Just when Sima Tongsheng and others were wondering why only the Buddhists were possessed by the demon corpse?

Suddenly, the demon corpse let out a low roar.

The next moment, Mu Xinzhi and the other Buddhists actually walked towards the demon corpse step by step.

"No, they're completely out of control."

Sima Tongsheng's expression changed greatly. He raised his hand and fired more than ten blasts of Qi into the bodies of the Buddhists, trying to forcefully wake them up.

But unfortunately, his Qi had no effect at all.

If you look at people like Eyes, Mu, and Xinzhi, they will enter the sphere of influence of the Buddha’s sound.

Suddenly, the sound of the piano between heaven and earth changed, from an iron horse to a murderous one.

It felt like an army that had been lined up to prepare for battle suddenly launched a fierce attack on the enemy.

"What's going on? What happened to us just now?"

Everyone in the Buddhist sect suddenly woke up. When they saw that they were actually walking forward, they immediately backed away in horror.

"Who knows what happened to you, you were suddenly captivated."

"You must have been affected by the demon corpse. The strange thing is, why don't we feel anything?"

"By the way, what did you feel or what did you see just now?"

Faced with the inquiries of many experts in the military.

Everyone in the Buddhist sect looked at each other.

"I feel like I saw Buddha just now. He said he would take me to the Western Paradise."

"No, it's not Buddha, it's my master, Zen Master Guangyuan. He said that I have perfected my practice and can become a Buddha."

"What are you talking about? What kind of Buddha or what kind of master? You were obviously not my senior brother just now, so why did you drag me to eat? What did I want to eat..."

Obviously, everyone in the Buddhist sect was trapped in an illusion just now.

Mu Xinzhi's face was solemn, and his eyes were filled with fear as he looked at the demon corpse. He didn't know what he had just seen?

"Let's go back first."

Everyone quickly left the Buddha City.

outside the city.

Zhao Mu stopped playing the piano.

"Sir, what happened just now? Why am I the only one from the Buddhist sect to be affected by that demonic corpse?"

Mu Xinzhi asked doubtfully.

"What did you see in the hallucination just now?"

Zhao Mu asked back.

"The poor monk saw that one day in the future, the monster corpse suddenly rushed out of the Great Buddha City and began to slaughter all the Buddhist disciples he encountered. No one in the world could do anything about it."

"In the end, the poor monk led many Buddhist masters to besiege, but they could not kill the demon corpse at all. Instead, they were all killed. After that, many believers were also killed one after another, and their blood flowed like a river. Since then, Buddhism has plummeted."

Mu Xinzhi replied solemnly.

Although what he saw just now was an illusion, for some reason, it made him feel intensely uneasy.

"You have the highest level of cultivation among the Buddhists. You have already entered the realm of martial saint, so the illusion you see is the closest to reality."

Zhao Mu explained: "Actually, there are some things that I have only figured out in the past two years. Theoretically, after the demon corpse is completely integrated with the relics of the Buddha, it can break through to the realm of heaven and humanity."

"But that's just a theory. In fact, the demon corpse cannot be completely integrated with the Buddha's relics, because it is just a corpse after all. It has never practiced Buddhist techniques, let alone understood the mystery of Buddhist scriptures."

"That is to say, it lacks the most critical link to integrate the relics of the Great Buddha - Buddha nature, so when its cultivation reaches the peak of the Martial Saint and it finds that it cannot go any further, it will wake up."

"At that time, its spiritual wisdom has not yet fully awakened, and it will instinctively want to make up for its lack of Buddha nature in order to complete the fusion of the Buddha's relics."

"How can we make up for the Buddha's nature? How can a corpse that has not yet awakened its spiritual wisdom still be able to read Buddhist scriptures?" Mu's premonition of unknown things became stronger and stronger.

Zhao Mu chuckled: "Haha, of course it can't read Buddhist scriptures. It has a more direct way, which is to constantly hunt Buddhist masters and absorb their true energy and body essence."

"If one is not enough, then ten... If ten is not enough, then one hundred... If one hundred is not enough, then one thousand. It will not stop until it thinks it has killed enough."


Mu Xinzhi's face turned ugly: "Buddha nature comes from practice. How can you get it just by hunting? It makes no sense for the demon corpse to do this."

"Don't you understand yet? The point is not whether you can obtain Buddha nature, but the instinct of the demon corpse to believe that this method is feasible. Can you still reason with a corpse?"

Zhao Mu shook his head.

Mu Xinzhi was completely speechless.

When a scholar encounters a soldier, there is no reason to explain.

It was a good thing for him. He simply encountered a corpse. He didn't even have the possibility to reason with him, and he almost died of suffocation.

Mu Xinzhi took a deep breath and asked: "Sir, if we don't take action now, how long will it take for the demon corpse to wake up?"

"It could be as short as three or two months, or as long as a year and a half, you can't tell."

"So fast?"

Mu Xinzhi finally stopped hesitating and clasped his hands towards Zhao Mu: "Sir, please tell me, what do you need this poor monk to do?"

He did not dare risk delay.

The so-called miracles of the Buddha will eventually disappear, it just happens sooner or later, there is no essential difference.

But if the demon corpse is really allowed to come out and start hunting Buddhist masters, the damage caused will probably far exceed the disappearance of the Buddha's miracle.

Because there are not enough masters, Buddhism will be unable to resist the threats from other sects in the Jin Dynasty, and will eventually be completely knocked into the abyss.

"Okay, let's start preparing."

Zhao Mu pondered for a moment and said, "Sima Tongsheng, are you ready with the medicinal materials I asked you to prepare?"

"Don't worry, sir, everything is ready."

"Very good. I'll give you three days to boil all the medicinal materials into 100,000 parts according to the prescription I gave, and make them into medicine sachets to distribute to the 100,000 troops."

"The prescription is a corpse-suppressing powder that I modified based on the corpse-dissolving powder. It will cause great harm to the corpse. When we take action in three days, you have to have an army of 100,000 people to distance themselves and surround the entire Buddha City. "

"The smell of corpse-suppressing powder emitted from the medicine bag will linger and form a huge invisible "wall", making the demonic zombies fearful and dare not rush out of this area."

"When the time comes, I will use the guqin to suppress the Buddhist sounds again, while the two of you will enter the Great Buddha Temple and pour a portion of the corpse-killing powder into the demon corpse."

"The most important thing is, Mu Xinzhi, you have to use the Buddhist Qi of the martial saint level to shake the relic Qi in the demon corpse, temporarily destroying its balance of power, and allowing the zombie suppressing powder to take effect as soon as possible."

"Only you can do this, and there is no room for error. Do you understand?"

Zhao Mu slowly stated his plan.

However, he always felt uneasy in his heart.

This lack of confidence comes from the doubts buried in his heart.

He has always felt that the process of the demon corpse swallowing the Buddha's relics was too smooth.

Logically speaking, one is evil and the other is good, so they should conflict with each other.

But the demon corpse's fusion of the Buddha's relics didn't have any setbacks at all, it was so smooth and weird.

It's as if someone is deliberately manipulating.

"I hope there won't be any accidents in three days!"

Zhao Mu murmured to himself.

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