Eternal Life: My Millennia in the Jiaofang Division

Chapter 6 Five Poison Gu Techniques

"Oh, what are you talking about? I'm still a virgin. You make me feel embarrassed."

Jiang Hongyun's pretty face flushed, and she looked even more charming.

Zhao Mu shook his head indifferently: "Madam Yunxia, ​​tell me your purpose. If you don't, I'll kick you out."

"Really, you don't understand romance at all."

Jiang Hongyun stood up and her expression became serious: "Master Duzhi, I just want to know whether the poems and music scores that Hua Xinzi took out in the past two years are yours?"

"Why do you ask?"

"It's simple. Since I entered the Jiaofangsi, I have been secretly investigating the origins of the masterpieces of the gold medal courtesans."

"Most of them, I have investigated clearly, but Hua Xinzi's works are of unknown origin. The only suspicious thing is that the two More than a year ago, you practiced martial arts with her for a period of time. "

Jiang Hongyun's beautiful eyes stared at Zhao Mu seriously: "Master Duzhi, do you think my guess is right?"

Zhao Mu did not comment: "Madam Yunxia, ​​tell me your purpose."

"Master, why do you have to ask when you know the answer? I, like Hua Xinzi, want to get a masterpiece from Master Duzhi that can make me a gold medal courtesan."

"Are you about to get married too?"

"Yes, those stinky men outside are disgusting to look at. I really don't want to accompany them, so I can only think of a way to become a gold medal courtesan. I wonder if you can help me?"

Jiang Hongyun's eyes were burning.

Zhao Mu was still calm: "You can get a masterpiece. Hua Xinzi exchanged it for martial arts. What do you have?"

"Hehe, I've prepared it a long time ago."

Jiang Hongyun took out a book from her arms like a treasure, and it still had her body fragrance.

"This is the "Five Poisonous Gu Techniques" that I memorized. You all know that if you can master all of them, you will not be afraid even if you face a congenital master. I wonder if I can exchange it for a good work?"

Five Poisonous Gu Techniques?

Zhao Mu took the book and opened it to look at it. He found that it recorded a large number of Gu Techniques, and each one had a detailed introduction.

It seems that Jiang Hongyun prepared very carefully for today's transaction.

He pondered for a while and asked, "If I learn Gu Techniques from you, how long will it take me to master this "Five Poisonous Gu Techniques"?

"If I master the theory, three months is enough, but if I can use it proficiently, I dare not guarantee it, after all, everyone's qualifications are different."

Jiang Hongyun explained.

Zhao Mu narrowed his eyes slightly. He was not prepared to put too much effort into Gu Techniques.

After all, it is rumored that Gu Techniques are quite harmful to the body and are not conducive to martial arts practice.

But if you learn the theory and master some coping methods, it is still quite good.

In this way, if you meet a Gu Master in the future, you will not be at a loss.

Thinking of this, he said directly: "For three months, I will learn from you the theory of Gu Shu and the methods of preventing Gu Shu. After three months, like Hua Xinzi, I will give you a poem, a song, and a piece of music. How about it?"

"Thank you, Lord Duzhi, for your help. I will definitely teach you with all my heart!"

Jiang Hongyun stood up excitedly and saluted respectfully.

So, just like two years ago, in the next three months, Zhao Mu once again became a good student seriously.

He knew his strengths and weaknesses very well.

Indeed, the fruit of the reincarnation path gave him endless life.

But endless life does not mean strong strength, nor does it mean that he can despise the heroes of the world.

He dare not guarantee that he will not be bullied by the strong in the future?

He dare not guarantee that the secret of the fruit of the reincarnation path will be leaked one day, and whether he will be caught by a strong man for research?

So in order not to become a guinea pig, he must seize any opportunity that can make him strong.

Three months later.

Jiang Hongyun's teaching finally ended, and Zhao Mu also kept his promise and gave the other party a peerless masterpiece that could be famous all over the world.

From now on, the Jiaofang Division will have one more golden courtesan.

But Zhao Mu was not interested in what was happening outside.

Now he had a great interest in Gu Shu.

It turned out that Gu Shu was divided into internal and external Gu.

The so-called internal Gu means that the Gu master must continuously refine the Gu worm into the body and use his own blood and qi to warm it.

This way of practice can make the Gu master and the Gu worm communicate with each other, and a thought can control the Gu worm to do things, and its power is naturally quite terrible.

But this way of practice is extremely harmful to the body.

Therefore, from ancient times to the present, all Gu masters who practiced internal Gu were almost all short-lived ghosts.

As for external Gu, it is to cultivate Gu worms in vessels outside the body.

This way of practice is not very harmful to the body, but it is impossible to communicate with the Gu worm, so the power is naturally far less than that of internal Gu.

Zhao Mu is not going to practice internal Gu, but he is very interested in external Gu.

Especially a kind of external Gu called Shengwen Gu, which makes him eager to cultivate.

The so-called Shengwen Gu is a kind of Gu insect that is not very aggressive, but has a powerful function in obtaining information.

They can help Gu masters to listen to all sounds within a certain range, including the calls of birds and animals, the sound of flowing water and wind, human speech, etc., which is very wonderful.

To cultivate Shengwen Gu, you need to use the best jade as the Gu nest.

First, you need to find the five poisonous body fluids, that is, centipedes, poisonous snakes, scorpions, geckos and toads.

You also need bat blood and 749 kinds of poisonous medicinal materials. Put everything together and boil it into Gu medicine for use.

Next, prepare 100 mosquitoes with complete limbs.

Dig a thumb-sized hole on the top-quality jade, put all the mosquitoes and the prepared Gu medicine into it, drip three drops of the owner's blood, and then seal it with wax oil.

The Gu medicine is specially brewed, enough to ensure that the mosquitoes will not die naturally in the sealed Gu nest for several months.

Finally, the owner must carry the Gu nest jade close to his body, and must not leave it for a moment in the next 9981 days, and always nourish it with true qi.

During this period, the mosquitoes in the Gu nest will continue to devour each other.

After 9981 days, if only one mosquito survives when the Gu nest is opened, the Shengwen Gu is considered to have been successfully cultivated.

The surviving mosquito is the mother Gu, and the child Gu born is as small as dust, invisible to the naked eye, and extremely good at sniffing out information.

But if no mosquito survives after opening the Gu nest, or more than two survive at the same time, it is considered a failure of cultivation and can only be discarded and re-cultivated.

Zhao Mu spent a huge amount of money to find all the necessary materials and began to cultivate the Shengwen Gu.

For him, the most difficult part of cultivating the Shengwen Gu is actually how to catch enough mosquitoes without damaging his limbs.

Fortunately, the "Five Poison Gu Techniques" also recorded a formula for a mosquito-catching powder that specifically traps mosquitoes, which allowed him to catch thousands of mosquitoes overnight.

Otherwise, he would have been ready to sacrifice himself and run naked on the street in the middle of the night.

That would have been embarrassing.

If someone saw him, wouldn't there be rumors in the capital that Yeyue was a perverted maniac?

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