Eternal Love

Chapter 27: : Coup (5)

   Chapter 27: Coup (5)

"General Zhao, should I call you a general or a cousin? Just like literally, I hope that the emperor will be able to succeed. If he is willing to co-operate to give up the throne, maybe I will really consider satisfying him. I will also consider you to be my general protector of the country, how about it?"

  "Don’t be foolish about dreams. I, Zhao Ziyin, have only one monarch recognized. What you just said is enough to rectify the Fa on the spot. You dare to speak up. It’s too late to confess your guilt, otherwise I’m definitely the first one to let you go!"

   "Don't let it go? Huh, I don't know who can let it go now, eh!"

  The conversation with Zhao Ziyin ended, Zhao Zixi made a gesture, and all the archers were ready to shoot at any time, and Zhao Ziyin made a state of being ready for battle as expected.

   "Brother Emperor, now I just want to know, are you willing to give way? As long as you are willing to give way, you can avoid unnecessary bloodshed--"

   "Even if I give up my throne, I will never entrust the throne to you."

Zhao Ziheng knows Zhao Zixi too well, Zhao Zixi does not have the ability to govern the country, especially when he enters the country, handing over Zhao Kingdom to him will only lead to the destruction of Zhao Guo early. Even if it is to be handed over, it must be entrusted to him A person he trusted, so he didn't hesitate to say what he thought.

   "Hmph, in that case, then I have to **** it from your hand, and let--"

  Hearing Zhao Ziheng's answer, Zhao Zixi chuckled lightly, and then gave the order to attack.

  "Protect the emperor——"

The arrows around the high wall radiated at the same time, Zhao Ziyin immediately commanded the escort, and the soldiers had already recovered from the panic. Although they were not as experienced as Zhao Ziyin, these soldiers did not lose sight of being carefully selected soldiers and immediately obeyed. Zhao Ziyin's command surrounded Zhao Ziheng and knocked down the flying arrows one by one.

   "Immediately take cover to protect the emperor from evacuation from here——"

Under the command of Zhao Ziyin, the guards were busy shooting down arrows while covering Zhao Ziheng's evacuation work. The small number of them also played a certain role at this time, and they would not be interfered with action due to the large number of people. The cover was very tight, but there were too many archers on the high wall, and the guards fell down one after another.

In the face of an overwhelmingly superior enemy, even elite soldiers with extraordinary skills can hardly resist. In a moment, the number of guards has been reduced by half, and Zhao Ziheng and others are also approaching the gate of the exit. A large number of soldiers appeared at the gate of the palace, and it seemed that they wanted to completely annihilate Zhao Ziheng and his party...

   "The emperor, you go first, we break after—"

   "Well, please!"

   did not reject Zhao Ziyin’s kindness, because Zhao Ziheng knew what his death meant. In any case, at least he could not die yet.

With only a dozen guards and their own skills, the number of people plus the skills of Zhao Ziheng and others successfully killed in front of the palace. There were also about ten or twenty enemy guards. Compared with the skills of Zhao Ziheng and others, they It was simply vulnerable. Although he also sacrificed a few soldiers, he broke through smoothly. While Zhao Ziyin and other guards struggled to resist the delay, Zhao Ziheng and others escaped the palace gate smoothly. Zhao Ziyin waited afterwards to fight and retreat. ...

  "General, you first withdraw here and let us resist—"

   "No, as your general, I can't leave you alone--"

  During the fight, a soldier who was struggling to kill the enemy made a suggestion to Zhao Ziyin, who was also boycotting, but Zhao Ziyin immediately rejected it.

"General, we know very well that you value our subordinates, but generals, you can't die here. The country still needs generals, and the emperor needs them very much. So please don’t hesitate. Here, Zhu Jun and I are responsible for the delay. Please take others away as soon as possible. ——"

This is the determination of his subordinates, and it is also a test of Zhao Ziyin. In the past, he has never abandoned his subordinates in the battlefield. It is well known that he values ​​and trusts his subordinates, so many people swear to follow him. At this moment, for the first time, he is faced with the choice of whether to abandon his subordinates, which is a great test for him, who has always treated his subordinates as family members.

   "Tian Yi is right, and it's not that the general abandoned us, but we chose to do this, please hurry up and take others to leave--"

  At this time, Zhao Ziyin and others have arrived at the gate of the palace. The dozens of people before, there are only a dozen people left here. The enemy's forces are like a broken bamboo. If they don't decide, they will not be able to go, and it is very likely that they will catch up with Zhao Ziheng.

   "I know, Zhu Jun and Tian Yi, here I will pay tribute to you two on behalf of all soldiers of the Zhao country."

   "The general valued us too much. We are just how much we can do something for the general and the emperor."


Zhao Ziyin endured the passionate emotions and ordered the withdrawal of the palace gate. The soldiers who retreated with him paid tribute to the dedication of Zhu Jun and Tian Yi, and gave gifts to Zhao Ziyin and his compatriots as gifts from the army. Zhu Jun and Tian Yi closed the door to the outside world. The isolated palace gate then facilitated enemy soldiers to fight, without any delusions, they will inevitably die here, but they can make a little contribution to those who swear allegiance to the death before they die, and they are dead without regret.

Zhao Ziheng and others broke through the siege and fled. Naturally, Zhao Zixi would not let go easily. The Wangcheng entered a state of lockdown. The previously seemingly lively market became extremely tense in an instant, as if all they saw before were just illusions. In the beginning, there were three hundred guards. , There are very few left now...

Of course, Zhao Ziheng and others who could not escape from the royal city can only hide somewhere in the city. The streets are full of searching soldiers. If they are accidentally spotted, they will probably be wiped out in one fell swoop, and the situation will be irretrievable. To the point.

It’s already dark. This is undoubtedly a good time for Zhao Ziheng and others to escape the pursuit. They want to get in touch with the guards acting together with the welcoming team. Zhao Ziheng, who had no choice but to evacuate first, has not yet reunited with Zhao Ziyin, making them The action is more difficult.

  "Is there no news from General Zhao yet?"

   "I'm very sorry, the emperor, I have learned from the enemy that General Zhao has escaped, but I still can't get in touch—"

  "You must get in touch with General Zhao as soon as possible, send two more people into the enemy's camp, and report to the king about the pursuit of troops at any time!"


Originally, only eight people escaped with Zhao Ziheng, and then sent two elite soldiers to enter the enemy. Needless to say, weaken one's power again, but knowing the enemy's actions can greatly increase the chance of survival, so Zhao Ziheng's approach is very wise. Even if you reduce the number of guards, you must know the other side's intelligence. When the two sides are at war, intelligence is very important. In ancient times, it may not be valued so much. But in the 21st century, success or failure is critical to survival. Among the most important.

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