Eternal Love

Chapter 52: : Encountered a surprise attack (3)

   Chapter 52: Sudden Attack (3)

  "Is the target of those people me?"

For some reason, Yinyin had this feeling when she was attacked during the day. Otherwise, the assassins would not have appeared around the carriage she was riding in. Although the targets of those people were not obvious, Yinyin had this. Such a feeling, that's why I feel guilty for the soldiers who died to protect her.

   "No, obviously they are here for me, how could it be you."

Immediately after Yinyin had finished speaking, Zhou Yan's tone was calm and he did not hesitate to answer Yinyin's suspicions. In this way, he carried everything on his shoulders. After hearing his words, Yinyin slowly raised his head. , Staring at Zhou Yan with those suspicious eyes...

  "Are you doubting me?"

Knowing that Yinyin had suspicion in her heart, Zhou Yan went further to appease. In fact, he also had some doubts about the goals of those assassins, but for Yinyin's good, he could only deceive and conceal, because Zhou Yan believed that this should not be allowed. Yinyin knew that if he knew it, only one more person would worry about it, not to mention that Yinyin didn't need to worry about it at all.

  Faced with Zhou Yan’s question, Yinyin remained silent. She did not know how to answer. Her instinct was telling her that Zhou Yan had concealed something from her. Even if she knew Zhou Yan’s concealment was for her good, Yinyin still felt sad.

   "I am a prince, and there are countless people who want my life. I have become accustomed to this kind of thing. This is just one of them. Even if you are not there, they will still assassinate me."

   Zhou Yan's words made Yinyin startled, so familiar words, where seems to have heard similar words?


   "Yinyin? What's wrong?"

When I first felt Zhou Yan’s words, the severe pain spread in Yinyin’s brain, which made her holding her head uncontrollable. The appearance of her pain made Zhou Yan worried immediately. A flash in her mind, Zhou Yan’s words seemed to It can make Yinyin just feel the feeling of deja vu, but when she tries to recall it, there is a sharp pain in her mind. This pain seems to warn her not to remember?


Zhou Yan called out eagerly. He didn't know what happened to Yinyin, only that Yinyin seemed to be uncomfortable.

  Suddenly, Yinyin felt a soft kiss on her lips. This kiss calmed her down instantly...

  "Yinyin, Yinyin?"

   Zhou Yan's eager call came from her ear, and Yinyin felt at a loss. What happened just now?

   "Yinyin? Did you hear me?"

  Following Zhou Yan’s words, Yinyin looked at him with a stunned expression...


  Yinyin’s attitude made Zhou Yan a little surprised. Yinyin, who had just been in pain, now looks safe and at a loss? This change was too great. In order to confirm the doubts in his heart, Zhou Yanping recovered his inner emotions and watched Yinyin carefully...

"Are you OK?"

   "Me? What will happen to me?"

  For Zhou Yan’s greetings, Yinyin asked back inexplicably? Zhou Yan felt speechless again. What happened?

   "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like this?"

  Looking at Zhou Yan's surprised expression, Yinyin was puzzled.

   "No, nothing."

  Although Zhou Yan had something in his heart, he still concealed it to prevent Yinyin from worrying.


  The voice of Zuoyu came from outside the camp

"what's up?"

  For Zhou Yan, Zuo Yu’s arrival gave him a little relief and could take the opportunity to divert Yinyin’s attention.

   "The subordinate has an urgent matter to report."

   Zuoyu’s words immediately changed Zhou Yan's atmosphere, as if he knew what Zuoyu was going to say?

   "Yinyin, you can rest early, and you have to hurry tomorrow, I will leave first."

   "Oh, um."

Since it was an important matter, Yinyin couldn’t take it easy. Before leaving, Zhou Yanduo looked at Yinyin, and when she stood up, she gave Yinyin a light kiss on her right cheek, and then turned and strode away. Before Yinyin could react, Zhou Yan had already left the camp, staring blankly at Zhou Yan's departure, and then slowly touching the cheek that had just been kissed, Yinyin was a little startled.

  A place that deviates from the crowd outside the camp

   "Have you caught up."

   "Yes, please give instructions."

In Zhou Yan's deep thought, the assassin during the day has always made him worry about him, and now he is chasing soldiers. Zhou Yan is not afraid of anyone, but if there is no assassin during the day, he will definitely carry out the previous plan without hesitation, and the assassin will appear. Zhou Yan had to deal with it cautiously. There were so many things that Zhou Yan almost forgot about the assassin. No matter who the assassin’s target was during the day, Zhou Yan also knew that he and Yin Yin were very likely. If the assassin conflicted with Shan Zhen. , Will the little people in the dark take the opportunity to take advantage of the fishermen? A slight impropriety will result in a situation of being confronted by enemies before and after, and the situation will no longer be under his control.

   "Do you know how many people there are?"

  "About two hundred rides."

If the opponent is only two hundred, Zhou Yan has an absolute advantage here, but of course the opponent is commanded by Shan Zhen. Of course, he can’t be negligent. It's just that Shan Zhen is okay. Zhou Yan has a chance to win, but the current situation is a bit strange, and no mistake is allowed. Otherwise it will be very dangerous.

   "It seems that it is a bit difficult if you want to contain them first and can't do it."

   "Then what should we do?"

   "If this king sees him in person, he will definitely find a way to contain this king in reverse, right?"

   "I'm afraid so."

  Zhou Yan and Zuo Yuzheng are discussing what they are about to face

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