Eternal Life: My Millennia in the Jiaofang Division

Chapter 199 Who is the evil spirit?

The shopkeeper ordered the waiter to go to the back hall to serve the meat to the big man, and he walked to Zhao Mu's table again.

"Master, do you need anything else?" the shopkeeper asked.

"No need for food, bring me ten more jars of wine."

Zhao Mu laughed drunkenly: "Master, you smell so strong of incense and candles, do you worship some gods at home?"

"Is it very strong?"

The shopkeeper sniffed at his body in confusion, with a smile on his face: "Master, how do you know that my family worships gods instead of ancestral tablets?"

"Haha, to be honest, I am good at face reading and fortune telling, I can tell what your family worships."

Zhao Mu put one hand on the wine jar, and his hazy eyes suddenly widened: "Master, I see that your forehead is black, and there may be a bloody disaster today."

"I am an old acquaintance of your ancestors. Since I meet you today, how about helping you block the disaster today?"

It turned out that he met a liar.

The shopkeeper thought to himself.

He originally thought that the Taoist priest in front of him was some evil spirit, but he didn't expect that he was a fortune teller who was cheating people out of money.

In recent years, evil spirits are everywhere, and there are more and more scammers on the market.

I can easily run into seven or eight of them when I go out to buy vegetables.

This kind of stuff also wants to cheat my money?

The shopkeeper sneered and shook his head and said, "Haha, no need. If the Taoist priest wants to eat, just treat me. As for the rest, there is no need to say."

After that, he turned and left.

At this time, a young man in white walked in gracefully.

The young man was handsome and extraordinary, and people felt good at first sight.

The shopkeeper breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, a normal person came.

The young man in white asked, "Shopkeeper, can you still cook?"

"Yes, what would you like to eat?"

"Just bring up two of your signature dishes."

"Okay, wait a moment."

After a while, the young man in white's food and the big man's meat were served.

The inn fell into a strange silence, and no one spoke again.

The shopkeeper returned to the counter, picked up the abacus and began to count today's accounts.

The young man in white picked up the chopsticks and chewed slowly.

The big man was still eating and drinking, making a smacking sound in his mouth.

In the corner, Zhao Mu was drinking by himself.

Four people, four different voices, seemed abrupt and strange in the quiet inn.

The night gradually deepened.

Suddenly, the little girl ran out from the back hall: "Dad, have you settled the accounts?"

"Haha, I've settled them, why are you here?"

The shopkeeper smiled and sorted out the account book.

"I was bored in the back, so I wanted to come and see you."

The little girl looked around the hall, her eyes suddenly lit up, and her face instantly turned red.

The shopkeeper followed her daughter's gaze and whispered, "Don't look around, it will make the guests unhappy. Go, go back to the back hall quickly."

"No, I want to accompany my father."

The little girl said she wanted to accompany her father, but her eyes looked at the young man in white from time to time, and it was obvious that the little girl's mind was moved.

The shopkeeper was helpless, it was true that a girl can't be kept when she grows up!

But the young man was really good-looking, even a grown man like himself couldn't help but want to take a few more glances.

At this time, the young man in white put down his chopsticks: "Shopkeeper, can you still serve the dishes?"

"Yes, what else does the young man want?"

The shopkeeper walked out of the counter and asked.

The young man in white turned his head, and his faint eyes made the shopkeeper's heart tremble, as if a chill ran down his spine and rushed straight to his forehead.

"I want to eat two-legged sheep. Give me a plate of lamb thigh meat. That part is the chewiest. No need to fry. I want to eat it raw with hot sauce."

Two-legged sheep?

The shopkeeper didn't react for a while, and asked subconsciously: "Young master, what is a two-legged sheep? We don't have such a thing in our store?"

"Yes, isn't that it?"

The young man in white stretched out his hand and pointed inside the counter, and he was talking about the little girl.

The shopkeeper's face changed color in horror, and finally reacted.

Two-legged sheep?

Isn't that a person?

Damn it!

This young man looks like a normal person, but it turns out that he is the real evil spirit!

The shopkeeper was terrified, and then he saw an even more terrifying scene.

The corners of the young man in white's mouth suddenly cracked to his ears

"Hiss, shopkeeper, why don't you serve the dishes? Don't you want to do business with me?"

The cold words made the shopkeeper's legs weak, and he knelt on the ground with a plop.

"Sir... Sir, I don't know what you are... Please let me go... Please..."

"What do you mean by let you go? This young master doesn't want you, I want her..."

The young man in white suddenly stood up and walked towards the counter step by step.

At this time, the little girl was already scared silly. She never thought that a young man who was so handsome just now would become so scary now.

"No, no, no, please let my daughter go, eat me, please eat me..."

The shopkeeper rolled and crawled, rushed to the counter and hugged the little girl.

"Why eat you? Your meat is too old and not delicious at all. This young master still likes two-legged sheep that have not grown up."

"Hehe, shopkeeper, don't be so stingy. After this young master eats her, you can just give birth to another one, right?"

At this time, the body of the young man in white gradually stretched out and turned into a white giant python as thick as a bucket.

The cold atmosphere spread in the tavern, even causing frost to form on the ground.

Seeing that the giant python's huge head was about to reach into the counter, its open bloody mouth seemed to be able to swallow the shopkeeper and the little girl in one gulp.

At this moment, a roar suddenly sounded in the tavern: "You evil beast, take your life!"

Suddenly, the big man who had been eating meat suddenly stood up, with muscles all over his body rising up. He stretched out his right hand, and a two-handed sword appeared in his hand.

The next moment, the big man held the knife in both hands and slashed fiercely at the white python.


The white giant python was shocked and immediately turned around to meet the enemy, and the two immediately started a fierce battle.

There was chaos in the tavern, and tables, chairs and benches were smashed to pieces.

But the shopkeeper couldn't control that much anymore, so he picked up the little girl and ran away.

Suddenly, a huge tail swept over and was about to knock the two of them away.

At this moment, a soft force surged in, like an invisible hand, and grabbed the two of them away from the place.


The next moment, a big hole was made in the wall by the tail.

The shopkeeper and the little girl had already arrived at Zhao Mu's table.

Looking at the big hole in the wall, the shopkeeper felt lingering fear.

Fortunately, they were rescued. Otherwise, if they had been hit by the tail just now, their father and daughter would have been smashed to pieces.

It turns out that this sloppy Taoist priest is really an expert?

The shopkeeper knelt down on the ground and kept kowtowing to Zhao Mu: "Thank you, Taoist Master, for saving my life. I was blind just now. Please forgive me, Taoist Master."

Zhao Mu raised his hand gently, so that the shopkeeper could no longer kowtow: "Don't be too busy kowtowing, the matter is not over yet."

"Taoist Priest, where did that white python come from? How did it find us?"

The shopkeeper asked in fear.

"I don't know where it came from, but it's just a little demon. It's nothing. Your real trouble is that big man."

Zhao Mu took a sip of wine and said lightly.

Big guy?

The shopkeeper was stunned.

The big man just saved their father and daughter, which proved that he should be a good person.

But why did the Taoist priest say that the big man was the real trouble?

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