Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1082: Yi Yifa?

Many raccoons took away the fire lotus that gave birth to Kirin Ethereal, which made many people envious.

Most people attribute it to luck.

But Princess Kirin knew it was not that simple.

Rao is so, she did not say much, and continued to observe those fire lotuses.

When this enemy is unknown to me, she obviously does not want to fall over with Xiao Yun.

"Gong Xiao, can you see that an ethereal spirit has been bred in this fire lotus?" Kong Qigong couldn't help asking, after the **** successfully entered the place of inheritance, because [pig] [pig] [岛] The novel ww.zuhm, but he heard the scene of Xiao Yun pointing at the beaver!

"Oh, a little bit of experience." Xiao Yun smiled lightly. "Since you are an old friend who swallows the sky, if you believe me, you can listen to me later."

"Oh." Kong Qigong's eyes lit up.

Although Xiao Yun's words were modest, he clearly saw the former's self-confidence.

"I believe he is right," said.

For Xiao Yun, it is also full of confidence.

It knows that Xiao Yun has supernatural powers after obtaining the phantom!

"Brother Xiao Xiao." Kong Qigongzi fisted.

"You're welcome." Xiao Yun smiled slightly.

The seventh son of this hole is the old friend who swallowed the sky tits, and he is not bad, so Xiao Yun is also willing to make friends.

"Huh!" A flash of light and shadow by the river, but saw that Niu Qingtian, he took a fire lotus.

This fire lotus is rich in energy and contains the mighty unicorn power.

Immediately after being ingested by him, he had a unicorn-like pattern integrated into his body.

"Although no virtual spirit has been bred, this fire lotus is hard to come by." Seeing this, many people were envious.

Then Niu Qingtian stepped on the bridge of fire under the traction of a firelight.

Later, the Qingzi invited, Peng Yuan and others all obtained the fire lotus.

They are all arrogant, and their talents are far beyond their peers.

Although they are not a unicorn, they can also sense the truth of the fire lotus.

But others were not so lucky. Many people came into direct contact with the forbidden lotus and were engulfed by a unicorn.

"Brother Kong, that plant!" Suddenly, Xiao Yun's eyes lit up and he saw a fire lotus.

"Oh." Gong Yan's eyes flashed and he shot.

At this time, Princess Kirin also felt something.

Originally, she planned to let her tribe shoot, but her lips closed tightly after seeing Kong Zhi's shot.

"First give this hole a face." Princess Kirin blinked, but the light in the corner of the eye still couldn't help but stare at Xiao Yun fiercely. "How can this guy have the power of this induction?" There was suspicion in those beautiful eyes.

She is a member of the Kirin family, because she has a strong sense of birth to this unicorn Zhenyuan.

The same is true, she can sense which lotus is forbidden and those who are true fire lotus.

But this young man next to him is not a member of the Kirin tribe, how can he be so?

After biting Zhu Lip gently, Princess Qilin continued to sense those fire lotuses.

Xiao Yun didn't seem to be aware of the emotional fluctuations of this princess Kirin, and now he is still looking at those fire lotuses.

With phantom eyes, he can see the true and false of these fire lotuses.

So he is confident about these fire lotuses.

From time to time, Princess Kirin opened her mouth to let the people take the fire lotus.

Every time she speaks, she will achieve something.

It's just that others are not so lucky.

After a long time, almost all the members of the Kirin tribe entered the inherited land, leaving only one woman standing beside Princess Kirin.

There are hundreds of people left by the river, all hesitant, because too many people have been cast aside just now, they have no confidence that they can get a real fire lotus, so they simply step back and watch the princess Kirin silently take Fire lotus, want to find the trick.

Some people simply gave up this opportunity.

"Liner, go pick that one!"

"Swallow the sky, go and pick that plant!" At this point, Xiao Yun spoke almost with Princess Qilin.

It was a humble lotus flower.

But Xiao Yun could clearly sense the terror waves contained in the fire lotus.

There is even a breath of God in it.

Kirin Xuling is gestated in it.

"Is that the strain?" After hearing the words, the swallowing bird's eyes were fiery, and the sharp claws protruded toward the fire lotus.

"Follow me?" At this moment, the girl of the Kirin tribe hummed, her jade hand turned into a Kirin arm, and struck directly at the claw of the swallow queen. Seeing this, she obviously wanted to first Will swallow a sky tit, and then ingest that fire lotus.

"This fire lotus my brother is about to settle!" At this moment, Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, Phantom's eyes urged.

"Huh, this princess has been with you for a long time!" At the time of Xiao Yun's shot, Princess Kirin stood up arrogantly, with a huge burst of blood on her body. Spit from the woman's mouth.

The princess Kirin was wearing armor, and at this time the blood was soaring, and there was a unicorn evolved from behind when the long hair flew up.

Immediately after this unicorn evolved, the entire hall immediately had a mighty divine power gathered towards him.

This divine power blessed herself, making her momentum keep rising.

Under the blessing of this god, she seems to have the tendency to reach the rank of king.

This is the gap.

