The sudden exclamation made everyone look forward.

At this time, Li Weiyong had already reached and stopped at a distance of 630 to 400 feet from the big gray fish. Zhou Yue also walked to a distance of 600 feet.

And further ahead than Zhou Yue, a man rushed out of the sea and continued walking forward step by step.

Although most of the people have never seen that man, any fool can guess his identity.

After all, the only person in the world who is stronger than Zhou Yue is probably the poison doctor who is number one on the heavenly list.

Mu Xinzhi clasped his hands together and said, "Amitabha, I didn't expect to see you again so soon."

Sima Tongsheng also took a deep breath: "It's really Zhao Jinyan. It seems that the news Li Weiyong just sent back is correct. Zhao Jinyan is indeed the poison doctor. In Qiufeng City, I actually believed that he was the poison doctor's apprentice. It's really ridiculous."

Mu Xinzhi heard this and looked over: "It turns out that Your Majesty has known Mr. Sir for a long time."

"Haha, to be honest with you, Master Zhang, I have indeed known Poison Doctor for a long time, and I was even given a book of cultivation experience by my husband. It can be said that without his guidance, I would never have reached the level of cultivation I am now."

Sima Tongsheng looked at Mu Xinzhi: "Listen to the meaning of the leader of the palm meridian. You also know Mr. Poison Doctor. Could it be that he was the master who helped you open up the meridians back then?"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Mu Xinzhi nodded and said: "The poor monk is the same as Your Majesty. If he hadn't saved me back then, the poor monk would never have achieved what he has today."

At this time, Zhao Mu had already reached a place close to 500 feet away from the big gray fish, and finally stopped.

Obviously, that was his limit.

The big gray fish swam on the sea for three days and three nights, and the scriptures also rang out for three days and three nights.

No one dared to leave, for fear of hearing less than others.

And as the scriptures continued to echo in their minds, almost everyone had some insights and their cultivation level increased a lot.

Three days later, the sound of the scriptures suddenly disappeared, and the whole world fell into deathly silence in an instant.

Everyone came to their senses one after another, and their blurred eyes gradually became clear.

Suddenly, a man's voice sounded in everyone's ears: "The chance of immortality is as mysterious as it is mysterious!"

"Since I am destined to travel here, I hereby leave a Taoist scripture to help the martial arts of the Jin Dynasty prosper as soon as possible."

"Ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years, when the ten heavenly beings and humans exist together in the world, the poor Taoist will return to this place to recruit disciples. I hope you will be diligent."

What does this mean?

Does it mean that when ten masters of the Heavenly Realm appeared in the Jin Dynasty at the same time, martial arts was considered prosperous?

At that time, this immortal cultivator will return to the Jin Dynasty to recruit disciples?

But when cultivating immortals accept disciples, don’t they focus on qualifications?

Is it also related to whether the martial arts in a place is prosperous?

What's the connection?

Just when everyone was confused, the big gray fish in the distance suddenly plunged into the sea and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Everyone knew that the immortal cultivator should have really left this time.

People returned to the shore one after another, recalling the unnamed Taoist scriptures they had memorized in the past three days.

The more they thought about it, the more they felt that this Taoist scripture was mysterious and unpredictable.

At this time, Zhao Mu also walked from the distant sea and returned to the beach.

Everyone looked over.

Everyone knew that the one who gained the most in the past three days was probably the Poison Doctor. After all, he was closest to the big fish and had the deepest understanding.

Many people want to ask, what insights does Zhao Mu have?

But unfortunately, there are only a few people who really dare to walk there.

After all, the best master in the world is intimidating even if he stands there.

Sima Tongsheng and Mu Xinzhi walked to Zhao Mu one after another.

"Sima Tongsheng!"

"Mu Xinzhi!"

"Meet sir!"


Zhao Mu smiled and nodded: "You two, we meet again."

"Yes, we meet again!"

Sima Tongsheng sighed: "Sir, you deceived me so hard. If it hadn't been for this incident, I would have always thought that you were really the apprentice of the poisonous doctor!"

"Haha, your Majesty, forgive me. I just wanted to keep a low profile back then."

Zhao Mu chuckled lightly.

"Sir, just call me Tongsheng."

Sima Tongsheng once again raised his hand and said: "Sir, do you have any plans for the next step? If nothing happens, you might as well stay in the palace for a while. Tongsheng has some martial arts issues, and I would like sir to give you some advice."

"I still have things to deal with, so let's just go to the palace. Besides, Your Majesty no longer needs my guidance. The unknown Taoist scriptures taught by that senior contain supreme mysteries. As long as Your Majesty studies it with concentration, you will be able to break through to the Martial Saint."

Zhao Mu said and looked at Mu Xinzhi: "The same goes for you. Your martial arts qualifications are comparable to His Majesty's. If you can put aside your worldly affairs and concentrate on studying Taoism, you may be the first person in the Jin Dynasty to step into the heavenly realm. people in the environment.”

He wasn't talking nonsense.

Zhou Yue's talent in martial arts is rare in the world, but Sima Tongsheng and Mu Xinzhi's talents are much better than Zhou Yu's.

If we were to say who in today's Jin Dynasty is most likely to become a heavenly being before the end of his life, it must be these two people.

Of course, the premise is that the two of them can concentrate on cultivation and ignore the troubles in the world.

It's a pity that one of these two people is the emperor of the Jin Dynasty and the other is the head of the Jinlun Kingdom. They are both powerful figures.

It would be really difficult for them to put aside their worldly affairs and practice cultivation in the deep mountains and wild forests for a few years or more like themselves.

But it doesn't matter. With the qualifications of these two people, it is almost certain to break through to the Martial Saint.

As for the matter that I planned in the future, as long as these two have the cultivation of martial saints, they should be able to help me.

"I hope that before the demon corpse appears, I can have enough strength myself."

Zhao Mu thought to himself.

The matter of the East Sea Fairyland has come to an end for the time being.

The people from all parties gathered in Shuiyun City gradually dispersed.

Zhao Mu took the two women back to the valley where they used to be.

The two women also gave the valley a name, called Daoxin Valley.

Since then, the three of them began to practice in seclusion in Daoxin Valley and comprehend the nameless Taoist scriptures.

Time flies like a white horse passing by.

Thirty years later, Zhao Mu was eighty-six years old, and Zhou Yue and Yuwen Piaoxu were also eighty-two or eighty-three years old.

During these thirty years, except for occasionally going out to buy daily necessities or going to Dafo City to check the situation of the demon corpse.

At other times, the three of them rarely left Daoxin Valley, but just practiced in the valley with one heart.

The realm of heaven and man is the last realm of martial arts practice, and it is also the most difficult realm to enter.

After thirty years of hard work, Zhao Mu and Zhou Yue have greatly improved their cultivation, but unfortunately, they have never been able to break through the realm of heaven and man.

Zhao Mu has gained a lot of experience in studying the nameless Taoist scripture.

This scripture is indeed mysterious. He feels that the key to his future breakthrough to the realm of heaven and man should be found in this nameless Taoist scripture.

As for the cultivation of immortals beyond the heaven and man, we have to rely on that immortal cultivator.

It’s just that the breakthrough to the realm of heaven and man is too difficult.

I wonder when will ten heavens appear at the same time in the Great Jin Dynasty?

One hundred years?

Two hundred years?

Or three hundred years?

Fortunately, Zhao Mu has an endless life span, so he can wait even longer.

By then, he should be able to see another new world!

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