The realm of heaven and man is the last realm of martial arts practice.

This realm means the transformation of heaven and man, the growth of all things, and the renewal of all phenomena.

It can also be understood that the warrior has broken away from the pure mortal limit and begun to gradually move towards a new level of life.

Being able to truly begin to communicate with heaven and earth is a transitional state from martial arts to immortality.

The key to breaking through the realm of heaven and man is to break through the limits of one's own mortal body and integrate into the surrounding environment with one's own martial arts will, which can activate a small amount of the power of heaven and earth.

In this realm, one can already influence the celestial phenomena on a small scale, which is the legendary ability to control the wind and rain.

Wind and Rain Mountain.

During the seven days, some people had important personal matters and left without waiting.

But most people have stayed on the mountain, waiting for Zhao Mu and Jian Chi to wake up.

At this moment, these people finally saw a spectacle that they would never forget in their lifetime.

Zhao Mu and Jian Chi were seen emitting strange fluctuations, which gradually spread to a thousand feet.

Within this range, the wind and clouds suddenly changed color, and there was lightning and thunder.

It seems that there are two invisible hands controlling the celestial phenomena in this area.

Sometimes there are thunder and lightning and heavy rain, sometimes the sun is bright and the breeze is gentle, and sometimes there are dark clouds over the city.

As the celestial phenomena changed, the auras of Zhao Mu and Jian Chi became more and more powerful, which was far more powerful than the Martial Saint.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

The changes in the celestial phenomena gradually disappeared, and the auras of the two people gradually calmed down.

Suddenly, they opened their eyes almost at the same time.

"Congratulations, little friend."


The two of them were hundreds of feet apart, but their faint voices reached each other's ears clearly.

These two have already broken through to the realm of heaven and humans?

What kind of state and feeling is that?

How did the celestial phenomena change just now?

Everyone's hearts were filled with doubts.

But it was obvious that those two people had no intention of dispelling everyone's doubts.

Zhao Mu cupped his hands and said, "Senior Jian Chi, I gained a lot from today's battle. I'll take my leave."

"Okay, my little friend has outstanding talent and high cultivation, which I have only seen in my life. I hope to fight with you again in the future."

The sword idiot also bowed his hands in a salute, which was a sign of respect for his true opponent.

Zhao Mu picked up the broad-backed heavy sword, turned around and took a step of thirty feet, as if shrinking to an inch, and disappeared from everyone's sight after a few steps.

Many people sent by major forces were stunned.

They got the order from their master and were originally planning to recruit, but Zhao Mu actually didn't give them a chance.

Now, it will be difficult for them to do business when they go back.

Night falls.


Chen Yu looked at the young man named Chu Ying who was walking beside him and was carrying a heavy sword on his back. His head was still confused even now.

Chen Yu is Zhou Yuniang's confidant maid.

Because the matter was so important this time, she was sent to the Wind and Rain Sword Sect by Zhou Yuniang, responsible for recruiting the young master who could compete with the Sword Chi.

That is the Chu Ying next to me.

Originally, when the duel ended that day, Chen Yu, like the people from other forces, were waiting for Chu Ying to break through.

Unexpectedly, Chu Ying left directly after breaking the barrier, ignoring anyone at all.

At that time, Chen Yu, like everyone else, thought that his mission had failed, so he was ready to pack up and return to Beijing.

Unexpectedly, when she returned to the inn room, she found Chu Ying sitting in her room drinking tea.

What's even more outrageous is.

Chu Ying actually knew her identity and expressed his willingness to follow her back to the capital to meet the crown princess.

Is this... a successful recruitment?

But I haven’t even started recruiting yet!

Why did the other party take the initiative to come to your door?

Chen Yu was confused at the time and couldn't understand what was going on?

But since Chu Ying was willing to see Zhou Yuniang, she was naturally happy to see it happen, so the two of them rushed back to the capital.

"Sir, it's late at night now, and the Crown Princess has probably gone to bed long ago. How about I arrange a place for you to rest first, and then I can introduce the Crown Princess to you tomorrow?"

Chen Yu asked respectfully.


Zhao Mu nodded casually and looked at the palace, then at the Zen Heart Temple on Feilai Peak outside the city.

"Sir, what's wrong? What are you looking at?"

Chen Yu asked doubtfully.

"It's nothing, I just thought of two old acquaintances. They are now in deep trouble and can't extricate themselves."

"Then why don't you take action? With your cultivation in the heaven and human realm, can't you help them get out of this predicament?"

"Is the Heavenly Realm very strong?"

Zhao Mu shook his head: "Even the legendary immortal cultivator can't do the things of heaven and earth, let alone the realm of heaven and earth."

"My two old acquaintances didn't listen to my persuasion in the early years. They thought that because of their outstanding talents, they would not be afraid of the intrusion of trivial matters in the world of mortals, so they fell into a sea of ​​lust and could not extricate themselves for decades."

"Now they have woken up, but it is already too late. Some things have missed the best opportunity. Unless the gods come, it will be difficult to recover."

"Then why don't you go and see them? After all, they are all old acquaintances." Chen Yu continued to ask.

"I won't go. They have cut off their five senses and are completely locked in death. No one can wake them up from the outside. What's the point of going?"

Zhao Mu shook his head: "Okay, let's go. Find a place to rest for the night. I will go with you to see the Crown Princess tomorrow."

"Okay, sir, please come with me."

Chen Yu promised.

There was a night curfew, and the two did not plan to ask for the city gate to be opened. They just jumped over the city wall and entered the capital.

After arranging Zhao Mu, Shen Yu secretly returned to the Prince's Mansion.

The so-called Crown Princess had gone to bed was just an excuse.

Zhou Yu Niang has always been diligent. She either practices or handles things at night.

In any case, she will never go to bed until the second half of the night.

The reason why Shen Yu did not introduce Zhao Mu was just because she always felt that Zhao Mu's initiative to come to her door was not in line with common sense.

Although there was no hatred between the two sides, who could guarantee that the latter would not assassinate while meeting the Crown Princess?

So to be on the safe side, Shen Yu had to meet Zhou Yu Niang first and obey her orders before acting.

Prince's Mansion.

In the quiet study, Shen Yu met Zhou Yu Niang.

"How is it, did you recruit people back?"

Zhou Yu Niang asked.

"Well, he has been arranged to stay, but..."

"But what?"

"But he was not recruited by me, but he came to me on his own initiative."

"What do you mean?" Zhou Yu Niang frowned slightly.

"It's like this..."

Shen Yu told the story in detail.

Finally, she asked: "Crown Princess, do you think that man has bad intentions? After all, so many people want to recruit him, but he ignored them and came to us on his own initiative. I am really afraid that he will be bad to you when we meet tomorrow."

"According to what you said, we should be on guard. After all, there are too many people who want to kill me over the years. Who knows if he has been bribed by other princes?"

Zhou Yu Niang nodded seriously: "By the way, what is the name of that man? Did you find out his origins?"

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