Eternal Life: My Millennia in the Jiaofang Division

Chapter 1560: Revisiting the old place

Zhao Mu's mind escaped through the peach branch in the void at an astonishing speed, and arrived at Jinyue City in the divine land of the East Region in just a few days.

This is where Liang Ping was born, and it is also where Zhao Mu accepted him as a disciple.

Obviously, this place is very important to Liang Ping, so even though he has lost his memory, he still returned here first.

"I hope I can make it in time."

Zhao Mu's mind attached to a peach branch and escaped from the void, revealing the figure of Wanyu Taoist.

It has been more than 5,000 years since he left with Liang Ping.

Five thousand years of time is a very long time even for most immortal cultivators.

Because most immortal cultivators do not have enough talent and opportunities to support themselves, they can't live for 5,000 years even if they cultivate to a high enough level.

For mortals, 5,000 years is the reproduction of hundreds of generations and the rise and fall of several dynasties.

Zhao Mu stood on the street of Jinyue City, his mind swept across the entire city, and he saw that everything was different and the world had changed.

Those neighbors who lived in Jinyue City back then have naturally passed away long ago.

The people passing by now may be the descendants of a certain neighbor back then, hundreds of generations later.

The layout of the entire Jinyue City has long been different from that of the past.

Obviously, in the rise and fall of hundreds of generations, Jinyue City has been renovated and expanded more than once.

Most places have long lost their familiar appearance.

"I wonder if Liang Ping, who has lost his memory, can still remember some things in the past when he returns here?"

Zhao Mu shook his head and used his divine sense to carefully search for Liang Ping's traces, but found nothing.

"Has he left?"

Zhao Mu frowned slightly: "Fortunately, I have been prepared."

Before he rushed to Jinyue City, he realized that he might be late and Liang Ping had already left.

So on the way here, he had already activated the incense peach wood in advance, so that the peach wood branches corresponding to Jinyue City in the void recorded everything that happened in Jinyue City these days.

Therefore, as long as he looks back through the peach wood branch, he can see everything that happened in Jinyue City these days and all the people who have come to Jinyue City.

Zhao Mu closed his eyes slightly, and communicated with the incense peach wood with his mind, and countless images suddenly appeared in his mind.

A few days ago.

A crazy man suddenly appeared on the bustling street of Jinyue City.

The man was well-dressed, but his hair was messy, and his expression was a little dull. He kept muttering "Who am I" and so on.

This man was Liang Ping.

Liang Ping's crazy appearance naturally attracted the attention of many people on the street.

But no one came forward to ask, and everyone was afraid to avoid Liang Ping. I don't know if they were scared by Liang Ping's appearance?

Liang Ping walked on the street in a daze, and soon came to a tavern.

He stood motionless in front of the tavern, and a trace of memory flashed in his dull eyes. I don't know if he remembered something?

After a while, the shopkeeper in the tavern finally couldn't stand a madman standing at the door of his shop and affecting his business, so he took two waiters out to chase him away.

"Madman, stop standing at the door of the shop, get out of here quickly, our customers are scared away by you."

The shopkeeper shouted.

But Liang Ping seemed to be deaf to it, and didn't pay any attention at all, still staring at the tavern.

The shopkeeper was a little angry, and ordered the two waiters: "You two, hurry up and drive this madman away. If he stands here for a while longer, we won't do business anymore."

"Yes, shopkeeper!"

The two waiters nodded and bowed, but turned their heads and immediately changed their faces: "Madman, did you hear me, get out of here quickly, or I'll beat you up!"

The two came up cursing and wanted to push Liang Ping away.

But Liang Ping was as steady as a rock and didn't move at all.

The two waiters were surprised and pushed hard, even using all their strength, but Liang Ping's feet seemed to be rooted and still did not move.

Now even a fool would realize that something was wrong.

The two waiters looked at each other and turned back and said, "Shopkeeper, this madman seems to have some kung fu skills. Neither of us can push him!"

The shopkeeper also became cautious.

Jinyue City is just a mortal city. It is rare to see immortals, but there are many martial arts masters in the world.

Their tavern is open for business, but they don't want to provoke martial arts masters.

So the shopkeeper pursed his lips and said, "Brother, I'm sorry for offending you just now. Our tavern is also very famous in Jinyue City. Why don't you come in and have a drink?"

But Liang Ping still didn't answer.

The shopkeeper was a little confused and didn't know what to do.

He scratched his head in distress, thinking about how to get Liang Ping away, at least not to stand in front of the tavern and affect business.

But just as he was thinking, he looked up inadvertently and was suddenly stunned.

"Where is the person, where did the madman go?" he asked in astonishment.

The two waiters turned around quickly and found that the madman who was standing next to them just now had disappeared without a trace, and disappeared silently.

The two were dumbfounded and stuttered: "Boss... Boss, that madman is not a ghost, how come he left without any movement?"

"Ghost, your head, will ghosts come out in broad daylight?"

The shopkeeper rolled his eyes at the two of them in annoyance: "It seems that the person just now is either a top master in the world or a cultivator."

"Fortunately, we didn't force him just now, otherwise he might have torn down the tavern!"

"The shopkeeper is right. If we had forced him out just now, we would probably have lost our heads." The two waiters were still in shock.

At this time, the shopkeeper looked back at the tavern, with a hint of doubt on his face: "But what was that madman looking at just now? Is there anything special about our tavern? Why does it feel like he is revisiting an old place?"

The two waiters looked at each other, not knowing how to answer.

Of course, he is revisiting an old place.

Because the location of this tavern is exactly the clinic opened by Zhao Mu more than 5,000 years ago.

Scenes continued to flash in his mind.

Zhao Mu found that Liang Ping appeared at the intersection of a street after leaving the tavern, and there was a towering tree in the middle of the intersection.

Liang Ping stood in front of the tree for a long time, attracting the attention of passers-by, but no one came up to drive him away.

Zhao Mu compared the Jinyue City in his memory and found that the intersection of the street where the big tree was located was the home where Liang Ping grew up.

The events of that year were still vivid in his mind.

At that time, Liang Ping was born with an incomplete water spirit body, so he was weak and sick since childhood and could only rely on his father Liang Lao to take care of his daily life.

Later, Liang Lao was obviously dead, but because he was worried about his son, his soul was forced to stay in the flesh and did not reincarnate, so he became a walking corpse.

Fortunately, Zhao Mu came to Jinyue City and met Liang Lao and Liang Ping at that time, otherwise it is hard to say what the tragic end of the father and son would be?

Liang Ping died?

Liang Lao, who turned into a walking corpse, eventually lost control and started a killing spree in Jinyue City, and then was killed by the passing immortal cultivators?

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