"Sun Miaoniang is going to grab the "Future Maitreya Dharma", are you sure?"

Zhao Mu asked.

"It's basically certain that this is the news reported by our hive's secret agents within the Demon Cult."

Mo He explained: "However, this news has only been circulated among the top leaders of the Demon Cult and has not been leaked."

"I guess the top leaders of the Demon Sect don't want to have a direct conflict with the imperial court because of a Sansheng Chanyuan, so they tightly block the news and don't want to alarm the imperial court."

Is that so?

Zhao Mu narrowed his eyes slightly and suddenly smiled and said: "Let's do this. After you go back, let someone secretly leak the news that Sun Miaoniang is going to seize the "Future Maitreya Dharma" to the top officials of the court."

"Lord, what do you mean?"

"Haha, just a Sansheng Chanyuan is so boring. Only when the imperial court directly confronts the demon sect can it be truly interesting, isn't it?"

Zhao Mu smiled lightly.

He has not forgotten his long-standing plan, which is to use the confrontation between the Demon Cult and the imperial court to force out the backers behind the Demon Cult.

After all, he has not figured out yet whether the backer behind the Demon Cult has anything to do with the corrupt giant?

This matter is related to how he will deal with the corrupt giant in the long history of the future, so he must find out.

"Yes, my lord, I'll do it when I get back." Mo He promised.

Zhao Mu nodded: "When you leak the news, do it secretly. Don't let anyone notice it. It was done by Hive, do you understand?"


Mo He chuckled and said, "To be honest, my subordinates are becoming more and more fond of this feeling of being the mastermind behind the scenes."

The days passed by.

Xiao Daoyuan gradually grew up, from a "meat dumpling" wearing crotchless pants to a clay monkey.

He makes mischief every day, either by inviting cats or dogs, or by leading a group of naughty children to start a war with the same group of naughty children next door.

I wonder if he will be so ashamed that he doesn't even want to go back to the Mahabodhi Temple when he awakens his past life memory one day and thinks of what he looks like today?

Over the years, Zhao Muze has been staying in the Temple of Heaven and Earth, his spiritual thoughts covering the entire Changzhou City, protecting Tao Yuan.

He could feel that the darkness that Daoyuan came to when he was born has never really left. It has been hidden outside the city for many years, watching with eager eyes.

Zhao Mu also tried to go out of the city to pursue him, but although the opponent was not as strong as him, his ability to escape was quite good. Even with his current Saint Realm cultivation, he couldn't catch up at all.

Therefore, although the two sides seemed to have faced each other several times, in fact, they did not even have a decent confrontation.

Another six years passed, and Daoyuan was nine years old.

On this day, Tiandaoyuan ran out of home early in the morning as usual and jumped to the Tiandi Temple.

Along the way, his mouth watered with greed, and he wished he could eat the food cooked by the Taoist Master.

Although the Taoist priest was very weird, every time he ate meat, he would look at him with strange eyes, which made him feel nervous.

But I have to admit that the food cooked by the Taoist Master is indeed delicious, even the chefs in restaurants in the city are far behind.

However, if it was just a matter of food and drink, it wouldn't make Li Daoyuan linger.

The most important thing is that the food cooked by the Taoist priest seems to contain some kind of very magical aura.

Every time after he finished eating, he could feel some kind of air current flowing continuously in his body, making all the fatigue and pain in his body disappear.

And after eating for so many years, he feels that his body is getting stronger and stronger.

Even though he is only nine years old now, he is much stronger than an adult.

"Taoist, Taoist, here I come!"

As soon as he arrived at Tiandi Temple, Li Daoyuan waved his little arms and shouted: "Taoist Master, are today's braised pork ready? Oh my, I'm starving to death, I really want to eat it."

But when he ran into the Taoist temple, he saw that Zhao Mu, who usually had prepared meals early and was lying leisurely on the recliner, was sitting there upright today.

"Haha, you little brat, you really want to eat every day."

Zhao Mu chuckled and said: "Okay, you are old enough. Let me talk to you about something serious today. I heard that you always like to go to teahouses and listen to books recently?"

"That's right, Taoist Priest, you don't know, the stories told by the storyteller are so interesting."

Daoyuan immediately said excitedly upon hearing this.

"Really? Haha, I heard that what you like to hear the most are those stories about gods and ghosts?"

"Yes, those things are so magical. Every time I hear them, I wish I was the immortal cultivator chasing the wind and the moon."

"Then do you believe there are immortal cultivators in the world?"

"I believe it. Unfortunately, as mortals, we may never have the chance to see it in this life."

"Then you want to learn?"

"I want to learn, but... wait!"

Dao Yuan's words stopped suddenly and he looked at Zhao Mu in astonishment: "Taoist Master, what do you mean by this?"

"literal meaning."

"You mean, you can teach me how to become an immortal?"

Daoyuan's eyes suddenly widened, his face full of disbelief.

He is not stupid, but rather smart. He has guessed over the years that this Taoist priest of Tiandi Temple is extraordinary.

After all, if you are an ordinary person, you can't cook the kind of food that can enhance your body's physique.

Seeing Zhao Mu smiling and saying nothing, Dao Yuan couldn't help but ask again: "Taoist Master, are you really a cultivator of immortality? Can you really teach me how to cultivate immortality?"

"Haha, of course you can, but Pindao's teaching method is different from others, and you may have to suffer a little. Can you persist?"

"Of course I can. As long as I can cultivate immortality, I can endure any kind of hardship."

"Okay, I hope you will do what you say and you won't regret it then."

Zhao Mu smiled lightly and suddenly waved his hand.

In an instant, the stars changed.

Daoyuan only felt that there was a bright light in front of him, as if there were countless things passing by him at an extremely fast speed, and he couldn't see anything clearly at all.

When he came to his senses again, he saw that he was no longer in Changzhou City, but appeared in a desolate mountain range.

This mountain range stretches for hundreds of thousands of miles, with no edges visible at a glance.

There are endless towering peaks in the mountains, many of which are higher than the clouds and tower into the sky.

"Taoist Priest, why did you bring me here?"

Dao Yuan asked doubtfully.

"Don't be nervous, I just need to solve some troubles before I teach you how to practice."

Zhao Mu took Daoyuan to the top of one of the towering mountains, with clouds and mist surrounding it.

"Taoist Priest, what trouble are you talking about?"

"Pindao can't even explain what they are."

Zhao Mu explained: "Actually, on the day you were born, there were some unclean things that wanted to kill you. Although they were scared away by Pindao at the time, they still refused to leave and have been wandering outside Changzhou City all these years. "

"Pindao has gone out of the city several times to pursue them, but those things are very good at escaping, so Pindao has never been able to catch them."

"But Pindao can be sure that those things don't want to see you embark on the path of cultivation, so..."

"So, Taoist Master, you want to teach me how to practice and lead them to show up?" Dao Yuan guessed.

"Haha, that's right."

Zhao Mu smiled: "Pindao's main purpose is to teach you how to practice. As for attracting them to show up, it's just a convenience."

"After all, there are always a few flies flying around, which can really affect your mood."

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