Zhao Mu stepped forward.

The closer he got to where Ruan Bikong was sitting, the thicker the causal force around him became, to the point that it even had a materialized effect.

Zhao Mu's magic power turned into a knife, forcibly cutting through the thick causal force and walking to Ruan Bikong's side.

Ruan Bikong's body was also constantly twisting and changing under the influence of the causal force.

Sometimes she would turn into a blue sky python;

Sometimes she would turn into a white-haired old woman;

Sometimes she would turn into a monster covered with green feathers.

Zhao Mu recognized this monster at a glance. It was the appearance that Ruan Bikong had mutated into after being affected by the demon blood jade in her previous life.

Zhao Mu smiled slightly: "In the past and present lives, the cause and effect are connected. Every sip and every drink is destined by heaven. Since you have already entered the threshold of the causal path, when will you realize it?"

As he spoke, a white lotus appeared behind him, and at the same time, his right index finger, with a touch of the causal path, gently touched Ruan Bikong's brow.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still, and everything around them was frozen.

Zhao Mu and Ruan Bikong's bodies were also frozen and motionless.

But the silence of the outer flesh could not cover the turbulence of the inner soul.

In the depths of Zhao Mu's pupils, countless streams of light rushed like a surging river, as if the infinite truth of heaven and earth gathered here, and then flowed into Ruan Bikong's heart through his fingers.

At the same time, Ruan Bikong slowly opened her eyes.

Her pupils were originally blank, but at a certain moment, spring water suddenly emerged.

The spring water continued to flow and converge, gradually converging into streams and small rivers, and finally formed a surging river like Zhao Mu.

At the moment when the river was formed, everything that was originally frozen around the two suddenly "came alive".

The rich power of cause and effect began to rotate, forming a vortex above Ruan Bikong's head, and rotating continuously into Ruan Bikong's body.

The causal rhyme emanating from Ruan Bikong began to grow at an alarming rate, so that her entire body became hazy.

At this moment, if there was a third person at the scene, they would see Ruan Bikong becoming ethereal.

She was clearly in front of you, but you always felt unreal when you looked at her, as if she had left this world and no longer had any ties with this world.

It was as if she was being assimilated by the causal relationship of this world.

"You can't be assimilated."

Zhao Mu smiled slightly, and the finger that was touching Ruan Bikong's brow suddenly retracted, and then his palm turned into a claw, grabbing Ruan Bikong in the air and slowly pulling her back, as if to pull her back from another world.

In fact, Ruan Bikong's current state is very similar to the quasi-god transformation.

If a quasi-god wants to prove the truth of a human god, he needs to have an extremely deep understanding of the great way of heaven and earth and penetrate the truth of all things.

But among all the quasi-gods that have appeared throughout the ages, almost nine out of nine do not have enough understanding.

When their lives come to an end and there is no hope of living anymore, some people will try to transform themselves into the Dao regardless of everything, so that they can integrate themselves into the Dao of heaven and earth, and use the moment of unity between heaven and man to try to find the opportunity to prove themselves.

Of course, so far, no quasi-god has succeeded in the Dao.

The consequence of failing to transform is that one is completely assimilated by the heaven and earth, just like a drop of water merging into the sea, which seems to still exist, but in fact no longer exists.

The same is true for Ruan Bikong now.

Although she has stepped into the threshold of the Dao of Cause and Effect, she is still far from truly mastering the Dao of Cause and Effect.

So if Zhao Mu doesn't pull her back now, she will be assimilated by this world like the quasi-god Dao, and completely disappear.

As Zhao Mu's palm slowly pulled back, Ruan Bikong, who had turned into nothingness, gradually became real again.

I don't know how long it has been?

The causal power that was stirring in the room gradually subsided, and all kinds of distorted furniture and furnishings returned to their normal state.

Ruan Bikong sat cross-legged quietly, his eyes closed again, but the surge of the power of cause and effect was no longer on his body.

Zhao Mu walked to the table beside him and sat down, took out a set of tea sets from his storage bracelet, and slowly brewed tea and tasted it carefully.

Another hour passed.

Finally, Ruan Bikong slowly opened his eyes again, and the mysterious rhyme of cause and effect flashed in her beautiful eyes.

She stood up and saluted respectfully: "Thank you, Lord Mingzun, for your help, which allowed me to get a glimpse of the way of cause and effect."

Two hundred years!

She spent two hundred years in seclusion and cultivation, but she always stood outside the threshold of the way of cause and effect, and could not push the door in.

She really couldn't imagine, if it weren't for the help of Mingzun of the Northern Territory today, how long would it take for her to get a glimpse of the way of cause and effect?

Three hundred years?

Five hundred years?

Or a thousand years?

Or never get enlightenment?

Ruan Bikong didn't know, and she couldn't imagine it.

So at this moment, she was sincerely grateful to Zhao Mu.

Zhao Mu smiled, poured a cup of tea and motioned Ruan Bikong to sit down: "Come, have some tea."

"Thank you, Master Mingzun."

Ruan Bikong replied, and then sat down at the table.

"In fact, with your opportunity, it is only a matter of time before you realize the law of cause and effect. I just helped you a little earlier, so don't worry about it."

Zhao Mu smiled lightly and said: "But now you are just stepping into the threshold of the law of cause and effect. If you want to truly master the law of cause and effect, you still have a long way to go in the future."

"Yes, this junior understands that this junior will continue on this path."

Ruan Bikong nodded slightly.

She also understood that it was a great opportunity for her to realize the way of cause and effect in the realm of inducing tribulation.

After all, under normal circumstances, immortal cultivators will only understand a certain aspect of the great ways of heaven and earth after they have reached the quasi-god realm.

For example, the Five Elements, Time, Cause and Effect, etc.

There are really very few immortal cultivators in this world who can comprehend certain aspects of the great ways of heaven and earth before they step into the quasi-god realm.

And every immortal cultivator who has this opportunity is lucky and must cherish it.

"Lord Mingzun, why did you suddenly come to Wanshui Daze?"

Ruan Bikong asked doubtfully.

"Of course I'm here to help you." Zhao Mu chuckled.

"Looking for my help?"

Ruan Bikong was stunned: "Master Mingzun, are you kidding me? This little girl is just a monk in the robbery realm. How can I help you?"

"There's no need to be modest. I just got into the Dominion by luck. I may be stronger in combat than you, but I may not be as good as you in other aspects."

Zhao Mu took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "Let's just look back on the past. Your innate magical powers are unique in this regard."

"Now that you have understood the law of cause and effect, your ability to return to the past must be stronger, which can be of great help to me."

"Master Mingzun really has confidence in the little girl."

Ruan Bikong smiled bitterly, with an expression that said, "I don't even have confidence in myself."

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