Eternal Life: My Millennia in the Jiaofang Division

Chapter 62 The Miracle of the Buddha


Suddenly, the window on the top floor of the stupa was knocked open, and the white-haired monster jumped down and fell to the ground.

In its hands, it was seen holding six relics, flashing a faint golden light.

"How could this happen?"

The chief monk in charge of the sutra widened his eyes in shock, and for a moment, he even forgot to take back the relics.

The Buddha's relics were left by a great monk a thousand years ago. Legend has it that they contain mysterious power.

However, countless people have studied the Buddha's relics for thousands of years, but no one has ever been able to truly explore its mystery.

So much so that in the past hundred years, the Buddha's relics have been simply regarded as a symbol, and no one believes that they have power.

But the chief monk in charge of the sutra did not expect that the Buddha's relics in the hands of this white-haired monster would actually be stimulated to be mysterious?

How is this possible?

The white-haired monster seemed very excited, and opened his mouth wide to swallow all the relics in one gulp.


The faint golden light emanated from his body, and the monster actually had a sense of solemnity.

It was blessed and slowly sat down cross-legged.

Then, under the golden Buddha light, the monster's white hair began to fall off rapidly, and in an instant, it revealed the appearance of a young man.

"How could it be him?"

Suddenly, a surprised voice came from the side.

The chief monk turned around suddenly and saw that another man had appeared in the backyard at some point?

This man was Zhao Mu who had just chased him.

"Who are you?" The chief monk asked.

Zhao Mu ignored him and just stared at the young man sitting cross-legged, and was very shocked.

The chief monk didn't know him, but he recognized him at a glance. This young man looked exactly like the new Chu Emperor.


To be precise, it should be the same as the young Chu Emperor.

But didn't the new Chu Emperor die a long time ago?

How could he become a white-haired monster?

Could it be that after the death of the new Chu Emperor, the demonic energy in his body condensed for many years and did not dissipate, so that the corpse became a demon?

But the body of the new Chu emperor was buried deep in the emperor's mausoleum. How did this guy escape?

And why did it swallow the Buddha's relics? Could it be that it wanted to become a Buddha with the help of the relics?

This is quite funny!

Suddenly, the golden light on the new Chu emperor dissipated, and he began to recite scriptures.

At first, the voice of the scriptures was relatively low, and it didn't sound special.

But as the voice of the scriptures became louder and louder, Zhao Mu suddenly felt that all kinds of illusions appeared in front of him.

He seemed to see that after endless years, he finally cultivated to become an immortal, free and easy, and roaming the heavens.

"No, it's an illusion!"

He quickly reacted and immediately withdrew.

It was not until he retreated about fifty feet that the illusion in front of him finally disappeared.

But the chief master of the scriptures was not good.

His cultivation was far inferior to Zhao Mu, so he fell into the illusion in an instant and couldn't extricate himself.

The expression on his face was joyful for a while; sad and lamenting for a while; lustful for a while; greedy for a while.

With each change of emotion, the breath of the chief monk in charge of the Sutra became much weaker.

After seven changes of emotion, his breath completely dissipated and he died silently.

After the body of the new Chu emperor merged with the relics of the Buddha, it actually possessed the ability to trigger the inner demon?

At this moment, I am afraid that anyone who approaches will die because of the outbreak of the inner demon, just like the chief monk in charge of the Sutra.

Suddenly, the chanting sound of the corpse of the new Chu emperor began to increase continuously, and its influence range also expanded outward layer by layer.

Zhao Mu's face changed slightly, and he raised a breath of true energy and shouted suddenly: "Everyone, leave the Big Buddha Temple immediately!"

The mighty roar rolled out, and the whole Big Buddha Temple was alarmed.

Some people began to run away, while others ran over here without knowing what happened?

Zhao Mu ignored those who were looking for death, turned around and quickly left the Big Buddha Temple.

Since then, the chanting sound of the corpse of the new Chu emperor began to spread in all directions at a slow and steady speed without stopping.

One month later, the range of the chanting expanded to 100 feet. Anyone who dared to enter this range would immediately die because of the outbreak of the inner demon;

Two months later, the chanting expanded to 200 feet. All the monks of the Great Buddha Temple retreated outside, and the pilgrims dared not come in again. Only the new Chu Emperor was left in the entire Great Buddha Temple;

Three months later, the chanting expanded to 800 feet. Zhou Yue and Yuwen Piaoxu, who got the news, hurried over and joined Zhao Mu;

One year later, the chanting expanded to 5,000 feet. All the people in the Great Buddha City, whether officials or civilians, were forced to leave the city.

At this point, the entire Great Buddha City had become an empty city, and the Great Golden Wheel Kingdom had to re-establish the capital in other cities to manage state affairs;

Three years later, the chanting expanded to 20,000 feet, and the magnificent scriptures resounded through the world, as if it were a miracle.

In fact, the people of the Great Golden Wheel Kingdom did regard these as miracles.

They kept telling people that this was a sign that the Buddha was about to come, and they kept using the wonders of the Great Buddha City to spread the mystery and wonder of Buddhism.

This influence even spread throughout the world with the news of the Great Buddha Temple, and gradually penetrated into the Great Jin Dynasty and the Southern Xinjiang Five Poison Sect.

As a result, more and more people in the world believed in Buddhism.

For this reason, the Southern Xinjiang Five Poison Sect also fought several wars with the Great Golden Wheel Kingdom in order to snatch believers.

However, the Great Golden Wheel Kingdom did not dare to provoke the Great Jin Dynasty after all.

After all, the gap between the two countries' national strengths is too big.

The leaders of the Great Golden Wheel Kingdom knew very well that if they dared to take the initiative to attack the Great Jin Dynasty, they would probably be destroyed.

Of course, this does not mean that they really gave up expanding their territory.

In the eyes of the leaders of the Great Golden Wheel Kingdom, as long as the great sound of the scriptures in the Great Buddha City continues to exist, as long as more and more people in the world believe that this is the miracle of the Buddha in the world.

Then the teachings of Buddhism will spread more and more widely, ten years... thirty years... fifty years... one hundred years...

One day, the Great Golden Wheel Kingdom will become extremely powerful and have the ability to completely destroy the Great Jin Dynasty.

At that time, their teachings will also become the only belief of the world!

Zhao Mu doesn't care about the Great Golden Wheel Kingdom.

For three years, he has been staying near the Great Buddha City to study the changes here.

And Zhou Yue and Yuwen Piaoxu have been living here with him.

That day, the three of them came to the outside of the Great Buddha City again.

Just above the huge city, the sound of the great scriptures kept echoing, just like the Buddha chanting.

Looking up, you can vaguely see the direction of the Great Buddha Temple in the city, as if there is some kind of majestic power flowing.

There is the location of the body of the new Chu emperor.

Unfortunately, even with Zhao Mu's cultivation, he can't go there to check.

However, he can vaguely feel that the body of the new Chu emperor has been merging with the Great Buddha's relics for three years, but the speed is very slow.

He thinks that at this speed, if you want to complete the fusion completely, it will probably take dozens or hundreds of years.

Zhou Yue asked curiously: "Jin Yan, do you think that demon corpse will really become a Buddha one day?"

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