Eternal Life

Chapter 851: Son of the gods

Chapter 851 The Son of God

In the face of the "anti-day knife" killing, the dragon scales on Fang Han's body could not resist, so he showed the reincarnation.

The reincarnation does not know what material composition, even if it is a fairy, it can not destroy it. It has a huge reincarnation force, even if it is Fang Han, it cannot be triggered. Because Fang Han did not learn the big reincarnation.

However, using the "revolutionary disk" as a weapon and resisting the "anti-sacred **** knife" can be said to complement each other. Otherwise, it is to display the next day's golden gun, and it can't resist the power of the sword. It is inevitable that there will be some damage.

The next day, the Golden Gun is a pure attack, a perfect weapon.

And against the **** knife, it is also a pure attack, half fairy. Compared with the two, the difference is half a level, that is, the difference between the sacs and the clouds.

Only the reincarnation can resist the knife. No matter what knife of the sacred knives is killed on the plate of reincarnation, only Mars will explode, and the body of the plate will not be harmed at all.

Fang Hanlong claws seized the reincarnation disk, as if urging a weapon, directly rushed into the knife light, and then suddenly spit, the supreme Dragon Ball bombarded, hit the anti-Shen Shenzun.

"I thought that there is a treasure, eight Buddhism, incarnation as the ruined ancestors, can you glory and glory?" The celestial face with sneer, the knife and the light, all the squares are fine, every inch of the knife, all The scales on the body of the chilling spurt are to be pierced into it, and the body of Fang Han is twisted upside down: "You are a bas-relief, but it is a semi-existing quality device. It has not become a real dish, if Taking this step, I still have seven points of scruples, but now it is just a child's toy."

Supreme Dragon Ball, bombarded to him, the gods reached out and grabbed, and continued to play their fingers, millions of fingering, bombing on the Dragon Ball, emitting infinite light, bounce the Dragon Ball back.

Among them, the four major immortals, were actually shaken.

The power of the four great immortals cannot add up to a "reverse **** god".

However, this is also a matter of course, "anti-sacred gods respect", the true immortal cultivation, the ordinary true immortal can be an enemy three. The four virtual fairy in the district is not his opponent. Unless it is a combination of ten and eight virtual celestial beings, it is possible to contend with a large array.

If it weren’t for the body of Fang Han, surrendered to the six major sects, the five great demon sects, and the unity of strength, it is likely that the gods would be separated by a sword.


The other three gods, seeing Fang Hanyu coming in, suddenly screamed, roared, and punched. It is actually the ultimate martial arts of the Protoss, the ancestor of the ancestor.

These three great gods, each of them are not under the laurel of God. They are: Mona gods, 旃 神 神 ,, 阴流神尊! They are all Hee Weiwei, commanding countless protoss, the existence of the demon, and the three shots together, can make a deep hole in the world of Xuanhuang.

"Good tyranny!"

The fists are staggered, and Fang Han retreats in a row. As soon as he connects several punches, the punching power of the boxing punches into the body and it is difficult to resolve.

In the body of the feathered Tiangong, Taikoo meteorite, Tongtian sword city ... and so on, the ball was bombarded by the gas, the group turned around, the countless disciples inside, all shocked, the vitality immediately scattered.

Fang Han deeply took a bite of energy, and a full mega-pure yang medicine burned in the eight floating sampans. The pure yang flame poured on all sides. As the energy to spur the smashing of the road, these smashing devices stopped the turmoil.


"Reverse gods and gods" was killed by a knife, and Fang Han’s body was shocked, and he flew out and fell into the army of the Protoss, and was once again trapped.

Many emperors immediately dispersed and assembled a large array, especially the fighting, the sickle, the gradual, the vain, the purple moon... These gods and gods stood in a good position and sacrificed their own magic weapon. A sturdy smashed smasher, or a set of semi-premise.

The power of these gods, linked into one piece, completely swayed Fang Han, there was no chance for him to escape.

In the divine space of each Emperor, there are countless demons. Now there are some gods who display the means of burning the demon and put pressure on Fang Han.

The three gods, suddenly, rushed into the battle, the other side launched an attack.

The three men joined forces and the abbots were in a big battle. The power was no less than the one-door "Xuanmen robbery."

In this case, Fang Han also felt a lot of pressure. Now, in such a situation, it is not bad for him to protect himself, let alone break into the altar, destroy the blood of Wujin, and rescue the spirit of the chaotic fetus.

The "Reverse Emperor" is motionless, and does not issue a knife, but stands on the altar, watching Fang Han, Feng Bai Yu, but guarding Wu Jin blood.

"The gods at dusk, the end of the holy king..." At this moment, Feng Baiyu saw that the situation was not good. He once again made a low-pitched voice, and his deep eyes shone into the minds of these four gods. in.

"What is this? Are you?"

The four gods, including the "anti-sacred gods", were shocked and saw the eyes of Feng Baiyu, as if they saw ghosts. At the same time, my heart and heart fell, and in the mouth, I spit out two words: "The Holy King..."

