Zhao Mu stood in the air, overlooking the entire Dongming City, trying to find the person behind the scenes. Where is he hiding now?

But it is obvious that the other party is very cautious.

Even in the current situation, there is still no sign of leaking the trace.

"It seems that we have to force it a little more."

Zhao Mu said and looked at Jiang Hongyun: "Hongyun, you go back to the yard first. It's not safe here next time."


Jiang Hongyun didn't pretend to be hypocritical and immediately flew down.

She knew very well that with her current strength, staying here would only be a burden and would make Zhao Mu and others unable to move freely.

At this time outside the city, He Xin had mobilized the power of the earth veins and sent his clones to several surrounding cities and many villages.

Xiaokang City, like the previous Dongming City, has fallen into complete chaos. All the people in the city have been infected by the plague and their consciousness has fallen into madness.

Suddenly, a vein of earth power surged from the earth, and a land temple suddenly appeared at the gate of the city.

The land temple was gleaming with a faint divine light, and the clay statue inside suddenly came alive.

The clay statue walked down from the altar, walked out of the land temple, and walked into Xiaokang City step by step.

With every step, his clay body changed a little bit. When he walked into Xiaokang City, the clay body had turned into the real He Xin.


The next moment, He Xin shouted softly, and suddenly another He Xin walked out of him, and then the second... the third... the fourth...

In an instant, countless He Xin spread all over Xiaokang City.

Then the same scene as Dongming City was also staged in Xiaokang City.

Countless He Xins took action at the same time, clearing the plague in the bodies of the people, and told the people what had just happened in the form of telepathy.

The people were grateful and knelt down devoutly, and the rich incense and merits suddenly soared into the sky, all rushing towards the direction of Dongming City.

These incense and merits further helped He Xin to enhance his cultivation.

After absorbing the merits of the people in nearby cities and villages, He Xin had a stronger cultivation.

So he split into more clones again and continued to radiate to more distant cities and villages.

The crutch in his hand is called the Earth Dragon Stick, which is a magic weapon condensed when the land god was enthroned.

This Earth Dragon Stick can mobilize the power of the earth veins, allowing He Xin to use the power of the earth veins to instantly transport his clones to any place in the Hanhai Kingdom.

So a wonder appeared on the land of the Hanhai Kingdom.

One after another, land temples appeared in cities and villages.

And in those land temples, clay statues walked out and turned into He Xin's clones.

After that, He Xin's clones turned into more clones in the divine light.

In an instant, endless He Xin had spread throughout the Hanhai Kingdom, and the number was comparable to the sand in the sea.

Therefore, as more and more people in cities and villages were cleared of the plague, the incense and merits they gathered made He Xin more and more powerful.

On the other hand, the demon god became weaker and weaker.

Because the demon god's body and the plague that permeated the entire Hanhai Kingdom coexisted as one.

As more and more plagues were cleared, his power would of course be continuously weakened.

Outside Dongming City.

Feeling the changes in himself, the demon god was furious.

His consciousness flowed with the plague, and he naturally understood what happened in the Hanhai Kingdom.

"You can actually make your clones spread all over the Hanhai Kingdom in an instant. You have some means."

"But unfortunately, if you want to kill me in this way, it's wishful thinking."

"I will let you know that this plague disaster that affects the entire Hanhai Kingdom is simply unsolvable, and I am an indelible existence!"

The demon god roared.

Suddenly, a series of strange black lights that were breathtaking burst out from his body and spread in all directions like waves.

Wherever the black light passed, the plague that had been eliminated was revived.

In Dongming City, the people who had been cleared of the plague were crazy again.

The same thing happened in Xiaokang City and all other cities and villages.

It seems that Zhao Mu and his team were right. Killing the main body of the demon god or eliminating the plague that permeated the world cannot solve the disaster.

If you want to solve the problem fundamentally, you must eliminate both at the same time.

Since it was expected, He Xin would not panic.

At this time, more incense merits have gathered from all over the Hanhai Kingdom and continuously poured into his body.

He ignored the demon god, but was silent, absorbing the incense merits with all his strength to improve his cultivation.


The demon god took a step forward, shaking the earth and mountains.

His eyes widened, his palms gently raised, countless black lights condensed into a huge black knife.

Seeing him raise the huge knife, he was about to cut He Xin and Dongming City in half.

Zhao Mu suddenly said: "Liu Dun, go help He Xin!"

"Yes, sir!"

Liu Dun flashed and appeared in front of He Xin: "I can only hold him back for a hundred breaths, you hurry up!"

"A hundred breaths is enough, thank you!"

He Xin said in a deep voice, and then stepped up to absorb the merits of incense and fire to improve his cultivation at a faster speed.

At this time, the demon god's huge knife had already chopped down.

Liu Dun took a deep breath, and the "Book of Literature and Taoism" in his left hand was suddenly thrown into the sky.

At the same time, the brush of governance in his hand was writing continuously in the void.

In an instant, thousands of words rose into the air, and were all written into the "Book of Literature and Taoism".

Suddenly, the "Book of Literature and Taoism" expanded rapidly and turned into a barrier covering the sky and the sun.

At the same time, waves of reciting articles were constantly heard from the "Book of Literature and Taoism", as if countless great scholars were reciting articles.

The aura of righteousness shook the sky, holding up the "Book of Literature and Taoism" to block the giant knife of the demon god head-on.


The terrible power exploded, causing the surrounding space to seem to collapse.

The "Book of Literature and Taoism" sank slightly, but it still blocked the giant knife after all.

Liu Dun's face flushed, and it was obviously very strenuous.

After all, his cultivation was still much worse than that of the demon god, so he resisted very reluctantly.

But it doesn't matter, he only needs to hold off the demon for a hundred breaths, and he doesn't need to defeat the opponent.

At this moment, time seemed to be stretched very long.

Normally, a hundred breaths of time will pass inadvertently, but at this moment, it seems to have passed thousands of years.

Liu Dun's resistance became more and more difficult, and his legs were slowly pressed into the ground.

And in the sky, his "Book of Literature" also gradually began to crack, which was a sign of imminent collapse.

At this moment, he felt a sudden burst of amazing earth vein power behind him.

"This guy, finally finished!"

Liu Dun breathed a sigh of relief.

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