Eternal Life: My Millennia in the Jiaofang Division

Chapter 1368 You play me, I play you!


Daoyuan's foot finally landed on the beach.

This seemingly ordinary step completely detonated the Buddhist and Taoist luck of the Eastern Divine Land.

The Pure Land of Bliss!

The Holy Tree Immortal Country!

The Thunder Strike Plain!

The Vermillion Bird Country!

All the Buddhist and Taoist sects in the Eastern Divine Land burst into brilliant Buddhist light at this moment.

Those Buddha lights kept flashing, echoing Daoyuan who had just set foot on the land of the Eastern Divine Land.

That was the Buddhist and Taoist luck boiling, cheering, and celebrating the birth of a future Buddhist and Taoist supreme.

This kind of celebration was a spontaneous action of the Buddhist and Taoist luck, which was not affected by human will.

In the Eastern Divine Land, perhaps some Buddhist and Taoist sects or Buddhist and Taoist monks did not like Daoyuan to lay the foundation for the Buddhist and Taoist supreme, but that was useless.

At this moment, no one could affect the Buddhist and Taoist luck.

From now on, as long as Daoyuan is not killed midway, it is a foregone conclusion that he will become the supreme Buddha in the future.

Moreover, Daoyuan now cannot be killed just because he wants to, because the Buddhist luck of the Eastern Region will protect him and help him avoid many disasters.

This is what is meant by the saying that heaven and earth will work together when the time comes.

Of course, this does not mean that Daoyuan will never be killed.

There are still people in this world who can break through the protection of the Buddhist luck and kill Daoyuan.

But there are only a handful of such people in the world.

And from now on, these people may not dare to attack Daoyuan easily.

After all, he has a good master!


Finally, Daoyuan's other foot also stepped on the land of the Eastern Region, and the boiling Buddhist luck suddenly seemed to become substantial.

People from all over the world saw a huge Buddha shadow appear in the sky at this moment.

The appearance of the Buddha shadow seemed to be exactly the same as Daoyuan.

This is the destiny of Buddhism and Taoism, which has imprinted Daoyuan's image between heaven and earth, and is also the recognition of the future Buddhist Supreme by the Heavenly Dao.

And at the moment when Daoyuan finally set foot on the land of the Eastern Region.

In the distant sky, the four masters who had been deadlocked for seven days and seven nights stopped fighting at the same time.

The breath of Mingzun of the Northern Region was a little weak. Obviously, the continuous fighting in these days has caused him a lot of damage.

However, the seven artifacts surrounding him were still murderous.

He glanced at the three people opposite him calmly: "Why, three of you, don't you want to continue fighting? As long as you hold on for a few more days, I can't bear it?"

The three looked at each other.

The Abyss Giant Ape snorted, "Why fight? That little monk has already set foot in the East Region and laid the foundation for becoming the Supreme Buddha. The Otherworldly Buddha has no chance."

"In this situation, it is meaningless to continue fighting. It is better to go back to sleep early."

"Anyway, whoever wants to stay here can stay. I am leaving."

After saying that, the Abyss Giant Ape did not even have the interest to pretend to be polite, and turned around and left.

The huge body took a step of ten thousand feet, and soon crossed the mountains and disappeared in the distant horizon.

"Forget it, forget it. I am too lazy to waste time here. This time the goal was not achieved, and I don't know if the Otherworldly Buddha can fulfill his original promise?"

The Black Blood Demon Dragon sighed, looking helpless for having worked in vain for half a day, and then the dragon body rushed straight into the sky, and soon disappeared in the sea of ​​clouds.

In the end, only the Prophet Saint Emperor was left at the scene.

Ming Zun of the Northern Territory looked at him and said with a smile: "Why, Saint Emperor, you don't want to leave? Do you want to fight me again?"

"You are joking, Ming Zun. The three of us have not been able to take you down these days. How can I be your opponent alone?"

The Holy Emperor of the Prophet shook his head with a kind face: "I stayed here just to apologize to Ming Zun. It was not my intention to fight Ming Zun this time."

"The Buddha of the Other World found the three of us separately and asked us to hold Ming Zun back with generous conditions, but it was just holding him back."

"Originally, I didn't want to agree, but there was no way. I couldn't refuse the conditions offered by the Buddha of the Other World, so I came today."

"But I have no hostility towards Ming Zun, so I hope Ming Zun will not hold a grudge against what happened today."

Ming Zun of the Northern Territory secretly mocked in his heart.

He is Zhao Mu's clone, and of course he knows exactly what role the Holy Emperor of the Prophet played in the whole thing.

Now this guy can actually apologize with a flattering face and pretend to be a good guy. He is really good at acting.

But if you can act well, it will be fun if you play me and I play you, right?

"I understand what the Holy Emperor said."

North Territory Ming Zun smiled and said, "Everyone knows that the Holy Emperor of the Prophet has always been a carefree person and rarely participates in worldly struggles."

"This time, the Holy Emperor must have been forced to come here. Don't worry, I will never argue with the Holy Emperor."

"But please understand one thing, the Holy Emperor, I have no hostility towards the Holy Emperor. The reason I came here today is just because of the alliance with the Wanyu Taoist. I have to come."

"But the Holy Emperor also knows about the alliance. It doesn't matter who you form an alliance with, as long as there are enough benefits."

The Holy Emperor of the Prophet frowned slightly: "What does Ming Zun mean?"

North Territory Ming Zun smiled: "My meaning is very simple. Today, I have formed an alliance with the Wanyu Taoist because we have common interests."

"But if one day, the Holy Emperor wants to deal with the Wanyu Taoist, as long as you pay enough benefits, I can break the alliance and help you deal with him."

"Hasn't this been the relationship between the masters for tens of thousands of years?"

North Territory Ming Zun put on a face of a villain who puts interests first.

Aren't you playing the role of a good guy?

Well, I'll play it too.

A villain with no bottom line should be something that everyone wants to use, right?

When you really want to deal with Wanyu Daoist, you'd better think of bribing me first.

Then I can naturally penetrate behind the enemy's back?

The Prophet Saint Emperor smiled awkwardly: "Ming Zun is really direct, why don't you cover it up a little, after all, you and Wanyu Daoist are still allies now?"

"What to cover up, is it necessary?"

North Territory Ming Zun was still straightforward: "Today I am like this with Wanyu Daoist, and tomorrow I will do the same with you, Saint Emperor."

"So Saint Emperor, think clearly, if one day you want to ask me for help, you'd better come up with a reason that makes me reluctant to betray you, otherwise you have to be careful of me."

The Prophet Saint Emperor was speechless, he didn't expect that the villain Ming Zun of the North Territory was so righteous.

However, the straightforwardness of Ming Zun of the Northern Territory did dispel some of his concerns.

So he smiled and said, "Okay, Ming Zun, don't worry. If you really come to me one day, I will definitely offer you benefits that you can't refuse. So today, I will take my leave first!"

The Prophet Saint Emperor bowed his hands, turned around and left.

Ming Zun of the Northern Territory narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the Prophet Saint Emperor's back as he walked away, and a strange smile appeared in his heart.

Is this old guy attracted to me?

It would be best if he could come to me as soon as possible. Undercover things are so fun!

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