Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1686: Fight face

Taichen, the **** of the White Tigers, performed ancient Tiangong.

But still Xiao Yun repelled.

As a result, Mo said those who watched the battle, even the son of Taichen, were shocked.

"This Xiao Yun can actually force Taichen back?" On the viewing platform, the gods were finally moved at this time.

They shot a moment ago, and they all clearly felt the worldly power displayed by the Son of Taichen.

But this is the case, but still failed to win this genius.

+ Pig + pig + island + fiction ww.zhom This result is beyond everyone's expectations.

"This little Yunzi is so powerful?"

It has stayed in the demon domain, and has seen the power of the **** son who swallowed the tits, and knows the power of the **** son.

But now this little Yunzi can actually retreat.

Is this kind of combat power going to catch up with the ancient heroes?

It can be said that the geniuses of all races in the Demon Realm were surprised when the body of Taichen's son collapsed.

Such as the son of Long Yan, son of Yu Lin, and so on.

On the battle platform, Taichen's son stared.

Although temporarily defeated, it was not discouraged.

On the contrary, the momentum on his body became stronger and stronger, and the white divine pattern flickered out from the body, intertwined in all directions.

This time it will continue to evoke the power of blood, intending to give it all.

Seven Kill Steps, Fourth Step, Broken Star!

A low voice came from the mouth of Taichen God.

Then he saw that his body was shaking, and his sole stepped forward suddenly.

When this step was taken, the four sides of the void obviously had three imprints of the **** pattern rising, a powerful force pulling each other together on its feet.

White Tiger Seven Kills!

Every step is stronger than a step!

When this step was taken, the situation changed, and there was a shock of worldly power.

The white soles fell, and there was a tendency to break the stars.

"This step is more than twice as powerful as the previous step!" When this step was taken, Xiao Yun's face also changed slightly.

The power of the White Tiger's seven killers shocked him.

This is definitely a powerful killing technique in Gu Tiangong.

"Smashing Stars!" At this time, Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed, and he also urged the second one of the seven styles.

This time, he stretched out his fingers and went empty.


Fingers flickered, carrying the supreme power toward the front.

This refers to Mang's passing, the void is broken, and there is a tendency to destroy everything.

The same is the broken star, which contains a strong attacking force.

Now the two meet, the supernatural powers confrontation, the void breaks, and cracks stir like dragons and snakes, exuding a terrifying breath.

The power of Xiao Yun's finger in the middle of the finger was like a blade. He wanted to tear everything, burst of warfare and burst the stars.

This style seems to be Xiao Yun's strongest blow now.

The Son of Taichen overwhelmed the sky, but it was also difficult to shatter that finger.

The two are confronting each other, constantly impacting and dissolving each other's supernatural power.

The storm of terror also swept away as the clashes erupted.

The kind of storm seemed to wipe out everything and made people scared.

The people watching the game all tightened their nerves, revealing their dignity.

Even when the **** son frowned, he felt a kind of wave that made him feel pressure.


This entanglement lasted for a while, and then people in the distance saw that the fingertips collapsed, but the giant palms were also shaken by flying, and the divine pattern was cracked, unable to step down.

The violent fluctuations were like mad dragons, raging towards the two.

"Actually resisted this blow from me!" Taichen's son looked surprised.

The god's veins condense in his body, and he wants to continue to shoot.

However, in the end, the **** pattern condensed on the sole of the foot collapsed.

Today, it can't evolve all the seven killing steps.

After all, this is ancient Tiangong. It is a mystery of the gods. If it is not in the state of the gods, even if it is a son of the god, it can only be performed to this step.

On the opposite side, Xiao Yun's blood and blood rolled in his body, and he looked dignified.

These seven killing steps are very strong, Rao is that he used the power of mixed yuan to fail to prevail.

"Unless my hybrid power has further evolved and derived divinity, I can't defeat it!" Xiao Yunmu blinked and murmured.

His realm is still one step behind.

Although he is not weak quasi-god!

But the Tao of Heaven and Earth is different from other roads, it is too difficult for him to go further.

