Eternal Life: My Millennia in the Jiaofang Division

Chapter 53 Zhao Mu comes out of seclusion

The sudden rebellion of Prince Su made some people wake up from their dreams.

They realized that Prince Su had been secretly subduing the garrisons in various places for years and preparing for the rebellion.

But he thought the time was not right, so he never took action.

But the flood in Jiangnan and the corruption in the court gave him the opportunity.

Prince Su was such a great man, how could he not seize this opportunity.

So he secretly sent people to incite the victims to rebel, and at the same time gathered his own army to revolt, which led to the current momentum.

The two armies attacked the capital at the same time, which shocked the entire court.

Emperor Mingyuan was panicked and immediately ordered his ministers to send troops to suppress it.

But at this time he realized that his subordinates were all corrupt officials, and there was no one who could keep the peace.

Helplessly, Emperor Mingyuan could only hastily issue an order to transfer Zhan Xiong back to Beijing.

Everyone believed that as long as Zhan Xiong led the army to fight, he would be able to easily suppress the rebels.

But just when the court was looking forward to Zhan Xiong's early return to Beijing.

A sudden bad news shocked everyone-

Duke Zhan Xiong of Weiguo suddenly contracted a serious illness on the way back to Beijing and died!

Who is Zhan Xiong?

He is the first genius in the Jin Dynasty who broke through the Grandmaster Realm before the age of 30 in hundreds of years!

He is the peerless war god who led the army to destroy the Beimang Kingdom and established an unprecedented military exploit!

He is the Duke of Weiguo with outstanding achievements, the mainstay of the court, and the Dinghai magic needle!

His strength!

His loyalty!

His achievements!

He is admired by countless people!

Even those former enemies, although they hated him to the core, also admired him one by one.

The news of Zhan Xiong's death swept the world like a hurricane.

The court and the public were shocked, and the world lamented.

Many ministers in the court petitioned Emperor Mingyuan to posthumously confer the title of a different-surname king on Duke Zhan Xiong of Wei and to bury him with royal honors.

Even King Su announced that the two armies under his command would wear mourning for Zhan Xiong.

And they were willing to cease fire during Zhan Xiong's funeral to show their respect for Duke Zhan Xiong of Wei.

During those days, the entire Jin Dynasty, both the enemy and ours, mourned for Zhan Xiong, so that the chaotic world temporarily calmed down.

But not long after Zhan Xiong's funeral, an absurd news once again caused an uproar in the world.

One night, a group of tomb robbers quietly dug up the tomb and stole Zhan Xiong's body, and the mastermind behind it was Emperor Mingyuan.

At first, no one believed the news.

After all, Zhan Xiong was loyal to Emperor Mingyuan, and even if Emperor Mingyuan was incompetent, he would never dig up Zhan Xiong's grave.

Unexpectedly, after Zhou Yue got the news, he tracked down the tomb robbers all the way and actually tracked down the palace and found Zhan Xiong's body.

At that time, Zhou Yue was so angry that he almost demolished the palace.

If it weren't for the protection of the two masters, Zhou Yue would probably have killed Emperor Mingyuan directly.

A few days later, when the news in the palace gradually spread, people finally knew why Emperor Mingyuan stole Zhan Xiong's body?

It turned out that Emperor Mingyuan had a serious illness since he was a child, and he recently found a miracle doctor.

The so-called miracle doctor told him that Zhan Xiong's martial arts, military exploits, and political achievements were far beyond ordinary people.

The reason for this is that Zhan Xiong is a star from the sky who has the spirit of an immortal.

If Zhan Xiong's body can be refined into a pill, Emperor Mingyuan's serious illness can be cured.

The key is that Emperor Mingyuan actually believed this absurd statement, which led to the following events.

"Having a serious illness, does that mean he can't be humane?"

Zhao Mu sneered: "It seems that being inhumane has long become the inner demon of Emperor Mingyuan, so that no matter how absurd the treatment method is, he is willing to believe it."

"What qualifications does such a person have to sit on the throne? As the saying goes, those who are righteous will have many supporters, while those who are unrighteous will have few supporters. It is estimated that it will not be long before the world belongs to Prince Su."

Zhao Mu shook his head and opened the second secret letter.

This letter was not written by Wei Hu, but was sent by Zhou Yue to Wei Hu.

Zhou Yue said in the letter that she thought the cause of Zhan Xiong's death was strange, so she had left the capital to investigate.

But she was worried about Yuwen Piaoxu who was still in the palace, so she asked Zhao Mu to go back to the capital to help her protect Yuwen Piaoxu.

Until she found out the cause of Zhan Xiong's death and returned to Beijing.

"Zhan Xiong's cause of death is indeed strange. What kind of disease is so serious that it can cause a great master to die suddenly?"

"Is there such a disease in the world? Or is Zhan Xiong poisoned?"

"Who is the manipulator behind the scenes, Prince Su? Or Emperor Mingyuan who is anxious to treat the disease?"

Zhao Mu speculated secretly, but did not come to a conclusion.

"Forget it, I can't figure it out just by thinking about it. More than three years have passed, and it's time to go out for a walk."

"I don't know what the situation outside is like now. Has Prince Su already fought in the capital?"

"Let's complete Zhou Yue's instructions first and go to the capital to see Yuwen Piaoxu. If the situation is dangerous, I will rob the queen and leave the palace."

"Haha, wandering around the world with the queen of the current dynasty is a very interesting thing. I wonder if Emperor Mingyuan will be angry to death with me?"

"After all, although they are not husband and wife in reality, they are husband and wife in name!"

"And Zhou Yue, I don't know how she is investigating the cause of Zhan Xiong's death now? After going out, let Wei Hu send someone to find Zhou Yue's whereabouts."

"Knowing that all the heroes are dead, she, a little girl who has just broken through to become a master, actually dares to take risks and investigate alone. I hope she won't be in danger."

Zhao Mu packed up his things and left the valley.

After more than three years, I entered the secular world again.

The situation outside made him suddenly feel like he was in another world.

Cultivation has no time, and immortals dream for thousands of years.

In the legend, those who cultivated immortality could go through tens of millions of years in a single retreat, but after they came out, they had changed forever.

Although Zhao Mu is still thousands of miles away from that state, he already has a vague feeling of that.

This time I only stayed in seclusion in the valley for three years, which was not a long time.

But he feels that there will probably be more and more such things in the future.

And as the cultivation level gradually increases, the time of retreat will become longer and longer.

Maybe one day in the future, I will be like those who cultivate immortality, and thousands of years will pass in one retreat.

After coming out, the dynasty has changed outside.

Thinking about it, that feeling seemed quite wonderful, and he was vaguely looking forward to it.

Zhao Mu left the valley and headed towards the capital.

On the way, he inquired about the news and learned that King Su's army was advancing rapidly and was almost approaching the capital.

So he didn't dare to delay and hurried on with all his strength.

But even with his current strength that surpasses the Grandmaster, it took him a whole month to get all the way to the capital.

And when he finally arrived in the capital, he discovered that the city had been captured by King Su's army two days ago.

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