Eternal Love

Chapter 107: Infiltrate (5)

   Chapter One Hundred and Seven Infiltration (5)

Yinyin is to Zhao Ziheng and Zhao Ziheng is to Yinyin. No one can understand how the two exist to each other. It is not because of their special identities, but simply because their love is nothing like ordinary people. The difference but being involved in a rough life leads to a painful and tormented love affair; it seems that the more ordinary things are, just because of the extraordinary life, it can completely turn into a world-shocking thing, even if this is not the protagonist. What we want, fate will still be ups and downs.

"I can help you."

Ling Menghan didn't know what kind of mentality she said, but when she faced Yinyin's lost and sad look, she said it naturally; if she saw Yinyin, she would not be so sad. Ling Menghan felt that she could help. , Even after seeing it, it will be painful, it's like losing one's soul at this moment.

Yinyin widened her eyes and looked at Ling Menghan in a daze. She admitted that she had thought about wishing that Ling Menghan could help, but she didn't expect it. She knew Ling Menghan and Zhao Ziheng very well and knew Ling Menghan’s feelings for Zhao Ziheng, and what Ling Menghan had. Reasons to help her? Yinyin doesn't doubt Ling Menghan's piety, but wants to know how Ling Menghan speaks it?

   "But I can only help you enter the palace, and you can only rely on yourself for the rest."

Ling Menghan said to herself, Yinyin just widened her eyes and watched she didn't know how to answer, let alone how to respond. Ling Menghan's words made her very excited, but Yinyin couldn't ignore Ling Menghan's feelings because of this, yeah, How will she feel? They are all rivals in love, right? Or should it be said that Ling Menghan's measurement is far beyond her imagination?

  In fact, Ling Menghan didn’t know why he said that, but wanted to make Yinyin give up? Or simply to satisfy her? Or want to know how Zhao Ziheng would react after seeing Yinyin? Does the person she considers cold and infatuated for Yinyin? Thinking of this, Ling Menghan felt that his thoughts were a bit despicable, as if he couldn't get something and didn't want others to get it? No, Ling Menghan felt that compared with these, what she wanted to see was Zhao Ziheng's reaction.

  Originally the sun was shining, but I don’t know when the clouds were overwhelming and the rain was pouring. Yinyin didn’t know how she returned to her room. She was full of Ling Menghan’s words, and the meeting with Zhao Ziheng...

   Suddenly, the sound of the ceramic falling to the ground evoked Yinyin's mind. Looking up, Xiuying was squatting down and picking up the debris on the ground.

"what's happenin?"

   "Ah, I'm sorry to disturb you, but I accidentally broke a vase."

  Hearing Yinyin’s voice, Xiuying raised her head towards Yinyin and smiled and apologized. Hearing the words, Yinyin got up from her chair, walked towards Xiuying, bent down, and helped pick up the debris together...

   "Oh, no, I'll be fine."

   "Two people faster, aren't they?"

Showing a faint smile to Xiuying, Yinyin lowered her head to help clean up the debris together, looking at Yinyin, Xiuying's eyes were full of worry; thinking of Yinyin and Ling Menghan today, after meeting Yinyin and Ling Menghan, Yinyin has been worried. His face was full of sadness, and because he didn't know what to do, he accidentally broke the vase.

After a while, under the joint efforts of the two, the fragments of the vase were quickly cleaned up. Of course Xiuying did the finishing work; so Yinyin, who was sitting on the side, looked at Xiuying's busy figure and began to think. , After Xiuying finishes the follow-up work...


  After stopping her work, Xiuying found out that Yinyin had been looking at her?

   "Sit here."

   said faintly, Xiuying didn't know why, she looked at Yinyin with some confusion but couldn't see anything, so she walked slowly to the position opposite to Yinyin and sat down.

  "I plan to enter the palace with Menghan on the birthday of the Queen Mother."

   Yinyin's words made Xiuying's heart startled, and she looked at Yinyin with surprise.

   "Go and see King Zhao."

Xiuying was shocked again. She didn't know the purpose of Yinyin's visit to the country of Zhao. She also knew that Zhao Ziheng was deliberately avoiding Yinyin. But Yinyin's persistence made her unexpected. However, she did not know Yinyin's persistence. Know whether to feel happy or sad.

   "I know you are the person next to him, so I hope you can help me."

Since knowing the relationship between Xiuying and Wang Ye, Yinyin knew that Xiuying was a person next to Zhao Ziheng. There were many speculations about this, but now it seems to understand a little, but I still don’t understand it; first came to Zhao Guo, and then Xiuying So when she came to her, Xiuying must know about herself and Zhao Ziheng, but Xiuying didn’t say anything, and Yinyin never asked about it; in fact, how much Yinyin was eager to see Zhao Ziheng, Xiuying would not I understand, even Yinyin herself is not quite aware of the desire in her heart, especially after he was injured, especially now, the desire to meet Zhao Ziheng is deeper.

Yinyin was very pleased to receive Ling Menghan’s help, but she did not ignore Xiuying’s existence. I am afraid that whatever she did would be passed into Zhao Ziheng’s ears through Xiuying’s mouth, then even if she really entered the palace, she would not see Zhao Ziheng. Therefore, If you want to meet Zhao Ziheng, you can only get Xiuying’s help. But Yinyin didn’t have much hope. After all, Xiuying is the person next to Zhao Ziheng, and Wang Ye, when you learn about Xiuying’s origin Yinyin did not alienate her or blame her for this, everything went with the flow, but now, she just hopes to see Zhao Ziheng, and does not want to give up all her efforts because of Xiuying.

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