This time is slow, Fang Han has already slowed down and made a big impact. When I looked at it, I stared at the **** of the squad in the big squad. I concentrated my strength and sang a sound in my mouth. "The power of destiny, the broken void, the fallen of the Emperor, is irreparable."

He concentrated his strength. In a flash, he burned 300,000 years of life and concentrated on one point. The power is unbreakable and unbreakable.


The entire body of the gods of Doum is broken by Fang Han, and even the unique Taoist refining of his own, the Doom Star also disintegrated into a black iron, cold and sensation.

"Claws of the Dragon, ingesting the wild." Fang Han almost did not give this Emperor a slight breathing opportunity, a claw to explore, continuous scratching, between the power of the small fate has not disappeared, forced to open a large array The palm of the hand turned into a huge black hole, and the body of the Bum Emperor’s explosion and the Doom Star were all sucked in.

At this moment, even all the emperors saw an unforgettable scene of eternal life.

The whole person of the Emperor of Doom is rooted by the roots of a tree of the world, and then in the screams, instantly becomes a huge long fruit, and the laws of the world are constantly rotating in the fruit of the living, if At this time, there are six people with longevity and a strong life in the heavens. After eating this long fruit, they can immediately break through to the kingdom of the seven-year-old kingdom and have all the power and power of the gods.

That Doum's mysterious star is transformed into a mysterious black dragon. It enters the depths of the eight floating buds and settles down. It is transformed by the transformation of the "all things and dragons".

Among the eight floating sects, I don’t know how many treasures have been deposited. First, after the “God of the Gods Tower”, there is a part of the city of the sky, and there is also the vitality of the city that belongs to the mainland. The law of the fairy tea tree, that one yuan In addition to the rules of the mixed caves of the Yuanshan Mountain Road, there are many laws that are unclear.

Now, after absorbing the Doum's mysterious star, it is still continuing to power, crouching, just waiting for one day, suddenly broke out, turned into a true leader of the eight dragons, Wanlong Chaozong a treasure.

The **** of the gods, almost in a breath, was killed and refining, turned into a long-fruited fruit, and even his own unique device was "dragonized."

However, Fang Han did not stop, once again.


The car 辕 辕 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The magic weapon of the Emperor of the Emperor is a huge chariot, but also a perfect weapon, but it has not weathered the thunder, but this chariot is still prestige, patrolling the heavens, engraving with countless flames, cold Ice, thunderbolt, electric sign, poisonous, black hole... However, this chariot, Fang Han did not have a dragon, but directly sealed up, and thirty-three days to treasure.

Because he felt it, there was some material in this chariot, and it was communicated with the thirty-three days of treasure.

"Not good! Everyone quickly retire and spread out."

The Purple Moon Emperor saw this scene, and his heart was shocked. Fang Han was like a tiger into the flock and could not stop. But her words have not been finished yet. A huge dragon claw was pressed out of thin air. Immediately all her mana was imprisoned, and the magic weapon stopped working. The whole person was sucked into the Dragon Ball.

"You, this Protoss woman is very good. I will not refine you into a longevity fruit, but after I turn it into a prostitute, manage everything for me." A vast force, the great Purdue Zen light directly Into the purple eye of the Emperor's eyebrows, the protoss of the Protoss, the strong king of the kingdom of the world, was directly dredged, and once again into the Dragon Ball.

"the host."

The purple moon **** emperor, a purple coat, embroidered a million-wheeled crescent moon on the clothes, her face is beautiful, her body is slender, her front is convex and backward, with classical beauty, this is an innate temperament, how changes will not change. This is also the reason why Fang Han does not make her into a long fruit.

"Master, this is the son of the Emperor of Heaven, the absurd prison. He is the pioneer of our protoss attacking the world of Xuanhuang. I got the guidance of an elder in the Protoss, came to this chaotic continent, and found the chaotic fetus. The location is to promote to the realm of the emperor. Then the skills are strong, and the achievements are made."

When the Purple Moon Emperor was degraded, the thoughts of God were passed to Fang Han’s thoughts, detailing some details of this Protoss invasion.

"The **** of heaven? Son?"

Fang Han got a message from God, and his heart was shocked: "This powerful lineup is the pioneer of all the way? The real army, how much is it fierce?"

"Ziyue is not clear. But there is also reinforcement in the fairy world." Ziyue Shenhuang honestly answered.

In this electric fire-like exchange, Fang Han's little fate has killed two great emperors in a row, and has depleted a god, and has exhausted his body and his body is weak. Although he has a life span of three million years, he lost 300,000 years, which is equivalent to one tenth. He still feels some discomfort.

"The gods at dusk! He is among our protoss, to find that person. Grab him!"

Fang Han suddenly heard that in the blood of Wu Jin, the young Protoss suddenly burst into a shout, interrupting the power of the wind white feather.

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