier?"

Qingye Demon King looked solemn and tried to help Ruan Bikong get rid of the causal force.

But as soon as his magic power entered his body, Ruan Bikong's whole body twitched violently, and it was obvious that the causal force was rejecting his magic power.

"Damn it, how could this happen?"

Qingye Demon King gritted his teeth and tried some other methods, but he still couldn't get rid of the causal force and let Ruan Bikong return to normal.

This made him helpless, and he didn't know what to do for a while?

"By the way, the causal force is the method of Wanyu Daoist. This lord is only a quasi-god realm. How can I break the method of the master."

"But Lord Mingzun of the Northern Territory is also the master, so there should be a way, right?"

Thinking of this, Qingye Demon King immediately left the tent.

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