
After taking the photo of the jailhouse, the storyteller said the following sentence as usual: "If you want to know what happened next time, listen to the explanation next time!"

Although the guests still wanted to listen to the book, they also knew the rules, so they either continued drinking tea or got up and left.

At this time, the white-haired storyteller slowly walked towards Zhou Yuniang.

With every step he took, his appearance actually changed.

Pale hair, dye black silk in seven steps!

The rickety figure is as tall as a gun in the blink of an eye!

When he walked to Zhou Yuniang's desk, the old storyteller was already dozens of years younger.

But the surrounding guests turned a blind eye to all this, and it was obvious that no one could see this strange scene.

"It's you?"

Zhou Yuniang narrowed her eyes slightly and her tone was a little uncertain.

"Haha, Miss Zhou, long time no see, how are you always?"

He Xun sat down and poured himself a pot of tea casually: "Why, does Miss Zhou feel that this officer is surprised?"

Zhou Yuniang remained silent.

Over the years, there have been countless conflicts between the Demon Sect and the imperial court.

As important figures in their respective forces, it was naturally not the first time that Zhou Yuniang and He Xun had met, and they had even clashed more than once.

Before coming here today, Zhou Yuniang thought about countless possibilities regarding the new Shangguan assigned by Zhao Mu.

She even thought about whether it might be someone from the imperial court, a member of the Sixth Ministry, or a senior military official.

But she never thought that the visitor would be the Lord of Jinxiu Hall?

Because this person is the absolute confidant of the emperor today.

To a certain extent, the emperor's trust in He Xun even exceeded that of Ming King Chu Xiaosu.

So Zhou Yuniang couldn't figure out how Zhao Mu conquered this person?

"How many secrets does that Taoist Priest have that are unknown to outsiders?" Zhou Yuniang couldn't help but marvel in her heart.

She shook her head: "Master He is right. I really didn't expect that it would be you who came?"

"Haha, I didn't expect that Miss Zhou's ambition would be so great."

He Xun smiled and said: "Everyone in the court thought that the girl had no choice but to join the Demon Cult as a spy."

"But how could they have imagined that the girl was actually willing to do so. She even had a plan back then to gain credit through the Demon Cult and gain the opportunity to serve as an official in the imperial court."

"Even if the Lord hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't have dared to imagine that the girl actually wanted to sit in the supreme position in the world."

"He actually told you this?" Zhou Yuniang was surprised. After all, this was her biggest secret.

"Don't be surprised, girl. I am absolutely loyal to the Lord, so I will naturally not reveal the girl's secret."

Speaking of this, a faint nine-color brilliance suddenly flashed in the depths of He Xun's eyes.

Zhou Yuniang was very familiar with this kind of light, and she finally understood why Zhao Mu believed in anything so much.

It turned out that He Xun's mind had already been controlled by Zhao Mu.

To put it bluntly, to Zhao Mu, He Xun is now a puppet with intelligence and will never betray him.

"Haha, since he believes in any lord, of course I won't doubt it." Zhou Yuniang said with a smile.

She took out a piece of columnar jade, about the length of a finger, and handed it to He Xun: "Lord He, what is recorded in this piece of phantom light jade slip is information about the Shenyue Saint Clan. There are also many demons in it. Please keep the latest information."

The Magic Light Jade Slip is an auxiliary magic weapon specially used to record information. It can not only record text, but also sound, images, etc., and is very easy to carry.

However, the refining of the Magic Light Jade Slips is very difficult and the price is quite expensive, so monks usually only use it when the information that needs to be recorded is too large, or when it is convenient to carry.

He Xun took the jade slip and said: "Okay, I will hand over the information in this to His Majesty as planned. This time, even if the old guys in the court are unwilling, they must give the girl a great credit."

"As for the future, I will fully cooperate with the girl and strive to help her eliminate the demon sect as soon as possible and gain a high position in the court."

"But there are some things that I think I should tell the girl."

"What's the matter?" Zhou Yuniang was curious.

"Does the girl know the origin of the Demon Cult? It's not the apparent origin, but the real origin."

"What is Lord He referring to?"

"Haha, it seems that the girl really doesn't know. After all, only the successive leaders of the Demon Sect, as well as the successive emperors and ancestors of Lieyang know about this matter."

He Xun smiled and said: "The world only knows that thousands of years ago, the great emperor Chu Jinghong founded the Lieyang Empire, but few people know that there were actually two people who founded the Lieyang Empire. In addition to Chu Jinghong, there was another Called Gu Wuxue.”

"These two people were brothers in life and death. They teamed up to defeat the heroes of the time and eventually founded the Lieyang Empire."

"But something like power can really corrode people's hearts. Even life-and-death friends can't resist it."

"So what happened later was more cliche. After the two brothers unified the entire southern realm of immortality, there was no external pressure, so the power struggle between them began to get more and more intense."

"In the end, after several conflicts, I don't know what happened. Gu Wuxue suddenly withdrew from the power struggle in the court and founded the Demon Cult."

"At that time, many people thought that Gu Wuxue founded the Demon Cult in order to continue to fight against the imperial court."

"What is surprising is that not long after Gu Wuxue founded the Demon Cult, he suddenly disappeared. The Demon Cult surrendered to the Lieyang Court under the leadership of the second leader."

"This is also the reason why for thousands of years, the Demon Sect has always been at a distance from the imperial court."

"As for the existence of Gu Wuxue, I don't know why. The imperial court and the Demon Sect have been deliberately downplaying it for thousands of years."

"Because of this, to this day, very few people in the Southern Immortal Cultivation World know the name Gu Wuxue."

After hearing what He Xun said, Zhou Yuniang couldn't help but curiously asked: "What about Gu Wuxue? Is there really no news about him after he left the Demon Cult?"

"There are many rumors circulating about this matter. Some people say that the reason why Gu Wuxue withdrew from the court battle was because of a woman."

"At that time, Chu Jinghong threatened the woman's life to force Gu Wuxue to admit defeat. Later, Gu Wuxue left with that woman."

"Some people also say that Chu Jinghong was worried about Gu Wuxue, so he secretly summoned experts to hunt him down. Gu Wuxue was actually killed."

"Some people say that after Gu Wuxue founded the Demon Sect, he went to the depths of the desperate Han Abyss, and finally found the secret of Han Abyss and became an immortal."

"However, there is no evidence for either theory, so no one can tell clearly what happened to Gu Wuxue."

"Does the Demon Cult still have such an origin?"

Zhou Yuniang thought thoughtfully: "Then I don't know, what does Lord He want to explain by telling me this?"


He Xun smiled and said: "I just think that Gu Wuxue may have returned. Otherwise, I really don't think that with the ability of the trash of the Demon Sect today, they can actually collude with the power of the Shenyue Saint Clan."

Gu Wuxue is back?

That was a person from ten thousand years ago. If he were alive today, his cultivation would have surpassed that of a saint!

Is such a person really hiding in the Southern Immortal Cultivation World now?

What is the other party's purpose?

Zhou Yuniang suddenly became worried about Zhao Mu.

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