Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1423: Sanctuary

Zheng Jing took a dozen geniuses to the Xingxing Sea.

But three months have passed, and there is no news.

This made the people of the giant spirit tribe full of worry.

In addition to the giant spirits, the people in the major areas also began to worry.

Someone started to ask the giant spirit people.

"They changed things in the Xinghai Sea, and now my people's whereabouts are unknown!" The elders of the giant spirits sighed.

`Pig`Pig Island`fiction`www`huzud`Even they sent people to the Xinghai, but they didn't find anything.

Moreover, ordinary people can't enter the place of the mixed Yuan.

In this way, even the half-step deities are helpless.

In the end everyone had to give up.

After another half a month, the ancient road to the sanctuary was completely opened.

The crowd began their journey and headed for the ancient road.

This is a sea of ​​storms.

Within the storm, the thunder flashed, and from a distance, it looked like a sea of ​​eschatology.

This is also because the storm here is much weaker, and it would have been impossible to approach it before.

Even now, not just ordinary people can spend this place.

This is also one of the last tests.

Only through this place can you enter the platform of the sanctuary.

Step into the platform of the sanctuary, you can enter the gate of the realm.

The geniuses of the five domains started.

In addition, there are geniuses in the stars.

They can also enter the sanctuary.


Many people passed through the storm.

Fortunately, the storm has weakened, and many people have successfully weathered it.

Of course, more people are falling directly into the storm.

"Qian Convenience is the Yutai going to the Sanctuary!" Zhao Zheng crossed the sea of ​​storm and looked at Yutai in front of him with a smirk.

After so many grinds, I finally came here!

"It's a pity Xiao Gongzi is not here!" Someone sighed.

"Well!" Xiao Feng also shook his head.

They didn't have much opportunity to set foot here.

But with the help of Xiao Yun, they first successfully washed the spirits.

Then they went to the Shenye Pool to quench the body and entered the soul tree to quench the soul.

This caused their physiques to undergo metamorphosis. Although they did not reach their flawlessness, qualitative changes occurred.

It can be said that all of this was brought by Xiao Yun.

Unfortunately, Xiao Yun is not here.

"Xiaogong will be fine!" Liu Hanyan's eyes were firm.

Feng Yuyao next to her also nodded.

Although Xiao Yun had no news to worry them, they were full of inexplicable faith in Xiao Yun.

It seems that this young man should not be so ridiculed here.

He is destined to set off a storm in this heaven and earth, and come for nine days.

At last, everyone sighed and went forward.

Domain Taiwan!

There are steps extending down below, Xiao Feng and others walking towards it.

With each step, they felt tremendous pressure.

Only by stepping on the 999 steps can we enter Yutai.

Many people passed the storm, but stopped on the steps, eventually unable to set foot on the field platform.

There are also many people in Tianduyu who cannot move forward.

Many of them fell in the storm.

This was a brutal elimination, and too few people stepped on the platform of that domain.

In the end, Xiao Feng and others set foot on Yutai.

The geniuses of the five major domains ascended to the domain platform. They looked down at Xinghe, but they felt a little lonely in their hearts.

Because they know that they are not the strongest here. After the stage on the stage, it is inevitable that they have a bit of sighs, remembering those geniuses before.

"Only until the end is the real winner!" Lei Ao said with emotion.

Many geniuses think so.

Previously they also envy Xiao Yun and others who could go to Xinghai.

But now, who can predict fortunes?

There is an old man on the domain platform.

This is the person sent by Sanctuary that year, he is responsible for presiding over the matter.

Now he can also fall into the sanctuary.

"Go!" The old man opened the domain door.

Many geniuses entered this small space with the help of Yutai.

This is a broken battlefield, ancient space.

Many sacred tribes have already sent here.

Geniuses of all races come here, although there are several good characters.

Like Lei Ao!

But too few, this disappointed the elders of all ethnic groups.

In the end, there was a qualifying battle.

Some clans also accepted many people.

Of course, the ultimate future depends on their own fortunes.

For many people, it is a rare opportunity to enter the sanctuary, and naturally they will not care too much.

"Xiao Yun ... I will wait for you in the sanctuary, I hope we can meet!" When stepping into the gate of the sanctuary, Liu Hanyan couldn't help murmuring in the distance.

At this time she was taken down by the Sanctuary Wuhun Clan.

After being quenched by Shenye, Liu Hanyan is no worse than those who have no time for constitution.

Feng Yuyao also entered the Phoenix vein.

"I hope Brother Xiao Yun can enter the sacred realm!" Xiao Feng also expected.

He was taken away by the people of the Sanctuary Xiao.

Including Xiao Wu and others.

"Now that the road of God is about to open, we must have a chance to meet each other!" Zhao Zheng is also full of expectations for the future. "Perhaps you have already reached the peak when you see you again."

For Xiao Yun, he is also full of confidence.

This youth has done so many miracles. Wouldn't it fall into the ancient road like this this time?

"A moment's success or failure is not enough to be decadent, nor does it require pride. At the end, it is the true king!" Tian Qingshan muttered to himself as he stepped on the door of the sanctuary.

