The twenty-first year of the new Chu Emperor's accession to the throne.

Zhao Mu successfully broke through the innate realm and opened the third body door.

The martial arts prodigy Zhan Xiong also broke through to the master level in the same year.

A thirty-year-old grandmaster, everyone said that Zhan Xiong had a bright future.

It was also this year that the new Chu Emperor finally decided to attack the Beimang Kingdom, and the man who led the army was the Shenwei General Zhan Xiong.

Everyone believed that the Jin Dynasty would win this battle.

Not only because the warriors were powerful and their military abilities were astonishing, but also because the national power of the Jin Dynasty was no longer the same as before.

The surrounding Beimang Kingdom, the Great Jinlun Kingdom, and the Five Poison Sect in southern Xinjiang were no longer able to compete with the Jin Dynasty.

The new Emperor of Chu is an emperor who attaches great importance to people's livelihood.

Therefore, even though the Jin Dynasty had strong national power now, it only went to war with the Beimang Kingdom instead of rashly provoking three countries at the same time.

Because of this, although the war in northern Xinjiang was fierce, it did not have much impact on the lives of the people in the country.

In the capital city.

People still work at sunrise and return at sunset. Their days are ordinary, but also stable and peaceful.

Hua Xinzi and Jiang Hongyun's tavern is still open on Banyue Street.

Now both of them are in their fifties and have lost their former alluring beauty.

But guests who come to the tavern to drink can still often see the two proprietresses and an old man of about the same age sitting in the tavern drinking and chatting.

The three of them often go out together, or go to the market to buy food, or go out to play in the city. They live a very comfortable life.

On this day, the three of them went out to play together again.

They were boating on the lake, and Zhao Mu was fishing with a fishing rod.

Hua Xinzi and Jiang Hongyun were sorting out the meals they had brought, chatting and laughing.

"Brother Mu, have you heard that our new Emperor of Chu seems to have some way to prolong his life? He is already over fifty years old, but it is said that he still looks like he is in his thirties?"

Jiang Hongyun asked.

"Not only does he appear to be in his thirties, but it is said that our emperor is still very energetic to this day. He never fails to attend court meetings. He has to deal with a huge amount of memorials every day, but he is rarely tired."

Hua Xinzi also said: "But the strange thing is that he is so energetic. To this day, he only has one woman, the queen, and has never taken other concubines. Is it really because of love?"

"Haha, are you two really free? Why don't you talk about something else? Why do you always care about the emperor?"

Zhao Mu pulled back his pole, and a big fish was immediately hoisted up.

He quickly took off the hook and put the fish into the bucket.

"Oh, it's just idle time anyway, just chatting. Besides, there's no one else on the lake."

Jiang Hongyun handed Zhao Mu a piece of pastry: "Brother Mu, you are well-informed in the Jiaofang Division. Have you ever heard about the longevity of the new Emperor Chu?"

"I have heard some rumors. One theory is that Queen Zheng Meng has a special physique that can extend the life of men who sleep with her all year round."

Zhao Mu said this while thinking to himself.

Could it be that the new Chu Emperor rescued Wang Mengzhen from the Jiaofang Division just to prolong his life?

"Is there such a physique in the world?" Hua Xinzi asked curiously.

"Who knows, after all, the world is full of wonders."

Jiang Hongyun obviously believed it.

"By the way, Hongyun."

Zhao Mu suddenly looked at Jiang Hongyun: "You seem to have told me that you know a magic method that can burn your life and improve your cultivation. Tell me about it?"

Jiang Hongyun's face changed: "What do you want this for? You must not practice the evil summoning technique. One use of that thing will shorten your life span by twenty years. I don't want you to die early."

"Is it called the Demonic Evil Art?"

Zhao Mu smiled: "Don't worry, I just want to confirm each other with the health-preserving exercises recorded in the "Medicine King's Codex", don't be nervous."

"That's it, you scared me to death."

Jiang Hongyun breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to explain "The Art of Summoning Demons".

This is a special magic technique that can produce magic energy during practice, stimulating the body's activity to increase exponentially, thereby accelerating the growth of cultivation.

However, demonic energy is extremely harmful to the body, so there is talk of shortening one's lifespan.

Wait until Jiang Hongyun finishes explaining.

Hua Xinzi suddenly spoke again: "Brother Mu, Hongyun and I probably have less than two years to live. We may not be able to accompany you in the future."

There was sudden silence on the boat.

Jiaofangsi's method of destroying people's cultivation is extremely vicious, and a large number of drugs that damage the human body are used.

Once used, the woman whose cultivation has been destroyed will not only live forever and never be able to practice again, but her body will also suffer great trauma, and she usually will not live past the age of forty.

The reason why Hua Xinzi and Jiang Hongyun are alive today is because Zhao Mu studied the "Medicine King's Codex" and continued to regulate their bodies.

But Zhao Mu is not a god after all, and it is impossible to truly achieve the living death of human flesh and white bones.

So today's Hua Xinzi and Jiang Hongyun look fine on the surface, but in fact their body functions are on the verge of necrosis.

It is estimated that in a year or two, they will pass away.

"Oh, why do you suddenly say that you don't have all these things? Brother Mu, why don't we go ashore and how about I cook fish for you?"

Jiang Hongyun broke the silence.

"Okay, I'll row the boat."

Zhao Mu smiled and rowed the boat slowly to the shore, as if nothing had happened just now.

But from that day on, Zhao Mu devoted more energy than before to studying medicine.

He prepared more tonic herbs and tried every possible way to extend the life of Hua Xinzi and Jiang Hongyun.

But medicine can't cure death!

Although Zhao Mu had tried his best, he still couldn't stop the two women from dying.

A year later, Jiang Hongyun died.

Two years later, Hua Xinzi also died.

Since then, Zhao Mu fell into silence for a long time.

He didn't leave the warehouse, and locked himself in the house to practice every day, as if he wanted to forget the dead.

It was not until a long time later that his emotions slowly calmed down.

But at this time, there was no one in the world that Zhao Mu wanted to care about, and he completely let go of himself.

So at the age of sixty, Zhao Mu used the "Summoning Demon Evil Art" for the first time.

The strange demonic energy produced by the art really stimulated his body so much that his true energy growth rate was dozens of times faster than before.

But on the other hand, he could also feel that his body functions were declining at an alarming rate. This was the price of using magic skills.

But Zhao Mu didn't care. He hoped to make his cultivation as close to the master level as possible before the end of his first life.

In this way, after rejuvenation, he can break through to the Grandmaster level faster.

After the first use, Zhao Mu's cultivation level was greatly improved.

So after recuperating for a period of time, he used the "Summoning Demon Evil Art" for the second time.

After this use, he could clearly feel that he was getting closer and closer to the Grandmaster level, and even the fourth life gate of the "Six Paths of the Heavenly Gate" was about to be touched.

But his body has also reached the threshold of the end of the world.

Although he is only in his sixties, his body functions like a centenarian.

He knew that he could no longer support and use the "Summoning Demon Evil Art" for the third time.

So he walked out of the Jiaofang Division and left the capital.

Prepare to use the last time of the first life to travel around the world.

Anyway, with his current cultivation level, unless he encounters the nine Grandmasters, no one else can kill him, so naturally he doesn't have to worry so much.

Humanity lasts for a hundred years, and immortality lasts for eternity!

I wonder if there is really reincarnation in this world?

If I become an immortal one day, will I be able to find the people from the past in my reincarnation in the future?

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