Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1054: play off!


Xiao Yun's soul flashed into the sea of ​​knowledge.

And then the evil charm followed.

At this time Xiao Yun did not urge Siyuan Ling, so the evil charm was completely fearless.


Before Xiao Yun's soul entered the sea of ​​knowledge, he felt that a mighty Wang Wei swept through.

As soon as his mind moved, he discovered the evil charm that followed.

"Are you here?" After the evil charm did not enter the sea, Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a strange arc.

"Siyuan Shenwen, seal!" Xiao Yun's mind moved, and Shiyuan's pattern flickered immediately within the sea.

Lines like nets can block the world.

Just a flash, the evil charm was restrained.

Even if this evil charm has the power of a king, it is still vulnerable under this source formation.

"A demon charm?" At that moment, the fantasy baby insect's eyes opened, and some fierce eyes stared at the demon charm.

This evil charm is strong, but it also contains a strong soul spirit.

If it can be refined into Dan, it will definitely make Xiu's surge.

This is definitely a rare medicine.

"Erase its residual knowledge first!" Xiao Yun's mind moved, and he began to devour God.

The extermination of God's tactics incorporates the lingering knowledge in the Siyuan Formation that began to obliterate that evil charm.

This evil charm resisted, and terror waves bloomed.

This kind of existence is too strong, and Xiao Yun would not be able to approach it without the formation of a matrix.

Only with the formation method to suppress, the role of the God of Destruction began to show.


The divine trick works as if a cyclone was devouring the evil knowledge.

These remnants are refined into pure soul power.

These soul powers were absorbed by Xiao Yun.

"Infant market, when it is integrated into the world!" Xiao Yun continued to realize at this moment.

"How can it be considered a fusion of heaven and earth? Is it into the world?"

Slightly groaning, Xiao Yun tried to sense the world.


Just then, the mountain where he was standing was shaking and the earth was shaking.

"What happened?" Xiao Yun's eyes were surprised.

In surprise, he stood up and walked forward.

At this time, many coffins fell, the forbidden pattern was loosened, and residual soul consciousness pervaded, and there was a constant accumulation of evil spirits.

The evil souls devoured each other and turned into the existence of several kings.

Xiao Yun came out hundreds of meters before the evil spirits fluttered.

They seem to sense Xiao Yun's breath of life, and they will take it away.

"Since you are delivered to the door, I'm not polite." Xiao Yun groaned slightly, opening his eyebrows directly, and letting the soul power of these evil souls invade. After seeing his soul power invade this human consciousness, it immediately became one. Did not shine into the sea.

And two evil spirits did not come behind.

It seems that they all want to compete for this human body.

"Three evil spirits?" Seeing this, the corner of Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a radian.

There was a flash of lines in the sea, and three evil spirits were constrained continuously.

"When you have to refine it, you can use it as a medicine to make elixir." Xiao Yun was slightly pleased.

This is definitely a great medicine to lift the soul.

If you cooperate with some spirits, you can make He's injury a little bit.

After packing up these evil spirits, Xiao Yun stepped out of here.

Then he passed the altar and walked across the wooden bridge.

The elders are no longer seen here.


And the sound of the loud bang continued.

When Xiao Yun stepped on the step and entered the passage, a crack spread down.


In front of him the cracks spread and continued, and the whole land seemed to be cracking.

"What happened?" Xiao Yun was surprised.

Then the light flickered in front, and the stone gate had actually broken.

The old man guarding the place is no longer there.


As Xiao Yun walked out of the cave, a giant palm swept forward.

A dark shadow swept over, and the huge mountain in front of him was crushed directly in front of Xiao Yun.

Rocks flew and mountains were almost drowned by boulder.

Xiao Yun urged Tissot to disappear in situ.


The next moment, the broken mountain in front fell, directly blocking the burial cave.

The mountains in front had actually been broken across.

Not only that, a vast aftermath rolled up like a hurricane swept through, causing all the trees on the four sides to stand up.

"What a terrible wave!" Xiao Yun appeared ten thousand meters away, still shocked by a strong wave.

Then, as his eyes narrowed, he saw a bull with a height of 100 feet standing in front of him. He was holding a black clock, where the elders bleed blood, and many people shot down, even if the **** patriarch was shot. fly.


Countless people fell to the ground, the earth was shaking, and the blood was red.

After a war, the beavers have been defeated.

"Just because you want to resist the King?" Heifeng Niuwang glanced across the square, snorted coldly, "Today the King will wash the **** tribe with blood, and take revenge on my third brother!" It pervaded, and that spirituality covered the entire Beaver Island.


At this time, some people wanted to escape, but Heifeng Niuwang made a big hand and crushed several middle-aged men in the infant market.

Under the will of the supernatural powers, no one can escape from here.

"The supernatural powers cannot be rivaled by me!" The elders of the **** tribe looked desperate.

They worked hard just now, and they did not hesitate to drain the original blood.

