Eternal Life: My Millennia in the Jiaofang Division

Chapter 1363 The Pride of the Buddha in Another World

Two masters, one stood on the clouds in the sky, and the other stood on the vast grassland with his hands behind his back.

They stopped talking, but there were strong auras that kept colliding between heaven and earth.

Invisible forces ravaged the universe, and dense explosions came one after another.

Obviously, the two seemed motionless, but they had already started fighting, so that this huge grassland had become a restricted area.

Wild horses!



All the creatures living on this grassland were huddled on the ground and trembling.

Their simple heads could not know what was happening in this world?

But their instincts could sense the huge danger, so they dared not move.

Fortunately, although the two masters had already started fighting, they had a tacit understanding and did not release their own power recklessly.

So although many creatures were scared to death, none of them really died.

The aura that permeated the universe became more and more terrifying, and even this chilling aura had been transmitted to the hearts of all the immortal cultivators who were peeping here through the mysterious light mirrors.

Although separated by the Mysterious Light Mirror, the cultivators of the major forces still felt as if a huge rock was pressing on their hearts.

At this moment, they once again felt the horror of the master.

Many juniors who had never seen the master take action also clearly realized for the first time why there is a saying in the world that everyone is an ant under the master.

Above the sea of ​​clouds.

Beiyu Mingzun suddenly stepped forward and stepped his left foot into the air.


An invisible force fell from the sky and hit the grassland hard.

With the Prophet Saint Emperor as the center, the surrounding ground began to collapse continuously, and a deep pit was formed in the blink of an eye.

And the shape of this pit was surprisingly a huge foot.

And countless roots in the pit of the foot, like tentacles, drilled out from the ground, forming a huge barrier in the air, completely blocking the Prophet Saint Emperor in the pit.

Taking this opportunity, Beiyu Mingzun disappeared from the spot in a flash.

But at this moment, a teasing voice suddenly sounded: "Mingzun Beiyu, where do you want to go?"

Suddenly, thousands of miles ahead, Mingzun Beiyu reappeared, staring at the sky ahead with a gloomy face.

In the sea of ​​clouds there, a huge body was swimming, and sharp dragon claws would appear from time to time.

The next moment, a huge black dragon emerged from the sea of ​​clouds, it was the Black Blood Dragon.


Suddenly, a loud noise came from behind, and the barrier formed by countless roots and tentacles was broken.

The Prophet Saint Emperor soared into the sky and instantly blocked behind Mingzun Beiyu.

Before Mingzun Beiyu could react again, the earth suddenly shook, and a huge figure strode over from the grassland on the left.

It was a demon ape whose body was taller than the sea of ​​clouds.

The Abyss Giant Ape also came.

So far, because of Daoyuan, the six masters of the world have all appeared.

Everyone also knew that under the joint blockade of the three masters, the Northern Territory Mingzun might have completely lost the possibility of breaking out.

"It seems that this time, Daoyuan will not be able to set foot on the land of the Eastern Territory after all."

This thought came to people's minds at the same time.

South China Sea.

The pitch-black Buddha has begun to devour Daoyuan again.

And on the beach, the face of the Buddha of another world also smiled again.

"Daoyou Wanyu, it seems that your ally has been delayed. It's a pity. If he can get here, he will definitely help you rescue the little monk."

"But now it seems that neither you nor he has a chance."

"Now that the little monk Daoyuan has been half devoured by this poor monk, I believe it won't be long before he will be completely devoured by this poor monk."

"By then, this poor monk will be able to restore his true strength."

"No one in this world will be able to compete with this poor monk."

The Buddha of another world was extremely proud.

Even the Northern Territory Mingzun has been entangled. He doesn't think that the Taoist Wanyu has a chance to turn the tables.

"By the way, don't you still have 100,000 incense gods under your command?"

The Buddha of Another World suddenly turned around and looked at Zhao Mu: "When we were in the South Region, your 100,000 incense gods summoned an unknown god and exerted a power comparable to that of the master realm."

"Why don't you summon them again in today's battle? Maybe they can help you turn the tables?"

"After all, that is an unknown god in the master realm!"

"Or, you don't dare?"

The Buddha of Another World laughed without waiting for Zhao Mu to answer: "Hahaha, I guess you know it very well."

"Since you have exposed those incense gods in the past, I will naturally prepare a way to deal with them early."

"So even if you summon them again today, I have a way to deal with them."

"Otherwise, why don't you try to summon them?"

The Buddha of Another World became more and more proud as he spoke, and his confident look made people hate him.

At the same time, Zhao Mu fell into silence.

He paid no attention to what the Otherworldly Buddha was saying, but stared at the dark Buddha that bound Daoyuan, and... the Nirvana Buddha Kingdom behind the Buddha.

Not seeing the expression he wanted to see on Zhao Mu's face, the Otherworldly Buddha felt a little angry.

He suddenly retracted his feet, gave up the direct confrontation with Zhao Mu, and then walked back to the table and sat down.

"Master Wanyu, you act so mysterious, do you think you still have a chance to turn the tables?"

"Or are you just being mysterious, wanting me to be suspicious and make mistakes?"

The Buddha of another world snorted coldly: "Don't do these useless things, at this point, your defeat is inevitable."

"Instead of wasting time being mysterious, you might as well think about how to save your life afterwards."

"As long as I devour the Daoyuan, I will soon be able to restore my strength before I came to this world."

"When I was in In the Land of Silence, I already have the power comparable to that of a god on earth. Once I fully recover, you will surely die today. "

"But it doesn't matter. I admire you, so I am willing to give you a chance."

"As long as you serve me and work for me loyally in the future, I can spare your life and even let you have a position above everyone else."

"At that time, the Prophet Saint Emperor and his people will all obey your orders. How about it?"

After saying this, the Buddha of Other World stared at Zhao Mu coldly, waiting for his answer.

But unfortunately, Zhao Mu never answered him, but still stared at the dark Buddha in the distance, and... the Land of Silence.

Just when the Buddha of Other World gradually lost his patience and was about to threaten again.

Zhao Mu suddenly retracted his gaze and looked at him indifferently: "Buddha, do you really think you will win today?"

"What do you mean?" The Buddha of Other World frowned.

Zhao Mu shook his head, suddenly drank the tea in the cup in one gulp, and stood up: "Buddha probably thinks that no one in this world knows your secret, right?"

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