Moreover, he felt the lack of his own power.

I feel unsustainable.

If he has enough power, he will be stronger.

In this way, the two are in opposition.

Then, Taichen's son took a step forward, starting from the first step, and evolved into seven killing steps.

But this time he set foot quickly, and it was quite fierce.

When the son of Taichen took the shot, Xiao Yun was also not polite. The step that took place was to evolve the Qitian Qi.

But he can only evolve two styles now.

In the third form, he was not able to perform it.

It's just two styles, but it's invincible.


On the battlefield, the two let go of a battle, the faster the battle, the more fierce the battle.

The power of the blood of God Taichen is constantly being released.

Xiao Yun's warfare is getting stronger and stronger, and he is invincible like the **** of war.

The White Tigers are called God of War!

Xiao is a war clan!

Both clans are getting more and more fierce.

Encounter now, the battle is actually comparable, it is difficult to distinguish the winner.

But people in the distance can find that the momentum on both sides is rising.

"It seems that it is difficult for them to distinguish the winner." The five **** sons gave each other a murmur.


The war pattern rose and turned into a bright light.

The last two retreated.

"It's really strong." God Taichen's eyes blinked.

After glancing at the young man on the opposite side, the monstrous momentum was finally gradually restrained, and the situation on the battlefield slowly subsided.

On the opposite side, Xiao Yun's war intentions were restrained, and when the hair was flying, the power of the mixed Yuan did not enter the body.

In the first battle, he shot with all his strength.

However, this son of Taichen is very strong. Once Gu Tiangong came out, each step was stronger, which is a bit more mysterious than Xiao's Qi Tian Qi.

It is also Xiao Yun that combines the power of the Yuanyuan and the rebirth of uprising, otherwise it is difficult to compete with the Taichen Godson by virtue of this realm.

"There is no real stepping into the quasi-god realm, but there is this combat power, worthy of being a master of the world!" God Taichen's eyes flashed and he whispered to Xiao Yun.

"I hope there will be opportunities to learn from each other."

Today, it has been eye-catching to Xiao Yun and has been placed on a level.

It even looks forward to confrontation in the future, hoping to have more sparks.

"Seven kills of the white tiger, deserved reputation!" Xiao Yun also arched.

He also felt deeply about these seven kills.

Originally, the first three steps of Xiao Yun could be easily defeated.

But after the fourth step, Xiao Yun was already struggling.

Even if he has amazing power, the reincarnation mystery is difficult to reverse this powerful force.

When the power reaches the extreme, you can push everything.

After arching hands, Taichen God strolled and returned to his seat.

Xiao Yun remained on the battlefield.

"Xiao Yun and the Son of God battled each other. It coincided with the beginning of the month. Everyone had a month and a ticket. Everyone gave it a boost. The ticket made Xiao Yun stronger and crushed countless gods." On the battlefield, the old demon saw Xiao Yun win. But he squinted his eyes and said, "To make up for you, the old demon is in the prestige, and the signal sends out a lingering awakening life pattern. You can go to see, search, demon moon night, prestige, the signal is me, no It ’s not me. You can also search for pinyin directly. It ’s the pinyin of my pseudonym, plus the year of my birth, Wahaha. "

The old demon said, "Back, Ling Xi ~ ~ you can see."

"Oh, Xiao Xiaozi's fighting power is so amazing, I am so respectful of contemporary people!" On the viewing platform, the high-phoenix son laughed loudly, said.

"This time I can see Xiao Gongzi's peerless style, when drinking 3,000 cups!" Long Xun Shenzi also smiled.

In this way, their meaning is clear, and they are no longer challenging.

Because it is meaningless to continue to challenge.

A child of the next generation, but can compete with them.

Even if I barely beat it, there was nothing to be proud of.

So everyone dismissed the challenge.

In this way, Xiao Yun strolled and returned to his seat.

Several demon **** sons took out their fine wine to celebrate with Xiao Yun and others.

Yi Yi was so happy that her eyes narrowed.

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