The realm of martial saint is an extremely special turning point for martial artists.

Its special feature is that before entering the realm of martial saint, even powerful masters still use their own strength in battle.

For example, true qi, martial arts will, physical body, etc., all come from the martial artist himself.

But martial saint is completely different.

Because this realm can already use its own strength to induce the momentum of heaven and earth.

Any martial artist who breaks through the realm of martial saint needs to use his own martial arts will to naturally match with heaven and earth. Once the match is successful, he will form his own "momentum".

For example, sword momentum, knife momentum, fist momentum, etc.

Although the martial arts will of the master can also produce some substantial effects, such as shaking the air flow, or pushing some very light objects, such as leaves.

But the martial arts will is mainly a spiritual oppression, and cannot directly harm the enemy's body.

But the "momentum" of the martial saint is different. This is a power that combines will with heaven and earth, which can already produce substantial attack effects.

Facing an opponent with weaker cultivation than himself, the martial saint can even directly shatter the opponent with "momentum" alone.

Zhao Mu's "momentum" is even more powerful.

Because after the fifth heart gate is opened, unlike the fourth life gate which strengthens the body, it strengthens Zhao Mu's mind and will.

Now Zhao Mu's mind and will far exceed those of ordinary martial saints, which makes his "momentum" even more amazing.

In addition, his body has become even stronger.

With the combination of the two powers, it is not known whether his strength can directly approach that of a celestial being, but it is definitely far superior to other martial saints.

At least Zhou Yue, who has also been promoted to martial saint, is still not his opponent.


The Great Golden Wheel Kingdom, the Great Buddha City.

With the efforts of the Buddhist sect for 20 years, the miracles of the Great Buddha have long been known to the whole world.

Many people believe that the miracles here represent the Buddha's recognition of the Great Golden Wheel Kingdom, a Buddhist country on earth.

It also makes the influence of Buddhism in the world increasingly greater, and even in the Great Jin Dynasty, where Buddhism was scarce in the past, it has a huge number of believers.

Every day, countless believers from all over the world gather around the Great Buddha City to pray and make wishes.

However, today, a clearing was forcibly opened near the Great Buddha City, and all the believers were blocked outside to watch.

But the believers were not angry, but were looking forward to it.

Because a grand event will be held here soon.

The current chief monk will be here in a while, witnessed by officials sent by the Great Jin Dynasty, to pass on his power to his disciple, the new chief monk - Mu Xinzhi.

The reason why officials from the Great Jin Dynasty have to witness it is because the Great Golden Wheel Kingdom has long become a vassal state of the Great Jin Dynasty.

In the past 20 years, Emperor Sude has successively launched wars against the Five Poison Sects of Southern Xinjiang and the Great Golden Wheel Kingdom.

Today's Southern Xinjiang Kingdom no longer exists, and only the Five Poison Sect has barely survived in the form of a Jianghu sect.

Compared with the misery of the Southern Xinjiang Kingdom, the Great Golden Wheel Kingdom is better.

Thanks to the legend of the Great Buddha's miracle, the development momentum of Buddhism has been very good in recent years.

When Emperor Sude went to war against the Great Golden Wheel Kingdom, he was obstructed by many Buddhist believers in the Great Jin Dynasty, including many high-ranking officials.

It was also because of this that although Emperor Sude defeated the Great Golden Wheel Kingdom in that battle, he did not completely destroy the country.

After the court discussed politics, Emperor Sude issued an order to disband the army of the Great Golden Wheel Kingdom and stationed the army of the Great Jin Dynasty there all year round.

However, he retained the administrative power of Buddhism in the Great Golden Wheel Kingdom and planned to take it slowly in the future.

From then on, every time the Great Golden Wheel Kingdom held a ceremony to hand over power to the first seat, officials from the Great Jin Dynasty would be invited to witness it to show their submission to the suzerain state.

"Here they come, everyone look!"

A loud shout suddenly came from the crowd, and everyone looked to the west.

I saw that the crowd over there was separated into a wide open road, and a group of monks in cassocks walked towards this side solemnly.

One of the old monks with a long white beard was the current chief monk.

Following behind him was a man in his thirties, who was his disciple, the next chief monk, Mu Xinzhi.

The monks walked steadily forward and soon reached the open space in front of the Great Buddha City.

At the same time, behind the crowd, a carriage also stopped by the roadside, and a man and two women got off the carriage.

They were Zhao Mu, Zhou Yue and Yuwen Piaoxu.

The three of them are now over fifty years old.

However, warriors have a longer lifespan than ordinary people, so they still look like they are in their thirties.

The three stood in the carriage and looked at the open space in front of them.

"Is that the little monk you helped back then?" Zhou Yue asked.

"If it's not the same name, then it should be him."

Zhao Mu observed Mu Xinzhi with interest.

Compared to the immature little monk back then, Mu Xinzhi is now an adult, and even his cultivation has entered the Grandmaster realm.

As a disciple of the chief monk, Mu Xinzhi's Buddhist cultivation is naturally not low.

At this time, every move he made unconsciously exuded the aura of a high monk. If ordinary people saw him, they would probably be immediately influenced and respect him.

"Twenty years have passed, and that little guy has really changed a lot. He said that he wanted to be the chief monk, but he didn't expect that he would actually achieve it."

Zhao Mu was a little amazed.

At this time, the people around were also whispering about Mu Xinzhi.

"I heard that Mu Xinzhi and Sima Tongsheng, the fourth prince of the Jin Dynasty, are both top figures of the new generation. They have both broken through the Grandmaster level at a young age. Who do you think is better?"

"If you ask me, Mu Xinzhi should be stronger. Sima Tongsheng was born too well. He has been pampered all his life. He has not been tempered enough, so his practice is flawed after all."

"But Mu Xinzhi is different. It is said that this genius couldn't practice at all when he was a child. Later, he met a master who helped him open up his meridians, so he achieved what he has today. So his practice should be more complete than Sima Tongsheng."

"That may not be the case. These two are both geniuses praised by people in the world as the amazing duo. Before they really fight, no one dares to say which one of them is stronger!"

"Oh, I really want to see the two heroes compete for hegemony. I don't know when they will fight?"

"Haha, I want to know who the master who helped Mu Xinzhi open up his meridians is. It would be great if I could meet him."

As the man spoke, he suddenly felt someone looking at him.

He turned his head and saw that the man looking at him was a middle-aged man, accompanied by two beautiful women.

"Brother, what are you looking at me for? Is there something wrong?" he asked in confusion.

Zhao Mu shook his head: "Hehe, nothing, I'm just very interested in the master you mentioned."

The two women next to him almost couldn't help laughing when they heard this.

This guy is so mean!

Doesn't he know that he is the one they are talking about?

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