"If Zhou Yu Niang really doesn't come, then I can only hope that Chu Jinghong will keep his promise after killing Wan Yu Dao Ren."

"But can that guy really be so principled?"

"Damn it, this feeling of pinning hope on other people's character is really frightening!"

"Master Changkong" had a gloomy look in his eyes.

However, his gloomy mood did not last long.

Because just when Zhao Mu's mana was exhausted and the power of the Three Lives Lotus began to weaken, suddenly the spiritual energy in the distant sky changed.


He looked up quickly, and a hint of joy flashed in his eyes: "Hahaha, it's finally here, my calculations have not been in vain."

The next moment, a woman's voice came like a tide: "Chu Jinghong, you dare to leave Lieyang City at this time, aren't you afraid that I will slaughter your entire Chu family?"

Suddenly, the endless worldly desires wrapped in the fire of human desire rushed from afar like a flood, instantly filling the world.

A candlestick appeared out of thin air, blocking Chu Jinghong's Lieyang Baolun.

The flame of the candlestick flickered, and a beautiful figure walked out slowly from it, with a peerless appearance and a mighty pressure like the power of heaven, staring at Chu Jinghong coldly.

"Zhou Yu Niang, why are you here?"

Chu Jinghong's face was gloomy, knowing that he might not be able to kill Wanyu Daoren today.

After all, he and Zhou Yu Niang have been fighting for hundreds of years, but neither of them can do anything to the other, so the result today will not be any different.

"Hehe, of course someone tipped me off."

Zhou Yu Niang smiled lightly and took out a letter and threw it out casually: "Obviously someone doesn't want to see you kill Wanyu Daoren, so she secretly sent me a letter. Guess... who this person is?"


Chu Jinghong took the letter and opened it, his face instantly gloomy.

The only people who knew he would come to Hanfeng Plain, except for himself and "Changkong Zhenren", were a few senior members of the royal family.

Could it be that there was a traitor around him?

Chu Jinghong's expression was uncertain.

Meanwhile, seeing Chu Jinghong being blocked by Zhou Yuniang, Zhao Mu looked relieved, and quickly took back the Three-Life Lotus, fell to the ground and began to adjust his breath and recover.

Seeing this, "Changkong Zhenren" immediately approached silently, and his eyes also turned into vertical pupils.

At this time, Chu Jinghong noticed the movement here, and suddenly shouted: "Changkong Zhenren, what are you doing?"

Not good!

"Changkong Zhenren"'s face changed slightly, and he immediately increased his speed and rushed straight to Zhao Mu.

"Damn it, this Saint Ancestor was calculated!"

Chu Jinghong was furious, and instantly realized that the person who sent the letter was not a ghost at all, but this guy who cooperated with him.

He gritted his teeth in anger, raised his hand to control the Lieyang Baolun and was about to start.

"Changkong Zhenren" saw this and immediately shouted: "Zhengguogong, please help me to block Chu Jinghong, I want to take Wanyu Daoren to a safe place to recover."


Zhou Yuniang did not hesitate, and the Human Desire Heart Lamp directly burst out with power, blocking the Lieyang Baolun.

Chu Jinghong was so angry that his lungs were about to explode: "Zhou Yu Niang, are you an idiot? That Changkong Zhenren is fake. He is not trying to save Wanyu Daoist, but to kill Wanyu Daoist."

"Impossible, Changkong Zhenren and Wanyu Daoist are close friends, and he will never have the intention to kill. On the contrary, it is you who really let you go. Wanyu Daoist will definitely die!"

Zhou Yu Niang snorted coldly, and ignored what the other party said.

And just when the two were entangled, "Changkong Zhenren" had already grabbed Zhao Mu and turned into a stream of light and shot rapidly towards the distant sky.

Seeing the figures of the two disappear.

Chu Jinghong was so angry that his nose was crooked: "Zhou Yu Niang, why didn't I realize that you are so stupid before? Can't you see that Changkong Zhenren is fake? This Saint Ancestor is really mad at you!"

"Of course... I saw it!"


Chu Jinghong was stunned, and looked up in astonishment, only to find that Zhou Yu Niang had a faint smile on her face.

"Wait, you already knew that Changkong Zhenren was fake? Then why did you let Wanyu Daoist take away?"

"Wanyu Daoist is now exhausted and is no match for him. If he is taken away by him, he will surely die. You are not in a hurry at all?"


Chu Jinghong was stunned again: "No, did Wanyu Daoist let him take away on purpose?"

"Haha, Saint Ancestor is wise!" Zhou Yu Niang complimented with a smile.

But her compliment made Chu Jinghong angry again.


I am not wise at all!

Changkong Zhenren cooperated with me, but secretly sent a message to Zhou Yu Niang!

Zhou Yu Niang hurried over, thinking that she was here to save Wanyu Daoist, but she didn't expect that she was just cooperating in the play.

As for Wanyu Daoist, he is even more hateful!

I thought that I could finally kill him after finding his trace this time.

But from the current situation, that guy obviously deliberately exposed his tracks, and then used this Saint Ancestor to play a play for Changkong Zhenren.


It turns out that all my hard work was actually calculated by you guys!

It really... really makes me angry!

"Changkong Zhenren" carried Zhao Mu and flew rapidly in the sky.

His magic power had already penetrated Zhao Mu's body and set up a ban to prevent the latter from recovering and counterattacking.

"I didn't expect that you would be the one who got away with my fight with Chu Jinghong."

Zhao Mu sighed helplessly: "Since I have fallen into your hands, can you let me die knowingly? How did you know that I have a big seal on me?"

"Haha, I am already a dying man, why do you still ask so many questions?"

"Master Changkong" sneered: "Don't think that Zhou Yu Niang will come to save you. That stupid woman thought I was the real Master Changkong, so she was helping me to block Chu Jinghong, but she didn't know that her stupidity killed you."

"Yes, I am dying, just want to find out before I die, can't you satisfy me?"

Zhao Mu sighed again: "I want to know how much you know about the big seal on my body, and where did you know it from?"

"Don't try to trick me. I am not one of those idiots who think they are in control of the situation and tell secrets triumphantly. You won't know anything from me."

"Master Changkong" snorted coldly, not moved at all, it seems that he is also a guy who is stubborn.

After a while, he carried Zhao Mu to a valley and waved his hand to set up restrictions around him.

He threw Zhao Mu to the ground: "Master Wanyu, don't blame me. Your existence is too threatening to me, so I can only kill you. As for the questions in your heart... go down and ask the Lord of Samsara."

Before he finished speaking, he pinched the seal and directly triggered the restrictions in Zhao Mu's body.


The violent power exploded, and Zhao Mu's body turned into ashes and disappeared.

And on the spot, only the Three-Life Lotus and the Nine-Colored Glazed Lamp were left.

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