"Yes, use human life to fill it."

Wei Jing became more and more cruel as he spoke, gritting his teeth and continued: "There are too many poor people in this world. Even though Shangyuan City is rich, there are many poor families around who cannot survive."

"I admit that there are strong and weak in this world, and there are rich and poor. These are the rules of the world and cannot be changed."

"But my subordinates believe that the people at the top can be extravagant and indulge in extravagance every day, but at least they should ensure that the people at the bottom can live in peace and stability."

"In fact, what most poor people want in life is to live a stable life and have their children and grandchildren healthy?"

"To put it bluntly, even a little leakage from the fingernails of the big shots above is enough.

"But the Xie family are simply beasts. They rob poor people by force and plant spiritual root rice for them without giving them a penny of wages."

"The wages are just that, but in order to make more profits, the Xie family does not provide people with body-protecting and soul-protecting pills, so that every day people turn into wooden figures and die due to the erosion of the poisonous gas of the spiritual root rice."

"My lord, you have also seen that the human-shaped wooden sculptures piled up in the mountain col were actually all living people, but in the eyes of the Xie family, they are not even as good as the stones on the roadside."

"The Xie family will throw those who have turned into wooden sculptures directly into the fire and burn them, while the souls that have turned into ghosts will be beaten to pieces."

"When there are not enough people to grow Linggen rice, the Xie family will go to poor people to rob them. The cycle will continue like this, only increasing the evil."

"The entire Lieyang Empire says that Shangyuan City is rich in spiritual root rice and is extremely rich. But how many people know that this richness is actually created with human lives?"

"Hey, maybe some big shots in the court know, but they don't care and won't punish the Xie family, because the Xie family gives them generous gifts every year."

Wei Jie's voice froze the surrounding air like ice.

It can be seen that he hates the Xie family deeply.

He also hated that he was not capable enough to help the Xie family, otherwise he would have killed all the beasts in the Xie family long ago.

At this time, Zhao Mu suddenly asked: "I felt it when we met just now. You have the aura of a ghost in you?"

Wei Jing was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "My lord, your cultivation is indeed as high as the heavens. In such a long time, you are the first person who can feel the fluctuations of the ghosts in your subordinates."

He said and took out a palm-sized, small black iron box: "This is a magic weapon that can collect ghosts. My subordinates have stored a large number of ghosts in it."

"Are these ghosts..." Zhao Mu took the iron box.

"My Lord guessed right. These evil spirits are the poor people who died tragically because of planting spiritual root rice."

Wei Jing looked miserable: "My subordinates are unable to deal with the Xie family. The only thing I can do is to collect as many ghosts as possible after their death, so that they will not be beaten to pieces by the Xie family and have the chance to reincarnate in the future." Chance."

Zhao Mu entered the iron box with his spiritual mind and sensed that there were at least a thousand ghosts inside.

Not many years after Wei Jie came to Shangyuan City, he had already collected so many powerful ghosts. You can imagine how many people the Xie family had killed by them after they had brought trouble to Shangyuan City for thousands of years!

He looked at Wei Jing: "You secretly collected ghosts like this, didn't the Xie family notice?"

"Of course they have suspicions, but my subordinates are not vegetarians. At most, they will only know that someone in Shangyuan City is secretly collecting ghosts, but it is impossible to find out who it is."

Wei Jing's eyes were cold: "It's a pity that my subordinates' abilities are limited after all. The number of evil ghosts collected is probably less than one-tenth of the number of people who have died in the past few years, and..."

"And what?" Zhao Mu asked.

"Furthermore, the ghosts transformed into people who were poisoned by the spiritual root rice are quite special and cannot be transformed by ordinary methods. Therefore, my subordinates can only store them in magic weapons and cannot reincarnate them."

"It is indeed a bit special, but it is not impossible to measure."

"My lord, do you have a solution?" Wei Jing's face was filled with joy.

"Of course there are ways. Don't worry about things that don't go too far. Let's wait until the Xie family is solved. After all, we can't let them go into reincarnation with resentment."

Zhao Mu put away the iron box and asked: "Beehive arranged you here, isn't it just to monitor the Xie family?"


Wei Jing nodded: "Linggendao's profits are astonishing, so the superiors arranged their subordinates here. In fact, they wanted to see if they could secretly control the Xie family, control Linggendao's business, and provide funds for the organization's activities, but it's a pity that , The subordinates are not capable enough and have never achieved much.”

"Is it?"

Zhao Mu said calmly: "In that case, let's solve it together today and get your people ready. You will be able to take over the Xie family's business soon."

Wei Jing was overjoyed when he heard this. It seemed that the head of the family had decided to deal with the Xie family personally.

The two of them flew towards Shangyuan City.

And Zhao Mu's eyes showed cold murderous intent.

Along the way, he approached several powerful people and provoked their murderous intentions in order to increase the speed at which the Human Desire Lamp absorbs human desires.

But it was just to provoke murderous intent, he didn't do much to those people.

Even those people didn't know who he was from beginning to end. They just thought he was a casual cultivator who appeared out of nowhere and accidentally caused a conflict.

But today, for the Xie family.

But for the first time, Zhao Mu had the idea of ​​destroying the opponent's entire family, and it was extremely strong.

Because of the actions of the Xie family, he completely broke his bottom line, and it was not a pity to die!

The two came to Shangyuan City and were about to enter the city, but they saw a group of people rushing out of the city and running away.

The group was fierce and fierce, and the leader was a young man dressed in silk and satin, arrogant and domineering.


Wei Liang was surprised: "Today is the day for the Xie family to worship their ancestors. Why did Xie Qian run out with people instead of staying at home to worship his ancestors?"

"Who do you think he is?" Zhao Mu asked.

"My Lord, that young man is the one I mentioned before, Xie Lian's grandson Xie Qian."

Wei Liang shook his head and said, "It's fine if this kid is not in tune with the rules at ordinary times. Today is the day of the Xie family's ancestor worship, and he dared to run out. I guess he will be punished by Xie Lian to kneel in the ancestral temple when he returns."


Wei Liang's face suddenly became a little ugly: "He is in a hurry to leave the city at this time. Is he going to "hunt" again?"


Zhao Mu was puzzled: "Does Xie Qian have a hobby of hunting?"

"My Lord, this hunting is not hunting, but to plunder women."

"Speak clearly."

"My Lord, because every day there are people who are killed by the spiritual root rice The Xie family poisoned people to death, so every once in a while, they would go to the surrounding villages and capture poor people to farm for them.

Wei Liang smiled bitterly and said, "This Xie Qian has had a hobby since he was a child, he likes to play with decent women, so every time the Xie family goes to capture people, he will follow them, and if he sees a beautiful daughter or wife, he will take her back to play with her.

"In recent years, Xie Lian saw that his grandson was really in a mess, so he began to discipline Xie Qian and forbade him to come out and capture women again."

"Today, the Xie family worshipped their ancestors, and Xie Qian probably took advantage of Xie Lian's inattention and sneaked out. Seeing his anxious look, it is estimated that many women will suffer again."

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