Eternal Life: My Millennia in the Jiaofang Division

Chapter 159 Nine-Colored Glazed Lamp

Zhao Mu led the black dragon and the turtle spirit and headed north.

Finally, eight days later, they arrived at the Totem Temple.

The Totem Temple is located on the top of Wolf God Mountain.

This mountain range is majestic and tall, and was once known as the largest mountain range in Beimang Country. The high priest of that year once ruled the entire Beimang Country in the Totem Temple on the top of the mountain.

However, hundreds of years have passed, and the Totem Temple is now in ruins. The once magnificent palace is now overgrown with weeds.

The ruins seem to be a testament to the former glory.

Zhao Mu waved the whisk in his hand, and Liang Kun appeared on the ground out of thin air.

"Sir!" Liang Kun greeted with a look of fear.


Zhao Mu nodded: "Tell me, where did you find Sima Tongsheng's body?"

"Sir, please follow me, it's just in front."

Liang Kun led the way, and everyone soon came to a palace that was relatively well preserved.

On the walls of this palace, there are many totems of gods and ghosts, and in the center of the front wall is a totem of a white giant wolf.

In the Beimang Kingdom, the wolf god was the highest belief, so when the totem temple was built, the wolf god naturally occupied the main position.

Liang Kun walked up to the giant wolf totem and said, "My lord, I found Sima Tongsheng's body in this wall at that time."

"Inside the wall? Do you mean there is a secret passage behind the wall?"

"Yes, my lord, please look."

Liang Kun gently pressed on the tip of the giant wolf's left front paw.


Suddenly, the middle of the wall retreated, revealing a dark and deep corridor.

Turtle Spirit Wings slapped Liang Kun on the back of his head: "Go, you go in front."


Liang Kun behaved very obediently and walked into the dark corridor first.

At this time, Zhao Mu rubbed his fingers lightly, and a ball of golden flames flew to the top of his head, and the bright light immediately illuminated the corridor.

The walls of the corridor were exactly the same as those outside, and were also carved with various gods and ghosts.

The few people walked forward, and after a while, they suddenly saw a huge palace in front of them.

The palace was magnificent, and thick pillars stood in the hall, looking majestic and sacred.

Zhao Mu looked up and saw that the furnishings in the hall were simple, and right in front of the hall, there was a huge altar three people high.

Several people approached the altar and jumped on it.

It can be seen that the center of the altar was charred, as if it had been burned by a fierce fire.

At this time, Liang Kun's eyes flickered, and he slowed down his pace without making a sound, and opened up a half-body distance from Zhao Mu and others.

Just as he turned around and prepared to escape, a voice suddenly came: "Where are you going?"


The turtle spirit flapped its wings and flew back, landing in front of Liang Kun: "Hehe, old man, you are not going to escape, are you?"

At this time, Zhao Mu and the black dragon also turned around and looked at Liang Kun coldly.

"No, no, no, my lord has misunderstood. How could this old man escape?"

Liang Kun was startled and waved his hands repeatedly, saying: "Actually...actually..."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. Do you really think we will be defenseless against you and let you lead us into a trap?"

The black dragon also flew over and snorted: "Tell me, what is in the middle of this altar that makes you think you can kill us and escape easily?"

Liang Kun hesitated.

"Don't want to say it?"

The turtle spirit grinned: "Hehe, if you don't tell the truth, I will let Chu Ying put you in that bottle again, and let you die by melting your flesh and soul."

"No, I said."

Liang Kun was horrified and obviously still had lingering fears about the Swallowing Heaven Jade Bottle.

So he said, "Okay, I admit that I did want to plot against you three, but now I'm telling you the truth, please don't kill me."

He paused, then continued, "In fact, the last time I came here, I found the body of Sima Tongsheng in the center of the altar."

"He was standing in the middle of the altar, but when I took him away from the altar, a red flame suddenly rose from where he was standing."

"The flame was so hot that I had actually left the altar, but I still felt as if I was about to melt."

"Obviously, if I was still in the middle of the altar, I would have been burned to ashes, so..."

"So you wanted to trick us into walking to the middle of the altar and burn us to death with that flame?"

Turtle Spirit stared angrily.

"Spare my life, sir, spare my life, I won't dare to lie to you again."

Liang Kun knelt on the ground in fear and begged for mercy.

Zhao Mu ignored him and turned to look at the center of the altar: "You all retreat outside the altar."


The black dragon and the turtle spirit immediately flew out of the altar. Seeing this, Liang Kun also hurriedly got up and retreated.

At this time, Zhao Mu also walked outside the altar, picked up a stone from the ground, and threw it directly into the middle of the altar.


Suddenly, the scorched area was really filled with red flames.

The temperature of the flame was extremely high, and the whole palace became hot in the blink of an eye, and the stone thrown in directly turned into ashes.

Zhao Mu thought about it, and suddenly looked at Liang Kun: "You said just now that the fire suddenly appeared after you took Sima Tongsheng's body away from the altar last time?"


Liang Kun nodded blankly.

"Is that so?"

Zhao Mu pondered for a moment, then activated Lingxu Immortal Mansion to release Sima Tongsheng's body.

He said to Liang Kun: "Control the corpse onto the altar and slowly approach the flame in the center."


Liang Kun immediately pressed the puppet seal, controlled Sima Tongsheng's body to jump onto the altar, and walked toward the flames step by step.

Suddenly a surprising scene appeared. With every step Sima Tongsheng took, the red flame actually retreated a little.

It felt like the flames had intelligence. Because they didn't want to hurt Sima Tongsheng, they kept avoiding it.

And when Sima Tongsheng walked to the middle of the altar, the flame even disappeared.

"Sure enough, there is some connection between Sima Tongsheng and the flame."

Zhao Mu turned back to look at the black dragon and the turtle spirit: "You two know more about things in the world of immortality than I do. Do you see anything in this flame?"

"Our current cultivation levels are too poor to directly analyze the flame itself, but..."

The black dragon hesitated for a moment and said: "It's just that the aura emanating from this flame seems familiar to me, as if I've seen it before somewhere. Grandson Gui, what do you think?"

"Well, I also feel a bit familiar, it seems like..."

The turtle spirit scratched the bird's head with its wings, then suddenly patted its head and said, "By the way, I remembered, this seems to be the breath of the nine-color glass cup."

"Yes, that's right, it's the nine-color glass lamp."

The black dragon also remembered: "Tsk, tsk, I didn't expect that after two thousand years, we actually found clues to this treasure in the Southern Territory."

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