This time, Xiao Yun, who defeated him easily, failed to enter the sanctuary.

Even the peerless follower of him is dead or alive.

However, he, who is not too eye-catching, has stepped into the sanctuary.

This made him feel.

The geniuses of the five domains set foot in the sanctuary.


At this time, at the foot of a mountain.

This is an ancient tribe.

Among the tribes, there is an ancient courtyard with a simple form and carved with mysterious inscriptions.

At this moment a young man was lying on the rock collapse in a room in the courtyard.

Beside the couch, a kind-hearted elder looked at Xiao Yun carefully.

There was a flash of aura in the elder's eyes.

If there is a divine pattern in this light, it seems to penetrate all mysteries.

"Master, why hasn't this big brother woke up? It's been a month!" A young man about sixteen frowned beside the old man.

The young man was wearing a fur coat and was slightly thinner, but his dark eyes were a little bright.

This light, with a bit of noble temperament.

"His breath is like a dragon and a tiger. Now it seems that he is undergoing metamorphosis. It shouldn't be long before he can wake up." The old man retracted his eyes, then turned back, and said, "Ziyu, take care of him here!" The old man was walking outside, leaving only the young boy who was still a little childish.

"Aye rest assured!" Ming Ziyu nodded, even turning towards the young man lying on the couch.

"This elder brother is strange." Mingzi Yu's eyes were full of curiosity.

This strange young man suddenly discovered when he was deep into the mountains a month ago.

At that time the young man was unconscious and his clothes were broken, leaving only a set of cracked vestments on his body.

It was not enough to surprise him.

He was surprised that the back mountain was full of ferocious beasts, but the young man was not devoured by the ferocious beasts.

You know, those fierce beasts have not eaten their tribe!

But when he went there, all the beasts dared not approach this strange young man.

But Ming Ziyu brought the young man back.

After all, that deep mountain is too dangerous.

"Why is his body flowing like lines?" Ming Ziyu stared at the strange man in front of him curiously.

"This time Xiaoyunzi is blessed by misfortune, and his achievements will be limitless in the future!" However, within this strange man's knowledge of the sea, a turtle opened his mouth.

In addition, a long worm is staring ahead.

And in the vast expanse of space in front of the sea, there is a figure cross-legged.

This figure is absorbing the ambition of mixed yuan.

The pattern of mixed yuan blends into the figure.

Not only that, the bones in his body are also constantly absorbing the patterns of mixed elements.

And this young man is naturally Xiao Yun.

At the time, Zheng Jing detonated the giant spirit deity in the mixed land, causing the space to be disordered, forming a space crack, and teleporting him to this strange place.

Under that kind of crack, Xiao Yun's body was almost torn, and his bones continued to crack.

Fortunately, he cultivated Nirvana uprising, and was supported by the soul of life martial arts. After the bone fractured, he continued to reshape.

In the process of remodeling, the pattern of mixed elements he absorbed before began to merge into his bones.

Even his Yuan Ying is mingling with Yuan Yuan.

This fusion has transformed Xiao Yun's temperament.

Previously, he had quenched the body with the spirit of the mixed element in the mixed element.

But that's not complete.

This time he broke through in the space storm, making his body truly blend with the spirit of mixed elements.

Although I do n’t know what kind of benefits this integration will bring, but the eternal turtle and Phantom Worm can rely on the breath emitted by Xiao Yun to know that this young man will become stronger than before, and that kind of transformation filled them with expectations, of course, During this trip, they also absorbed a lot of mixed gas and got a lot of benefits.

Sanctuary, somewhere in the forbidden area shrouded in golden godliness.

This is a gorge with mountains in front.

There are many young people waiting at this time.

These people are staring at the light gate in front of the mountain wall.

This is a light gate like the sun.

Within the light gate, there are dazzling light patterns blooming. These light patterns flash like sharp blades and can tear the void.

Within the light veins, there was a shock of divine power, causing everyone else to retreat far away.

This is the cave house left by the gods, which has the heritage of God.

Beyond this light gate, Chu Yang was staring forward with full face.

In addition, there are Chen Shaohua and others.

"I don't know what level Yunfei will be after he comes out?" Chen Shaohua's eyes opened.

"This time, my eldest brother has entered Tianyang Shenjun Cave, and he has already gained something. He will be able to stand out in the Jiuyang Holy Palace in the future!" Chu Yang said with a smile.

Just now his elder brother has summoned him, saying that he has inherited it.

This has made Chuyang very excited ~ ~ Since they came to the sanctuary, they have been sending people under the fence, and they have been very miserable.

If their elder brother can achieve something and be trained by the Jiuyang Holy Palace, they will also have people to rely on.

"Tianyang God is the most powerful person in the world. If he inherits it, he is destined to rise in the future!" Beside Chu Yang, Chu Gaofei murmured in silence.

He had originally traveled to this cave.

Unfortunately, in the end he returned without success.

Instead, Chu Yunfei insisted on being the last.

This made him extremely bitter.

"Come out, come out!" At this time, exclaimed sounds.


I saw a flash of light ahead, but a young man stepped out of the forbidden area.

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