Eternal Love

Chapter 85: Clear Water Party (2)

   Chapter 85 Clear Water Party (2)

   "How about? Do you want to stay? Come with me."

   Fengqinghan's soft voice resounded in her ears, and Yinyin was indifferent to it, because for her, it didn't matter what kind of situation she was facing now.

   "Can you tell me what kind of person you are?"

  "Do you want to know?"


   "As long as you want to know, of course I am happy to tell you."

"who are you?"

   "The style is cold, the owner here."

   "What do you do?"


  "What is the main business?"

   "Murder business."

After a period of dialogue, Yinyin was finally shaken. The words'murder business' could be said in a joking manner from Fengqinghan's mouth. Yinyin felt that it was really a joke, and the credibility of this sentence to the end How many Yinyin don't want to go deep.

"what's happenin?"

   "I think you seem to have such a joke-like attitude towards everything."

   "No, I'm serious, especially to you."

If you are someone else or Yinyin before, maybe you will be very moved after hearing this, but now Yinyin has already seen everything and decided not to waver on anything, the only thing she wants to do now It is to confirm the guess in the mind.

   "So how many people did you kill?"

   "Well, this is too much, so I don't know."

   "Kill them just for money?"

  "It's business. If someone is willing to pay, we are willing to contribute."

  "No matter who the other party is? The same is true for children?"


   "So, among the people you killed, did anyone beg you?"


   "Then what? Have you let them go?"



   "Receiving money, naturally do it thoroughly."

   "Then there should be some people involved, should they die too?"


Feng Qinghan's answer made Yinyin really unable to feel the truth. Judging from Feng Qinghan's attitude, she regarded human life as a must, and in her own eyes, human life was more precious than anything.

  "Will you continue to kill people in the future?"


   "What if I say I don't want you to kill anyone again?"

"I promise you."

Without the slightest hesitation, Feng Qinghan's answer surprised and shocked Yinyin. What she said before she had a seed seemed to be a joke. She didn't know what Feng Qinghan was thinking, but why Feng Qinghan nodded so easily. ?

   "As long as you want to know, I can tell you, so of course I can promise you what you want."

   "Also including saying to give me your life?"


  Yinyin was stunned again, and once again felt that Feng Qinghan was an existence that she could not understand. It always seemed that Feng Qinghan was very mysterious, but at this moment, besides the mystery, she felt Feng Qinghan was so frank.

   "If the one I love is not you and I will leave you, will you still agree?"

"Well, but—" At the end of the speech, Feng Qinghan turned Yinyin's body around, facing him, and again took her hand on her chest and said: "It should be painful at that time, right? ."

   Yinyin's body trembled slightly. She felt Feng Qinghan made her too elusive. However, every word and sentence that Feng Qinghan said could penetrate into her heart and hurt her heart.

  ‘If you love someone deeply, but you still choose to let go, what kind of pain and torment will the person who let go go through? ’

When thinking of this sentence, Yinyin flashed a figure in her mind, a figure she was not familiar with or unfamiliar. Looking at the amorous feelings in front of her, Yinyin couldn't help raising her other hand and reaching out. To touch Feng Qinghan's stunning face, Feng Qinghan was surprised at first, but only for a moment, raised his right hand to cover Yinyin's hand, while his left hand still held Yinyin's other hand tightly on her chest...

   "Can I kiss you?"

Feng Qinghan gave a gentle greeting. Yinyin did not answer, but did not refuse. Feng Qinghan's eyes became more gentle, and she slowly brought her face closer to Yinyin's face, and Yinyin slowly closed her eyes. The amorous lips covered her lips...

This kiss may come suddenly, or it may be natural. It is no better than Feng Qinghan's mouth-feeding medicine. This time Feng Qinghan is very enjoyable. She greedily **** Yinyin's lips and uses her tongue to pry away Yinyin's shell teeth. Intersecting with her tongue, his kiss is so skillful, but the relative Yinyin did not resist any resistance, and seemed to respond, so Feng Qinghan was so smooth, Yin Yin's response made Feng Qinghan happy, and I enjoyed it very much. I hugged Yinyin tightly with my right hand, still holding Yinyin's hand on her chest with her left hand, enjoying this kiss that was so soft and sweet for him...

  This head is in the heat, and hidden in one of the corners in the distance, the person's eyes are already raging to the sky, and the bright red liquid flows from the clenched fist to the ground; the other figure disappears sadly.

After a while, Yinyin felt breathless in the kiss. The deepest sense in her subconscious mind made her sober. She hurriedly pushed away Fengqinghan. After smoothly pushing away Fengqinghan, Yinyin gulped. Panting, seemingly ignorant of what just happened, but I remember very clearly that I would still kiss Feng Qinghan involuntarily, which made Yinyin's mind confused; Feng Qinghan looked at Yinyin who was gasping in front of her. , I couldn't help laughing more, Yinyin was almost suffocated by him, but he was completely fine, and he didn't breathe as fast as Yinyin. He only looked at Yinyin with his eyes that he had never seen before.

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