Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1646: Ambush in the air

On the stage of the Shenxu, the three gods of Yuwen Family, Qingtian Family, and Giant Spirit Family intend to use their own astrolabe to leave.

This makes the elders of all ethnic groups suspicious.

"The people of these three clan seem to be weird!" Jiehong frowned.

"This Xiao Yun overwhelmed his contemporaries in the realm of Shenxu, showing a worldly attitude. Now these three races are afraid to sit up and be restless." Youwing demigod murmured.

At this moment his brow was also locked.

"You mean they will?" Wen Yan said, Juehong's eyes were worried.

Novel ww.zhu.

"I think this will change for the most part!" Youyi semi-sinister.

In fact, it is not only them, but the demigods of all races are as clear and bright.

Now Xiao Yun has shown a worldly posture, and he is destined to rise in the future, and be proud of all directions.

Once he entered the ancestral land of the Xiao family and achieved the demigod, it would not be so easy to kill him.

Therefore, if he wants to make a shot, he must hurry before he enters the ancestral land of the Xiao family.

Will the three groups such as Yu Wenshi miss this opportunity?

Obviously, they have already settled their grievances and they will certainly not give up on this.

Although no one broke it, it was already a well-known thing.

It's terrible for a guy to be grown up.

That will not be comparable to ordinary people.

call out!

At this time, Xiao Yun and others crossed the sky and constantly shuttled in Xinghe.

"Oh, son, what happened to you in that boundary of Shenxu? Why did the fire of the soul almost go out before?"

As the Phantom moved forward, he could not help asking.

Long-lived turtles are also curious.

"I encountered an ambush inside, and almost sneered." Xiao Yun simply said things.

After hearing this, Phantom and Longevity Turtle were also thrilled.

"Fortunately, the son understands the meaning of life and can be reborn with Nirvana.

The phantom took a deep breath.

"The mystery of life is magical." Longevity Turtle couldn't help but praise.

"Is this the artifact you got from the realm of Shenxu?" At this moment, the Phantom Worm flickered toward the goddess. "There is a **** pattern on it, but there is nothing special about it. Can this thing be related to the secret of becoming a god? "In this regard, Phantom Worm was deeply skeptical, feeling only a broken goddess. What secret can it have?

"There is a special breath of God on it." The Longevity Tortoise also carefully sensed the breath of Shentai.

Except that, it can't refer to anything.

"The Shinto is still far away, so let's talk about the day when the Shinto really opens!" Xiao Yun didn't care too much about it.

What he wants now is to improve his strength first.

If you have strength, you can fly for nine days without fear of others.

"Huh!" Wen Yan said, and Changsheng Turtle nodded.

"Boy, have you got a fetish? Would you like to show this seat?" At this time, the voice of the Supreme Devourer came.

When Xiao Yunyuan infant was included in the deity at first, the breath of the gods was exposed, so the Supreme Devourer felt something.

"Show me?" After hearing the words, Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, revealing hesitation.

"Why! I'm afraid this feat won't rob you of your fetish?" Swallowed the sky with a beard and stared.

"Slightly!" Xiao Yun hesitated slightly, and then he moved his mind and tried to ingest the god's tower directly into the **** tower.


I did n’t know that his mind was moving, and a force of repulsion shook away, making it impossible for him to introduce Shentai from the sea of ​​knowledge into the devouring tower in the body.

It seems that the **** tower cannot accommodate the **** tower.

"What's going on?" Such a scene surprised Xiao Yun.

"Can't introduce it?" The Supreme Devourer sensed this fluctuation.

"Um." Xiao Yun nodded.

"Then you evolved it directly, let this seat take a look." Tuntian Supreme said.

Xiao Yun's mind moved, trying to imprint the look of the god.

Originally, the sacred stage seemed to be repelled, not to be imprinted.

There is inexplicable divine power in it.

But Xiao Yun's mind moved and tried to control the sacred platform to suppress the rejection.

Because when Shentai merged, Xiao Yun's soul breath was integrated, which made him have a flesh-and-blood connection with Shentai.

In this way, Xiao Yun was able to imprint the look of Shentai.

Then the appearance of Shentai appeared in the swallowing **** tower.

"This **** pattern, yes, yes, what a familiar pattern!" Seeing this, swallowing the sky to reveal the color of memory.

"Do you know this thing?" Xiao Yun asked.

"This thing may really be related to the secret of becoming a god. You must take it away, and never give it to others!" Supreme Heavenly King didn't answer, but he looked calmly and silently.

"Really related to the secret of becoming a god?" Xiao Yun frowned, "What secret is it?"

"It's not easy to say now, when the time comes, everything will naturally come to pass, anyway, you just put this thing away." Tuntian Supreme said.

"Um." Xiao Yun nodded when he heard.

At this point he was also convinced that this altar was indeed important.

The astrolabe crossed the galaxy, and finally passed through the starry barrier.

The kind of oppression of the galaxy when passing through the starry barrier is also much less.

"Where are you going now?" Xiao Yun asked.

"Find a teleportation array and go directly to the ancestor of the Xiao family!" Xiao Mu said, "Now I have informed the strong among the clan and let them come to meet us."

He seemed to take the matter seriously.

"Are people here to answer?" Wen Yan said, Xiao Yun also felt that the situation was serious.

The atmosphere on the astrolabe seemed inexplicable.

The sons of Kirin, Princess Kirin, and others are all astonished.

Even Ming Ziyu's palm could not help but tighten.

He knew that maybe a storm was about to set off.


Soon after the astrolabe burst out of the starry sky, a ripple rippled across the void ahead.

"Someone!" When the ripples rose, Xiao Mu immediately became wary.

The Xiao Kuanglong had a long beard flying, and a powerful momentum had accumulated in his body.

Xiao Linger, Zuo Shaoqin, and Na Fu Lao were all ready to deal with the change.

At this moment, the light and shadow flashed ahead, and an elder wearing a gold robe emerged from the void.

This man's gold robe danced with the wind, his long beard flew, and behind him was a dazzling golden light bloom, and a vast divine power swept through it, causing the astrolabe in front to tremble and stop the trend of advance. People's faces were all changed, "It's Yuwen Wuji the old ghost!" Xiao Mu's eyes lightened.

"Yu Wen is jealous?" Na Fu Lao looked dignified ~ ~ This is the talent of Yu Wenshi! "The twelve demigods next to the Ice and Snow Holy Palace are also full of face.

Yuwen is almost 700 years old.

But his reputation still made his children known.

"Xiao Kuanglong, surrender that Xiao Yun!" Yu Wen's eyes flickered, and the golden vertical eyes of the eyebrows opened and closed, and the gods flickered through the light pattern shrouded by the astrolabe and saw the inside. Everything, then his eyes locked on Xiao Yun, and the low voice rang through the sky.

The billowing sound waves swayed, making a high wave aloft.

The people on the horoscope frowned suddenly.

But Xiao Kuanglong took a step forward, his body's divine power bloomed, and through the astrolabe, he shook directly toward the front.

Suddenly, the sky in front of the sky collided with shock, and the terrible momentum hit the kilometer wave, but the astrolabe stood as if standing in the galaxy.

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