Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1693: I do not deserve?

"Sir, Lingxi, you are aloof, and can you be a man worthy of you?"

The **** son of Jiuqing Holy Palace spoke.

The meaning of this statement is very simple. That is, Xiao Yun is a mortal, not even the Son of God.

"Oh, it's not so easy to want to sit and embrace the beauties!"

Everyone looked like a play.

Looking at this posture, it seems that Xiao Yun is not worthy of Ling Xi.

& nbsp, pig, pig, island, novel ww.zhuzhuda; only a child of later generations.

What if he is a contemporary man?

What a contemporary man is before the Son of God is scum.

Even if he has any bad luck?

That emperor was not his father.

Who knows if the emperor has been ridiculed?

Many people think so.

Of course, most people who have such a mind are jealous of Xiao Yun.

Some people don't recognize this contemporary talent.

In addition, more people are watching and watching movies.

Various strange expressions and murmurs from a few people filled the venue.

In this regard, Xiao Yun seemed very indifferent, only to see his eyebrows bend, and toward the **** son of the Jiuqing Holy Palace, he immediately evoked a faint smile and said, "But I don't know what this man is, who is worthy My home is lingering? "In his smile, it was obviously a bit of fun, what **** son, he did not look at.

Since the other party did not give him Xiao Yun's face, he was too lazy to give face.

"You ..." Seeing Xiao Yun's eyes staring, he asked directly, Lin Chen frowned, slightly hesitant, then he settled down, and proudly said, "How can I have a noble birth like me? The Son of God is worthy of Ling Xi. "Originally, he did not dare to say this, because Ling Xi had been cold to him before.

But when he thought that his father was a half step god, he was relieved.

His grandpa is a **** king!

Although this status is worse than Ling Feng, it is not weak.

You know, his father and grandfather still claimed to be buried in the land of gods.

As long as the Divine Way opens, his father can be born.

In this way, the dignity of his identity can be imagined.

The same is true, he dare to say directly that he is worthy of Ling Xi.

As soon as this word came out, the gods of all races nodded slightly.

Although Lin Chen is not the best among the sons of gods, he is also good.

Such an identity is rare in the Son of God.

"You?" Wen Yun said, but Xiao Yun raised a brow, and then said, "You deserve it if you deserve it?"

He looked scornful.

Seeing Xiao Yun's look of such contempt, this godson is in anger.

Ling Feng next to her frown.

"Why, you don't agree?" Xiao Yun was still very indifferent, not giving Lin Chen any face at all.

Lin Chen frowned, and his momentum accumulated in his body, a look that was about to erupt at any time.

Just at this moment, Ling Xi stared at Lin Chen with a look of disgust.

The light of the eye was almost like looking at an idiot.

Who is it!

Not worthy of talk.

He also wants to deserve her Ling Xi?

What **** son!

Even gods, gods ...

She didn't like it and was in vain.

"Yun, ignore him, let's talk over there!" Ling Xi took a look at Lin Chen and walked along with Xiao Yun's arm.

This action is everything.

Ling Xi was dismissive of Lin Chen.

She chose Xiao Yun.

The distant practitioner was dumbfounded.

"What's so good about Xiao Yun?" Many frowned.

"Damn!" Looking at Ling Xi and Xiao Yun who walked forward, Lin Chen had a gloomy expression and cursed in his mouth.

He really was so angry at this moment that he couldn't help it, and taught Xiao Yun.

But as a Son of God, if he is so hasty, he will be too disidentified.

In this way, the people in Jiuqing Holy Palace watched Xiao Yun and Ling Xi leave.

"This guy really has a leg with Saint Ling Xi?" Xu Yiwen glared in the back, glaring.

"Sheng Lingxi seems to be really the daughter of Xiao Yun's son!" Many women in Jiuqing Holy Palace showed surprise.

However, Ling Feng frowned and glanced back at these people.

In this way, these talents stopped the uproar.

"This Xiao Yun son is a master of the world, it's not bad!"

"But this Ling Ling is a **** in her previous life.

"This Xiao Yun's identity is still worse after all!"

"What! There is an emperor behind Xiao Yun, how many people have fallen behind that emperor at the beginning? In my opinion, Lady Ling Xi has a good relationship with this Xiao Yun, but she will not mind her origin. . "Although these women of Jiuqing Palace were not talking, they were still curious and secretly communicated by voice.

"This Ling, really chose a child of the next generation?" The other three goddesses of Jiuqing Holy Palace were surprised, "Is a child of the next generation comparable to the child of the god?" This filled them with curiosity. In their opinion, even if Ling Xi and Xiao Yun had a relationship before, she should give up after she awakened the life pattern.

After all, her vision would be even higher after she awakened her fate.

When some gods were born, who else deserves her?

She should choose to take the initiative to draw a line with Xiao Yun!

But is Ling Xi's feelings for Xiao Yun comparable to these people?

"These people don't think Xiao Yun is worthy of this woman?" Of course, some people shook their heads and smiled.

Among them are Xiao's talents.

There is also the genius of the demon tribe.

Such as Taichen God Son and others.

They have really seen Xiao Yun's combat power.

A child of a future generation can reach this point. The size of the Qianlong can never be measured by his achievements at this time.

Even if Xiao Qianlong even looked at Xiao Yun at this moment, he thought that the latter was more than himself.

But at this time, the people in the Jiuqing Holy Palace said that Xiao Yun was mortal and not worthy of Ling Xi?

Isn't this joking?

Of course, these things, naturally they will not say at this time.

Everything will be verified by time.

Under the stare of surprised eyes, Ling Xi and Xiao Yun returned to the seat where Xiao's was.

Seeing Xiao Yun and Ling Xi's intimate look, Xiao Linger frowned slightly.

"Sister Ling Xi!" Xiao Linger took the initiative to say hello to Ling Xi, though she was not happy.

"Sister Linger!" Come here ~ ~ After seeing so many acquaintances, Ling Xi feels inexplicably much better.

There seems to be a kind atmosphere here.

Later, Sister Ren Keying also said hello to Ling Xi.

Although Ren Kexin also felt strange to see Ling Xi, he didn't say much.

"This is my God's Son ..." Xiao Yun introduced everyone to Ling Xi.

"This is the Dragon Dragon ..."

Everyone also got up and said hello to Ling Xi.

"This woman's temperament is transcendent, her looks are peerless, and she deserves Xiao Yun."

They don't think Xiao Yun is worthy of Ling Xi.

Regardless of the origin of this woman, Xiao Yun's talent is enough to be worthy of any woman.

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