But still unable to fight this king.

The power of the spiritual masters is far beyond their imagination.

Especially the Heifeng Niuwang, he is no ordinary monster.

This vein is quite famous in the demon domain.

In addition, the black wind cow king also obtained a trace of the blood of the ancient **** yak.

"Divine power!" Xiao Yun in the distance frowned after seeing this scene.

"This person is a bull demon, is it the horned tribe?"

Thinking of this, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I thought that the blackhorn was just a pirate, and never thought that there would be a king-level tribe.

Now this cow demon is here, presumably for the black horn.

"Oh!" At that moment, the black wind cow king's eyes flashed, and his eyes locked on Xiao Yun, tens of thousands of meters away.

"It's you!" After seeing Xiao Yun, a violent gas burst out even from him.

At the same time, Wang Wei was permeated, the powerful air machine locked Xiao Yun in the distance, and the whole void had a sign of solidification.

"It's Xiao Yun!" When Wang Wei diffused, the **** eyes were surprised.

Then everyone turned around and found Xiao Yun who suddenly appeared in the air.

"He's coming out!" At this moment, the elder's eyes flickered, his breath was already very weak. After seeing the sudden appearance of Xiao Yun, there was also a surprise in his eyes, apparently Xiao Yun's appearance was beyond His expectations.

Xiao Yun gave a slight glance at the **** people, and then his eyes fell on the black wind cow king in front.

"It was you who cut off my third brother!" Heifeng Niu Wang Muguang was cold, and he took a step forward and walked towards Xiao Yun ahead.

At the same time, a horrific gas machine locked in the void ahead.

The average person cannot escape under this kind of air conditioner.

"Yes, it is that he beheaded your third brother. He is not from my **** family!" Said an elder of the **** family.

"The ox king needs revenge, just find him, my beavers are really innocent!"

"The King of Cows has a treasure in his body. If you kill him, you will gain something." The elder also glanced in a flash.

"These guys!" Xiao Yun's eyes became completely cold after hearing these voices.

He knew that these people must have wanted him to fight Black Wind.

Then they can benefit from them.

In fact, several elders of the Beaver tribe are doing just that.

Especially the elders.

At first he couldn't even enter the burial ground, but Xiao Yun returned safely.

Based on this, he can judge that the youth must have a hole in his hand.

That means is beyond the power of quasi-gods.

In this way, Xiao Yun and Heifeng Niu Wang may lose both.

It's just that this **** family's thoughts can't hide from the Heifeng Niuwang.

"The young man has the precious king naturally knows this." Heifeng Niuwang's striding footsteps gave him a glance, his eyes glanced obliquely, and he gave a cold glance at the opening elders. "Just you want to fool King, not only is he today, you beavers have to die. "

When the words fell, it moved towards the elder with a big hand.

The big hand came across, the sharp claws flickered with cold mangs, and the big elder flew directly in the palm of his hand.


In this blow, the elder spit blood, and the bones did not know how much it broke, and the Yuan infant was shattered.

One hit of the Supernatural Powers is not at this time that he can resist.

"Big elder!" Seeing this, many beavers next to him looked sad.

At this time, the Heifeng Niuwang continued to shoot.

The round of its big clock directly opened to just now and let it deal with Xiao Yun's smashing.

Seeing this, beavers shot.

But at this time everyone was exhausting the source, and the momentum was absent, and it was impossible to resist such a blow from the Heifeng Niuwang.


Only a flash of light was seen, and several **** elders were directly blasted into blood.

"Just because you want to control your own king's thoughts?" After solving these people, the Heifeng Niu Wang grunted coldly.

Then his eyes flickered and he turned towards Xiao Yun ahead.

"Next, it's your turn." A sense of murderousness pervaded.

Seeing that the Heifeng Niuwang locked his machine, Xiao Yun was indifferent.

"Dead!" Heifeng Niuwang's eyes flashed, and he picked up the **** clock and smashed at Xiao Yun.

The black big clock can be a hundred feet high, blooming endless black awns, sweeping like the same evil bell, exuding a horrible atmosphere, the hurricanes on the Quartet agitate, and the rocks in front of it are flying. The peak breaks.


Even ~ ~ Many beavers' elders were directly dragged into the void by the hurricane, the blood in their bodies burst, and they fell.

"This ..." Many people were horrified.

"This youth is also over." The Beaver tribe's stature collapsed, and at the same time he sighed slightly.

This young man was a benefactor of his tribe.

But things changed, but they made their beavers fall with them.

call out!

However, Xiao Yun's body disappeared when the big bell was suppressed.

"A thousand miles here can be covered by the spiritual knowledge of the king, where can you escape?" Seeing Xiao Yun's body dissipating, the corner of the Heifeng Niu Wang evoked a faint smile, his vitality was tight. Tightly locked the Quartet's space.

Under this kind of air machine, even the waves emitted by the ants on the ground cannot escape its perception.

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