Because of her Kirin bloodline, she suddenly resonated with some of the rules of the world.

A powerful momentum swept across, and rushed towards Xiao Yun.

"Resonance in the blood?" When this momentum swept through, Xiao Yun realized that he had betrayed the princess Kirin.

"Huh, I see how you can fight with this princess this time!" Princess Kirin raised her eyebrows, and her fiery red hair fluttered in the air, although she was wearing a battle armor, but she was very charming at this time, There are a few different kinds of charm.

"So imposing, it's worthy to be Princess Kirin, one of the three women!"

"Oh, that dare to fight with Princess Kirin, really looking for death!" Seeing this, when many people's eyes were shocked, they could not help but cast their pity on Xiao Yun's eyes. Xiao Yun had made several shots just now, letting many people envy.

Seeing Xiao Yun eating at this moment, they were so happy in their hearts.


At this time, the Qilin woman and the Skyfinch fought.

"His mother, this little girl can pull the mighty power of here!"

"Hum, just now my sister just gave up a lot of adults, so she repeatedly gave in. I don't want you to have a foot in, what do you know now?" The woman named Lin Er raised a brow and stared at the swallowing **** and Xiao Yun. With.

At this time, the princess Kirin was extremely proud.

A unicorn figure emerged from behind her, and a powerful momentum came.

She stared at Xiao Yun like that, and her eyes were full of jokes.

"I did miscalculate this time." Xiao Yun sighed. "You with a unicorn bloodline do have a unique advantage here, but it is not so easy for you to deal with me. I see if we can take a step back. ? "

"Oh?" Seeing Xiao Yun still tough, Princess Kirin was stunned, "So you can fight with me?"

With a look on Princess Kirin's face, her long jade legs took a step and held this war spear, pointing away at Xiao Yun.

She has endured Xiao Yun for a long time.

The dignified unicorn princess, she is talented and has a unique look. Which genius in the demon realm is not humbling to her.

But this time Xiao Yun actually confronted her.

Even though Princess Kirin's temper was good, she couldn't take it anymore.

When the war spear appeared, a powerful blood burst out from Princess Kirin.

This blood gasified into a unicorn rushed to Xiao Yun.

Suddenly the void was shaking, and the horrible waves seemed to engulf everything.

"Princess Kirin looks angry!"

"This blow is comparable to the king!"

"The princess Kirin looks very cool with a war spear!" Many demon youths showed envy.

"It's enough to see Princess Qilin so handsome!" Some people could not help but sigh.

This unicorn princess is amazing.

She is not only beautiful, but at this time she is in the battle armor, holding the war spear like a female war goddess heroic and unparalleled.

How many women are comparable in that style?

"The kid dared to provoke Princess Kirin, he's over!" Many people squinted at Xiao Yun.

"The momentum is very strong." The strong blood gas turned into Kirin, and that momentum could really tear any infant market repairer.

It's just that Xiao Yun is light and light.

All he saw was a flash of eyebrows, and he rolled forward.

Then the unicorn slammed as if hitting a wall, and finally disappeared without a trace.

"This ..." After seeing this, everyone froze.

"Since this boy resisted?"

"This is the power of the king!" Many people were surprised.

"It's a bit tricky, but I'll see what you can do." Princess Kirin stepped forward. This time she killed her with a war spear. The spear flickered in the void and stabbed directly at Xiao Yun. The blow pierced the void.

A general trend overturned.

"Yeah!" Yi Yi was angry before Xiao Yun shot.

The little guy was holding the colorful Baoding, and was suppressing towards Princess Qilin.

The sudden appearance of Yi Yi surprised everyone.

Even more surprising when this little guy shot a colorful glow on his body.

A general trend followed.

I can only see that this heaven of fire has a pattern of gods submerged in it.

The little guy who was not very powerful at the moment, after merging those **** patterns, seems to be comparable to the king.

"This little beast can also draw the might of this heaven and earth?" Seeing this, the nearby big demon showed a look of surprise.

"How is this possible?" Liner was shocked in her heart. "It seems that the power it draws is stronger than her sister."


It was also at this time, that Bao Ding fell directly on the war spear.

Waiting for the loud noise to come out, Princess Qilin's body shivered, and she retreated back and forth, a vast wave swept away from her.


She retreated a thousand meters away ~ ~ the ground trembled when her feet fell to the ground.

The horrible fluctuations made the big demon who stayed here frightened and retreated quickly.

They have all been suppressed. How can they withstand such fluctuations?


After the Princess Kirin was repulsed, Yi Yi did not stop, she carried Baoding and continued to kill.

When this Baoding throbbed, there was a mighty divine blessing on the sky.

"This little beast?" Surprised, Princess Kirin rushed to meet.

"At that time, Yiyi could merge with the king-level Kirin real fire, which should have the blood of Kirin. It seems that this inheritance is indeed related to it." Seeing Yiyi ’s sudden surge in power, Xiao Yun smiled slightly. Looking at Yiyi from the situation at this time Sensitivity to this might is stronger than Princess Qilin.

This made Xiao Yun quite happy.

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