Eternal Love

Chapter 100: Because of you (1)

  Chapter One Hundred Only Because of You (1)

On this day, Yinyin still sat quietly by the window and watched the night view outside. This was the last night she stayed here. Zhao Jun had already embarked on the journey back to China, and Yinyin had left for a few more days to recuperate according to the ghost's meaning. In the distance, a familiar piano sound came into her ears, awakening Yinyin who was quiet, and stared at the source of the piano sound in a daze; Yinyin knew that the sound of the piano came from the lake outside the window, but it was pitch black, with only a few sparks of fire. , I couldn't see where it came from, but at first I didn't know if my guess was correct, so I could only keep my eyes open.

The wonderful sound of a piece of music has not been subdued for a long time, and Yinyin gradually changed from being stunned to enjoying it like everyone else. And Yinyin seems to have determined who played it, but since the other party does not show up, Yinyin does not want to Excuse me; though I think so, the sound of the piano seems to be getting closer and closer, and Yinyin just smiled slightly as she watched the exquisite boat gradually approaching her.

On the bow, a man in white is sitting in front of the piano table and playing the piano, his eyes are always looking at Yinyin who is sitting in the room by the window. This person is the wind and cold, and Yinyin's room is not far from the lake. Saying that it’s not too close, the sound of the piano fell, Feng Qinghan got up, jumped, and soon opened the door and entered Yinyin’s room...


   was not surprised by Feng Qinghan's arrival, no doubt, just greeted as always.

  "Are you interested in visiting the night lake?"

Feng Qinghan’s smile was light and gentle, and Yin Yin nodded slightly, got up, and walked towards Feng Qinghan unhurriedly... Feng Qinghan smiled more intensely, and reached out to carry Yin Yin out of the room and walked through the door. The slender waist that embraced Yinyin leaped down and landed in front of Feng Qinghan's boat. After he got on the boat, he stretched out his hand to help Yinyin get on the boat. After the two got on the boat, the boat began to move.

   "Don't ask why I am here?"

  Feng Qinghan helped Yinyin to sit at the small table on the deck, while he sat opposite Yinyin and asked with a smile.

   "Need to ask?"

  I have been getting along for a while, although I don’t fully understand, but I also know a lot, Yinyin smiled indifferently.

   "In spite of that, but I ran all the way too far, can Yinyin not care about it a little bit?"

   "So, didn't I agree to the appointment?"

  When she complained to Feng Qinghan with a smile, Yinyin didn't look bored in her eyes, but answered briefly.

"What happened?"

  Feng Qinghan picked up the purple clay pot that was being cooked on a small stove beside her, poured tea in the two teacups that were also purple clay in front of her, and asked Yinyin.

"Why do you ask?"

   Obviously Yinyin was a little out of bounds when asked by Feng Qinghan.

Feng Qinghan smiled softly, put the tea cup full of tea in front of Yinyin, and looked at Yinyin and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time, and I feel that you are different. Did I miss something? Or... because you left. After that, let me live like years?"

Yinyin was stunned, Feng Qinghan didn't speak, she retracted her gaze to fill her cup with tea, then put the purple clay pot on the small stove, then picked up the tea cup and gently shake it, blew it slightly, and put it on her mouth to taste the fragrance. Tea, drinking it in his mouth seemed somewhat satisfied, and said to Yinyin: "This tea is very fragrant, taste it."

There was nothing to talk about for a while, and Yinyin had to hold up the teacup, before she put it on her lips, the fragrance was high and distant, and the color was still green and attractive under the dim lighting, and the taste was very sweet when it was tasted in the mouth. Delicious...

"this is?"

  Yinyin couldn't help being surprised. She had tasted a lot of tea, especially when she was around Feng Qinghan, but this tea seemed to be the first time she tasted it, which made Yinyin surprised.

"It's named'Wu Liqing', also known as'Nenrui', the whole bud is fat and tender, the velvet is disclosed, the tender fragrance is long-lasting, the taste is fresh and mellow, the soup is light yellow and bright, and the bottom of the leaf is green and complete. Very good, so I brought it for you to taste."

  "It is indeed sweet and delicious, with long lasting tenderness."

"Like it?"


  Yinyin’s answer made Feng Qinghan a joy again. She raised her head and poured the tea into her mouth. Yinyin just tasted it carefully.

   "Long time no see, how good is your body?"

   "It's okay, but Kui...Gui Sha seems to be a little too worried."

  I wanted to call Kui directly, but thought that Guisha changed his name to Kui Shao after leaving Feng Qinghan, so Yinyin corrected it midway.

   "It's okay. You are physically weak, and after a long journey, it is inevitable that he, as a doctor, has this worry."

   Not speaking Yinyin's words and changing on the way, he could guess with Feng Qinghan's cleverness, not to mention that Feng Qinghan had already known that Yinyin summoned the ghost as the chief, but Yinyin didn't say it, and he didn't want to break it.

   "That said, but I feel better."

   "So you can start again soon, right?"

  Yinyin was slightly startled, although she knew that the wind and cold were unusual, and sometimes she could see through people's hearts, she never wanted to hide anything, but she could not help but be surprised if it was so easily broken by him.

   "Is going to Zhao Country next? What if my body does not recover."


  Feng Qinghan has given too many surprises, and I don’t care about one more. The reason why Feng Qinghan knew that she was going to Zhao Guo, even if Gui Sha didn't say it, Feng Qinghan would know Yinyin would not be surprised, and the truth is true.

   "I happen to be going there too, how about going on the road together?"


  When Feng Qinghan said that, Yinyin was shocked immediately, her eyes looked at Feng Qinghan, and her eyes were a little puzzled.

   "Why? Don't you want to?"

   "No, it's not—"

Yinyin hurriedly put down the tea cup in her hand, no matter what, she always couldn't tell what Feng Qinghan was thinking, let alone his behavior, but she was still puzzled about Feng Qinghan's going to Zhao country. It doesn't matter where you go or where you appear, it's just that Zhao Guo and Yinyin seem to care a little.

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