Eternal Love

Chapter 96: Embark on a journey (4)

   Chapter 96, Embarking on a Journey (4)

  "Don’t say sorry, I said don’t say sorry—"

I'm sorry to follow Zhou Yan's heart like rejection, so that he finally broke out, roaring, his roar made Yinyin's body stiff, and the tears stopped instantly, but Yinyin did not dare to look up, and did not dare to face the eruption at this moment. Zhou Yan.


  Zhou Cheng was a bystander, so he wanted to stop him out loud, but when he saw Zhou Yan's expression, he couldn't say anything harsh.

   "You say, what should you do? How can you not be so painful for him? Obviously I love you more than him——"

  Zhou extended her hands tightly to grasp Yinyin's arms, shaking her body, her eyes seemed to be very angry, but also like incomparable grief, a layer of mist appeared in her eyes, as if she was forcibly resisting tears from flowing out.


Seeing Zhou Yan swaying Yinyin, Zhou Cheng hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed Zhou Yan's arm, but Zhou Yan's strength was far beyond his imagination. Yinyin's slender arm was completely grasped by him. The shaking force seems to be able to disassemble the skeleton of Yinyin's body, and even Zhou Cheng can feel Zhou Yan's force, but Yinyin who is under the force seems to have nothing, hanging her head without saying a word...

   "Let go, you will hurt her."

   "Go away!!!"

   With a roar, Zhou Cheng, instead of pulling Zhou Yan's hand away, was instead thrown away by Zhou Yan.


  "You talk, talk...Why can't I? Why??"

Ignoring Zhou Cheng's obstacles, Zhou Yan still desperately shook Yinyin's body, looking at the place where Yinyin was grasped by Zhou Yan, as if she was about to sink into the flesh, and then looking at Yinyin's hanging hands, it was obvious that they were still getting deep. purple……


After discovering that Yinyin’s hands had turned dark purple, Zhou Cheng ignored Zhou Yan’s grief and directly used force to open Zhou Yan’s restraint. After Zhou Yan’s restraint was released, Yin Yin’s body fell straight down before anyone could react. The moment before she fell to the ground, Zhou Cheng caught her one step quickly...


  Hugging Yinyin into her arms, Zhou Cheng called eagerly, only to find that Yinyin’s tearful face was pale and there was no blood at all, and her eyes were closed...

  "Yinyin? Yinyin!! Hurry up, pass the imperial doctor, pass the imperial doctor!!"

   Several calls were unsuccessful, and Zhou Cheng immediately shouted loudly for the imperial physician.

  "Yinyin, wake up, don't scare me, Yinyin!!"

   Zhou Cheng’s order had already been issued, and he certainly knew that people standing outside could hear him, so he continued to call Yinyin, feeling extremely anxious.

And Zhou Yan, standing, staring at the person in Zhou Cheng's arms unblinking, the expression on his face was unspeakable pain, silent, he didn't know what to say, he didn't hate Yinyin, forever There is only compassion and love, and he never understands why he can love to such a degree, love enough to be desperate, love enough to be exhausted and scarred, even though he has never been able to do so, he still has not given up.

Without any warning, Zhou Yan fell on his knees and knelt in front of Yinyin. Zhou Cheng was obviously surprised, but it was not because of Zhou Yan’s behavior, but because of Zhou Yan’s behavior, but Zhou Yan’s face was decadent and painful, with tears streaming down his face. The appearance of Zhou Yan, the appearance can even be said to be embarrassed, but Zhou Yan in this way was something he had never seen before, and it also allowed him to see once again how deeply Zhou Yan's affection for Yinyin was; for an instant, Zhou Cheng would even think Zhou Yan Perhaps his love for Yinyin is better than himself, but it is not necessarily true that his love for Yinyin is less than Zhou Yan? Although it was only a moment, Zhou Cheng didn’t want to admit it. He turned his gaze from Zhou Yan back to Yinyin, looking eagerly at the person in his arms, and forsaking Zhou Yan’s opinion of Zhou Yan. At this moment, Yinyin once again occupied him. Whole heart...

Decided not to think too much, without hesitation and hesitation, he picked up Yinyin Hengkong and walked out the door. When he walked behind Zhou Yan, he suddenly stopped and did not turn around: "You are the same as me. I only wanted to keep her by my side, but doing so would only make her miserable and deny her life. I said that she also has the right to choose, forcibly putting chains on her and restricting her freedom, she She will only become a body without a soul, or even die. The reason why she has become like this now, can you dare to say that you are not responsible?"

  Allow Zhou Cheng to say, Zhou Yan could not say a word, not only because what Zhou Cheng said were all facts.

"Love is selfish and free. Too selfish love will only make both parties suffer. Even if you can keep her by your side for the rest of your life, will you feel happy? If so, I have nothing to say , But I hope this person will not be Yinyin, otherwise, even if it is you, I can’t forgive this. This is not said as a brother, but as a lover who likes the same person. As a lover, I will say it last In one sentence, I love her, so I hope she can be happy. If someone hinders her and makes her suffer, no matter who that person is, I will not show mercy."

The ruthless words and determination together showed Zhou Cheng's determination. No matter how much Zhou Yan could advance, Zhou Cheng hugged Yinyin and left without looking back, leaving Zhou Yan alone, kneeling down on the ground alone and dejected, his expression and eyes were very different. Confused; in fact, some of the words Zhou Cheng said also included persuasion as a brother to his younger brother. Of course, it is more that Zhou Cheng did not deny the fact that the two brothers are rivals in love. There is no need to deny it, and there is no need to deliberately. Avoid, because everyone’s love is different.

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